Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    Data from: Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves

    • This collection contains data presented in: "Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves." This includes a mosaic of sea surface temperature, spectral analysis of temperature structures, surface velocities, and areas undergoing breaking.
    • Date: 2015-08-01
  2. Collection

    Shore Stations Program Data Archive: Current and historical coastal ocean temperature and salinity measurements from California stations

    • Data from the Shore Stations Program consists of current and historical daily, manual measurements of surface temperature and salinity from the nine active stations located on the California coastline.
    • Date: 1916 to present
  3. Collection

    Meteorological and Aerosol Measurements near the Salton Sea, California

    • This collection contains meteorological and aerosol measurements collected at a field site located near the western shoreline of the Salton Sea, California. These data are designed to study the dynamics and physical properties of dust storms and other aerosol events in the region.
    • Date: 2019-12 to present
  4. Collection

    Underway Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) Data Archive

    • Underway shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (SADCP) database assembled from the public archive of CODAS post-processed data.
    • Date: 1990 to 2020
  5. Collection

    Data from: Lineage tracing shows that cell size asymmetries predict the dorsoventral axis in the sea star embryo

    • Microscopy data relative to measurements of cell sizes in early embryos of 3 echinoderm species (Patiria miniata, Lytechinus pictus and Patiriella regularis) and to lineage tracing experiments in the sea star Patiria miniata.
    • Date: 2018 to 2022
  6. Collection

    Historical Catalog of Winter Weather Regimes Impacting California, 1949-2017

    • This dataset contains a historical catalog of daily atmospheric winter weather regimes observed over the North Pacific and western North America spanning 1949-2017. These weather regimes have been identified as important drivers of atmospheric river landfalls, Santa Ana winds, floods, and wildfires in California.
    • Date: November-February 1949 to 2017
  7. Collection

    Data from: SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine

    • This data set contains the files necessary to recreate the results in the paper "SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine".
    • Date: 2020-08 to 2022-03
  8. Collection

    Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) Surface Meteorological Observational Dataset

    • CW3E Surface Meteorological Observational Dataset: temperature, relative humidity, pressure, precipitation, and soil moisture and temperature at six levels collected every 2 minutes, from 11 stations in the Russian, Yuba, Feather, and Prado watersheds.
    • Date: 2017 to present
  9. Collection

    XRF and FTIR data from Pismo Beach Air Quality Study from May 2019 - May 2021

    • XRF and FTIR atmospheric aerosol measurements from five campaigns conducted in the Oceano Dunes from May 2019 to May 2021. This includes dust, sea salt, non-sea salt sulfate, organic mass, and an unidentified fraction.
    • Date: 2019-05-14 to 2021-05-24
  10. Collection

    Scripps Argo Trajectory-Based Velocity Product

    • This collection contains absolute velocity estimates from quality controlled Argo trajectory files. Both Scripps trajectory products include trajectories from Core, BGC and Deep Argo floats starting in 2001. The Scripps trajectory products provide velocities between 800-1200 dbar or 100-6200 dbar.
    • Date: 2001 through 2020