Library Student Advisory Council Application Period Now Open

The 2023-2024 LSAC cohort standing at the Geisel Library entrance

Looking to make an impact on campus? Join the Library Student Advisory Council (LSAC), a group of undergraduate and graduate students who play an important role in shaping the Library’s policies, services, spaces and collections. Apply for the 2024-2025 academic year by May 4, 2024 at and send any questions to

Not interested in serving on the Council at this time? No worries, but please share this info with a friend who might be interested!

We are looking for students who bring diverse perspectives, academic experiences and personal backgrounds to influence the shape of Library services and spaces that are important to you and your peers.

Examples of initiatives that have been addressed by LSAC in previous years include: 

  • Informing the Tunnel Refresh Strategic Initiative with color palette, study environment and furniture choices.
  • Envisioning a meditation/reflection space.
  • Adding an additional campus posting board in Geisel Library.
  • Infusing the Library with more color and interest, particularly on the active floors.

If you are interested, we invite you to join us for a 30-minute information session on April 16 from 4-4:30 p.m. in the Geisel Library Seuss Room to learn more.

To all current and former LSAC members, thank you for supporting the Library through service on this vital Council. We greatly appreciate your time and talents.