Las Dos Californias: Alta California and Baja California

Jan 31, 2019–Apr 26, 2019
All Day

European explorers reached the west coast of North America in the mid-sixteenth century, and both Alta California and Baja California have continued to sound their siren calls to the adventurous over the centuries. From those seeking riches for crown and country to Christian emissaries seeking converts to those seeking to settle new lands for personal or economic satisfaction, both Californias have rich histories that are well-documented through a wealth of resources.

Over the years, Special Collections & Archives in the UC San Diego Library has developed extensive collections of rare and unique materials that illustrate the histories of explorations in the Californias, and a small selection is presented in this exhibition. From the expedition of Gaspar de Portola in 1769-1770 to 21st-first century interviews with those who have worked on both sides of the border, Las Dos Californias are revealed.
