Making Digital Humanities

Jun 2, 2015
2:30 PM–4:30 PM

Digital Humanities Word Cloud2
What do we need to grow Digital Humanities at UC San Diego?
This panel invites attendees to learn what other campuses are doing to foster DH and envision the future of digital humanities on this campus. “Mapping Digital Futures” demonstrated the range of projects and potential for growth in the use of digital tools for research, teaching, and outreach. What structures, resources, tools, and collaborations can allow these projects to flourish? The panelists will share their extensive experience as digital humanists in order to inspire a larger conversation that can help shape the future of digital humanities at this campus and beyond. RSVP for the event.
Jana Remy, Associate Director of Digital Scholarship, Chapman University
Building a Digital Humanities Program at Chapman University
Dr. Remy teaches the “Introduction to Digital Humanities” course for Chapman University’s M.A. and M.F.A. students. She is a founding member of the DHSoCal network and has helped to organize three local THATCamp events.
Andrea Rehn, Associate Professor of English & Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Center, Whittier College
Critical Pedagogy as Digital Humanities
In the context of a small private liberal arts college, digital humanities, or as we prefer to call it, “Digital Liberal Arts” is a very different proposition from the large scale digital projects often associated with the term. Digital Liberal Arts is an avenue for truly interdisciplinary inquiry and undergraduate research, often made possible by collaborative pedagogies and open learning platforms that are transforming the undergraduate liberal arts classroom. By taking seriously DH principles, DigLibArts stretches the boundaries of where research happens, what counts as research, and who can do it.
Anne Cong-Huyen, Digital Scholar, Whittier College Digital Liberal Arts Program
Critical Digital Pedagogy and Transformative Digital Humanities Praxis 
As a researcher, Dr. Cong-Huyem is a founding member of the Transformative Digital Humanities collective (#transformDH), which aims to broaden the scope of digital humanities work and to increase cultural criticism and social justice oriented work in the field. At Whittier College, she supports digital research and teaching among faculty and staff.
This discussion will be moderated by Stefan Tanaka, Director of the Center for the Humanities.
The Division of Arts & Humanities, the Center for the Humanities, and the UC San Diego Library are proud to host this workshop.
