Fireside Chat with Raquel Martin, Ph.D.

Headshot of Raquel Martin, Ph.D.
Feb 22, 2023
11:00 AM–12:30 PM

Join the UC San Diego Library for a special event, planned in celebration of Black History Month, with Raquel Martin, Ph.D. During the event, Martin will lead a conversation about ”Resistance Fatigue” advocacy and restorative practices in the continued work toward freedom. 

Martin holds her Ph.D. in medical and clinical psychology and is passionate about mental health education, activism and critical consciousness. As a research scientist, author and practicing psychologist, Martin contributes to the growing narrative regarding mental health disparities, racial identity and trauma-based interventions. She works directly with patients to help them identify and resolve emotions, beliefs and thoughts that are impacting their mental health. 

As a professor, Martin is passionate about mental health education, activism, and critical consciousness. She actively mentors and advocates for the next generation of clinicians and utilizes a unique approach combining culture, science and history to educate and empower others. She specializes in racism-related stress, racial identity development and anti-racist and anti-oppressive care. 

Attendees are encouraged to submit questions in advance during registration, which is open and required. This event has been produced by the UC San Diego Library’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee in support of the university’s 2023 Black History Month theme, “Black Resistance.”
