The Library Chimes

Apr 30, 2014
4:00 PM–4:15 PM

The Library Chimes: Hear Bells during Spring Quarter–and See an Exhibit.

Chimes ring out atop the Geisel Library building.
Chimes ring out atop the Geisel Library building.

The carillon atop the Geisel Library building tolls hourly automatically as a timepiece, but for special occasions the bells can be played live manually via a rooftop piano keyboard.
Hear the bells ring out special selections on April 30 at 4:00 p.m. and June 1 at noon.  Both performances are dedicated to carillon donor Joe Rubinger. Rubinger insisted the campus accept the chimes as a gift.  He noticed the absence of a carillon in the 1980’s while he was here organizing and founding the Institute for Continued Learning: “You can’t have school spirit without chimes!”
We will commemorate Rubinger’s birthday on June 1st at noon with a special peal.  The anniversary of his beloved Institute for Continued Learning (now called the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) will be celebrated with a set of Joe’s favorite songs at 4:00 p.m. on June 1st.
Visit Geisel West, 2nd floor during spring quarter to see a small exhibit about Joe’s bells (officially called the Irene Rubinger/ICL Memorial Carillon), including original scores written for our carillon, and unusual ephemera associated with the performances.
For more information: (858) 822-5758 or
