New Writing Series: Edgar Garcia

Oct 19, 2022
5:00 PM–6:00 PM

Edgar Garcia is a poet and scholar of the hemispheric cultures of the Americas. He is the author of “Skins of Columbus: A Dream Ethnography” (Fence Books, 2019); “Signs of the Americas: A Poetics of Pictography, Hieroglyphs, and Khipu” (University of Chicago Press, 2020); and “Emergency: Reading the Popol Vuh in a Time of Crisis” (University of Chicago Press, 2022); among other works and collaborations. He is Associate Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago. In 2022-23 he is guest editor in chief of Fence.

This event will be held in the Seuss Room at Geisel Library. There will also be a virtual option for those who prefer to join online. Details:
Meeting ID: 921 6893 1358
Password: 738409
