Welcome back to campus, Tritons! We are so excited to safely welcome you back into our buildings (Geisel Library and the Biomedical Library Building) this fall.
Members of our 2020-2021 Library Student Advisory Council (LSAC) have compiled the following #TritonTips about the Library services and resources they have found most helpful. Check them out below and share your own tips on social media by tagging @ucsdlibrary and #TritonTips!
Researching a topic, but want video footage or oral interviews of live experiences? Stressed out and looking for a new movie to watch? Or maybe just interested in learning a new topic through a documentary? The UC San Diego Library offers all students unlimited free access to Kanopy and other video streaming services! These streaming services offer hundreds of indie films, documentaries, and learning tools all at your disposal. Be connected to UC San Diego’s VPN and access these films either at the Library or off-campus!” Find a list of all streaming services available on the Film, Video & Streaming Media Collections LibGuide: ucsd.libguides.com/fvl.
– Jasmine Law, LSAC 2020-2021
Looking for free tutoring services? Located on the 1st Floor of Geisel Library, the Teaching + Learning Commons offers many services such as academic internship programming (AIP) advising, digital learning support, learning strategies workshops, supplemental instruction, writing tutoring, writing workshops and more! The Academic Achievement Hub offers a variety of discipline-specific tutoring courses taught by a diverse group of students who have excelled in areas of biology, chemistry, economics, math, physics, psychology, political science and statistics. Check out more information on their website: aah.ucsd.edu/content-tutoring.
– LSAC 2020-2021 Member
Have you ever wished you could pick up library books while on the go? Picture this: You need to run all sorts of errands and don’t have time to swing by the Library, but you pick up your library books on the way! Curbside Pickup is available at the Gilman parking structure. Simply request available items online using UC Library Search, wait for an email from Campus Curbside letting you know your items are ready for pick up and head to the Gilman parking structure to get your items! For more info on borrowing Library items using Campus Curbside, visit: lib.ucsd.edu/curbside.
– Christopher Contreras, LSAC 2020-2021
All quarter long you’ve been working on an important research paper for your psychology internship. Everything was going well, but now you realize you need help gathering more research. Lucky for you, the UC San Diego Library offers appointments with subject librarians! There are Librarians for just about every subject area, ready to assist you in your research pathway. Additionally, many subject librarians have created comprehensive Research Guides about their subjects of specialty which include links and information about helpful resources. To find a subject librarian and schedule an appointment, visit: ucsd.libcal.com/appointments.
– LSAC 2020-2021 Member
You are approaching your first round of midterms for the quarter, and you know you really need to focus on studying even though you are really stressed out. Seems like it’s time to take a quick, restful break! The Library offers many virtual and in-person de-stress activities that you can use to unwind your mind and allow yourself to refocus on the important tasks at hand. What new de-stress techniques will you learn to help you out this quarter? Check out the Library’s de-stress activities and publications here: lib.ucsd.edu/de-stress.
– Melissa Heredia, LSAC 2020-2021
Beginning a research project can seem intimidating when you don’t know the best place to start. The subject and course guides offered by the Library are comprised of useful resources like instructions on where and how to start, relevant databases for your independent research and much more. Each of these guides was created by a subject librarian who is well-versed in their field of study. When you visit a subject or course LibGuide, you can contact the subject librarian who created the guide to help direct you with your research. Find all UC San Diego Library Research Guides here: ucsd.libguides.com.
– LSAC 2020-2021 Member