All of Us: Accelerating Research Advances and Precision Medicine | Exhibit

Photo of display cases showcasing All of Us Research Program information.
Jul 1, 2024–Oct 15, 2024
All Day

Visit the Sally T. WongAvery Library now through October 15 to learn about the All of Us Research Program and how you can get involved. This long-term initiative aims to accelerate research advances and enhance precision medicine by involving a diverse group of research participants.

Enroll online to help reach the goal of recruiting one million participants nationwide. You can represent your community and gain insights into your health through your participation. The program takes into account participants’ lifestyle, environment and genetics. After enrolling, participants will have a one-time, free, in-person appointment, which includes a genetic analysis that may reveal ancestry and health-related information.

UC San Diego students can take part as volunteers. Online training in human subjects research and data collection is available, along with opportunities to assist with recruitment and outreach. Interested students can email

For researchers, anonymized data from All of Us participants is available for independent analysis. Curated datasets are accessible through the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Apply online to use the Workbench and its resources.

Stop by to learn more.

Karen Heskett