Rally For Compliance! Competitiveness! Visibility! Impact! (A 2016 Open Access Event)

Oct 27, 2016
12:00 PM–1:30 PM

Hear the latest on UC Open Access Policies, UC’s repository – eScholarship, Peer J, UC Press OA initiatives, and Research Data Curation Services. There will also be ample hands-on opportunities to take action, including: getting your ORCID, refining your Publication Management System profile, and depositing a manuscript to eScholarship. This event will take place at the Biomedical Library in Classroom 3.
RSVP at ucsd.libcal.com.
For more information and questions, contact Serafin Raya at s1raya@ucsd.edu or (858)534-2740.
Don’t miss the Library’s other 2016 Open Access Week events! Open Access to information – the free, immediate, online access to scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use that research as needed – is powerful. The Library is offering a week of interactive activities to learn more about Open Access and opportunities to take action. Click here to find out more.
