Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
La Bajada, April 15, 1956

La Bajada. 1956. Ranch.

Las Peidras, April 15, 1956

Las Piedras.1956. "Stone ruins of former ranch. A little beyond here the road enters the flat coastal plain."

Comondú Viejo, April 16, 1956

Comondú Viejo. 1956. "Original site of the mission of San José de Comondú, founded by Padre Mayorga in 1708. It was moved 24 mi. south about 1737.

Comondú Viejo, April 17, 1956
Comondú Viejo, April 17, 1956
Comondú Viejo, April 16, 1956
Comondú  , April 16, 1956

Comondú. 1956. "An attractive subsistence farming community in the bottom of a precipitous canyon, surrounded by barren lava mesas. The valley floor is a narrow ribbon of verdue 7 mi. long fed by several springs, which provide enough water to irrigate some 700 acres of rich soil. Figs, raisins, and sugar cane are the principle crops. The complete isolation of the place, and the friendly easy-going attitude of its inhabitants, give it a sort of Shangri-La character, while the groves of date palms and the whitewashed adobe houses clustered at the foot of great frowning cliffs form a tremendously picturesque scene."

Mission building, Comondú, April 21, 1955

Mission building, Comondú. 1955. "The mission church, built in the 1750's, was torn down to make room for a school, but the missionaries' house is still standing and is now used as a chapel."

Mission building, Comondú, April 21, 1955
Kiosko, Comondú, April 13, 1957

Kiosko, Comondú. 1957.