Tell Us How UC It! Exhibit

a picture of the exhibit area include canvas panels on the wall featuring items from the archive, display cases highlighting the brown vs board of education court case, and campus timeline banners
May 10, 2019–Jun 30, 2019
All Day

65 years after the landmark decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education mandated the integration of public schools, equity and inclusion in education remain a dream deferred for many throughout the nation.

On May 17, 1954, in response to Thurgood Marshall’s argument against school segregation, Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the court’s unanimous decision:

“Segregated schools are not equal and cannot be made equal,
and hence they are deprived of the equal protection of the laws.”

Here, at UC San Diego, the legacy of the Brown decision is intertwined with the history of our campus. The names of two of our colleges honor the principles of Brown—Earl Warren and Thurgood Marshall.

In recent years, UC San Diego is taking strides to open its doors to students from traditionally under-represented and underserved communities by enhancing diversity and striving to offer a climate that emphasizes equity and inclusion.

How are we doing? Are you A  PART  or  APART?

Submit your creative work by June 14, 2019 to join the conversation!


Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive captures the voices of UC San Diego students telling their own stories about life on campus. Our campus climate is ever-evolving and changing. Student contributions to the archive reflect these changes on campus and in the wider social and political climate that surrounds us.

Visit the exhibit to learn more about the Brown decision, the evolution of UC San Diego across the years, and join the conversation about equity, diversity, and inclusion on campus.

Tamara Rhodes: