Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
El Requesón, 1953

El Requesón. 1953. "A small island connected with the mainland at low tide, making a sandy isthmus which is an ideal camping spot. There are several other beaches along the bay south of here, but none as nice as this."

Canipolé, April 13, 1957

Canipolé. 1957. "Cattle ranch. Good water and meals, and often gasoline, are obtainable."

Londó, April 18, 1955

San Juan Bautista Londó. 1955. "A small farming and cattle-raising community on Arroyo San Bruno. There is a ruined stone chapel built by the Jesuits about 1705, when San Juan was an important visiting station of the Loreto mission."

Londó ruins, April 18, 1955
Londó, April 18, 1955
Londó, April 18, 1955
Loreto Mission, 1950

Loreto. 1950-1961. "The capital of California for 132 years, then almost abandoned for a century, Loreto is now a rather progressive little community with more life than any other town in the central section ... Loreto was the first permanent Spanish settlement in California, selected by the Jesuit Padre Juan María Salvatierra for the site of his capital in 1697."

Loreto Mission, 1950
Loreto, April 28, 1957
Loreto church, April 28, 1957