Short Tales from the Mothership

Jan 19, 2017
7:30 PM–8:30 PM

If you enjoy creative writing or hearing original short stories, you won’t want to miss this Flash-Fantasy-Sci-Fiction open mic event. Taken from the sci-fi aesthetics of UC San Diego’s iconic Geisel Library building, the UC San Diego Library is hosting a written/spoken word event for the campus and San Diego communities.tales_from_the_mothership_rd-cropped

Thursday, January 19, 2017

7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Geisel Library, Seuss Room

Writers should send fantasy or science fiction pieces of no more than 250 words to student leader Amber Gallant, at, prior to the live reading. Early entries are due by Tuesday, January 17. At the event you will have the opportunity to read your entry or have it read aloud for you. All are welcome to come listen to these short stories from beyond!
“Short Tales from the Mother Ship” is the first meeting of our micro-fiction project. We’ll identify further writing goals and look for future co-hosts that evening—but, mostly, we’ll be celebrating an elegant genre by listening to short tales from fellow futurists, time-travelers, inventors, artists and writers. This evening is inspired by the short postcard stories that magazine editor George Hay encouraged in the 1970’s. He dared such authors as Arthur C. Clarke to send sci-fi stories that easily fit onto a postcard.
Otherworldly libations from our refreshment laboratory will be served along with live theremin & synthesizer musical interludes.
This event, hosted by the UC San Diego Library in partnership with The Writing + Critical Expression Hub at the Teaching + Learning Commons, is free and open to the public. Questions and general inquiries can be directed to Scott Paulson at or (858) 822-5758.
