A Conversation with Safiya U. Noble

Jul 1, 2015
12:00 PM–1:00 PM

safiya rotating image
What does it take to engage in critical pedagogical practices that reflect our core values to diversity and social responsibility? In this talk, Safiya Umoja Noble will lead a discussion about the theory and practices of critical pedagogy for library and information science practioners and researchers, and how we can think critically about the role of the library and knowledge management in contributing to social justice.
Dr. Noble is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, where she conducts research at the intersection of culture and technology in the design and use of applications on the Internet.  Catch up on Dr. Noble’s research.
Free & Open to the Public.
Refreshments will be served.
Information on Visitor Parking.
Hosted by The Library Diversity & Inclusion Committee
