Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
Facade of Loreto mission, April 28, 1957
Loreto Mission, April 28, 1957
Loreto from the air, April 27, 1961
Loreto, April 28, 1957
Street in Loreto, April 28, 1957
Loreto, April 28, 1957
Oldest House, Loreto, April 28, 1957
Peter Gerhard about to leave Loreto, April 27, 1961

Loreto. 1961. Peter Gerhard about to leave Loreto.

Punto Escondido, 1952

Puerto Escondido. 1952. "A branch road extends left to Puerto Escondido, a snug little harbor for small boats and a good campsite."

P. Gerhard at Cuevas Pintas, April 26, 1961

1961. Peter Gerhard at Cuevas Pintas. Prehistoric rock paintings.