9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Carillon Peal

Sep 11, 2023
12:00 PM–1:00 PM

On Monday, September 11, 2023, at 12 p.m. UC San Diego will hold the annual remembrance ceremony for the lives lost on 9/11 due to terrorist attacks. You are invited to join members of the Veterans Staff Association and the UC San Diego Police Department for the ceremony to be held at the Memorial Tree on Warren Mall at the foot of the Snake Path.

At noon, the carillon on top of Geisel Library will ring to initiate a moment of silence, followed by a special music carillon peal composed by Scott Paulson of the UC San Diego Library. A short program will then be held, including the laying of a wreath at the base of the Memorial Tree. Special flags, recognizing the lives lost on 9/11, will be posted at the Memorial Tree from morning to evening. Members of the campus community are encouraged to pay their respects throughout the day.

Scott Paulson

Image Credit: Erik Jepsen / UC San Diego