Medical Illustrations Exhibit
January 16 – March 4, 2018
Biomedical Library Breezeway
The UC San Diego Library recently installed a Medical Illustrations exhibit featuring visual literary materials that record and relay medical and biological knowledge. The ongoing exhibit aims to explore the noteworthy craft of artists and writers that have contributed to our understanding of modern medicine.
Among the items on display include illustrations, books, and studies highlighting critical medical achievements. Featured works include a reproduction oil painting on canvas by Rembrandt, vibrant illustrations from Niki de Saint Phalle’s personal call to action in the earliest years of the public health crisis, and examples of Leonardo Da Vinci’s groundbreaking anatomical studies. Additional works include a Native American medicine hut drawn by a Cheyenne warrior and excerpts chronicling the advent of herbal medicine in the nineteenth century.
We are open to suggestions for additional works to showcase in the exhibit. Please send us your ideas via Twitter or Instagram DM @ucsdlibrary.
The exhibit will be up through the month of February in the Biomedical Library Building breezeway.