POSTPONED — Gray Zones: Collaborating with the Nazis featuring Laura Jockusch

Laura Jockusch
May 16, 2024
5:00 PM–6:30 PM

Update as of 5/10/24: This event has been postponed. More information will be shared once new arrangements have been confirmed.

Besides victims, perpetrators, and bystanders, collaborators are one of the major categories of analysis in the study of the Holocaust. What did collaboration mean for Jews? What made Jews in East and West cooperate with the Nazis? In this lecture, Laura Jockusch addresses this question by exploring the morally thorny issue of collaboration and how it was adjudicated after the war.

Jockusch is the Albert Abramson Associate Professor of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University. Among her many scholarly publications, her book “Collect and Record!” (Oxford University Press, 2012), a study on the beginnings of Holocaust research by Jews and from a Jewish perspective, stands out. Her ongoing research project investigates how Jews conceptualized legal redress after the unprecedented crime of the Nazi genocide of European Jews.

About the Holocaust Living History Workshop

This event is a part of the Holocaust Living History Workshop (HLHW) series, an education and outreach program sponsored by the UC San Diego Library and the Jewish Studies program. It aims to preserve the memories of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust by offering public events involving witnesses, descendants and scholars and through the use of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s Visual History Archive. Past HLHW workshops are now part of the Library’s digital collections and can be accessed online.
