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Scripps-KAUST Regional Integrated Prediction System (SKRIPS)
- A regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model (based on MITgm, WRF, and ESMF) to study air--sea feedbacks.
- Date: 2019
SeaFET & SeapHOx
- Documentation for SeaFET and SeapHOx oceanographic sensors.
- Date: 2008 to 2021
Shore Stations Program Data Archive: Current and historical coastal ocean temperature and salinity measurements from California stations
- Data from the Shore Stations Program consists of current and historical daily, manual measurements of surface temperature and salinity from the nine active stations located on the California coastline.
- Date: 1916 to present
Solomon Sea SPICE Mooring Data
- Moorings were deployed in the Solomon Sea outflow channels to measure water velocity, temperature, and salinity as a part of an international experiment to observe and monitor the ocean circulation of the southwest Pacific Ocean.
- Date: 2012-07-15 to 2015-08-16
Southern California Narrow Cold-Frontal Rainband (NCFR) Catalogue (1995-2020)
- The following dataset includes the complete list of NCFR events for Southern California from 1995-2020. Supplemental figures including synoptic meteorology plots using ERA5 reanalysis data, level-II NEXRAD composite plots created using LROSE, and water year and monthly NCFR figures are also provided. A README file desribing each component is included.
- Date: 2019 to 2020
Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) and Global Ocean Biogeochemistry (GO-BGC) Biogeochemical-Argo Float Data Archive
- Data from biogeochemical Argo profiling floats within the SOCCOM and GO-BGC programs. Additional floats outside of these programs may also be included, provided their data-streams are managed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).
- Date: 2014-03-27 to present
Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) Float Data Archive
- Biogeochemical profiling floats in the Southern Ocean deployed by the SOCCOM program.
- Date: 2014-03-27 to 2022-05-19
Spherical Sound Search
- Video and audio recordings of virtual reality concerto, mixed reality minuet, and augmented reality rock performances from a concert that presented Extended Reality (XR) musical instrument research.
- Date: 2020-01 to 2020-02
Stack Gas and Plume Aerosol Measurements from Renewable Diesel and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel in At-Sea Operation of Research Vessel Robert Gordon Sproul
- Gas and particle emissions from the R/V Sproul were measured in September 2014 and 2015 using two sets of real-time instruments, with gas analyzers sampling directly from the stack and particle instruments intercepting the “fresh” plume, directly after emission into the atmosphere.
- Date: 2014-09-29 to 2015-12-05
Standard Operating Procedure Documents for Coral Reef Ecological Monitoring
- This collection contains documents describing methods used by the Sandin Lab to collect standardized coral reef community ecology data.
- Date: 2010 to Present
Structural Tests of Full-Scale Composite Airframe-Representative Structure under Blunt Loading Simulating High-Energy Wide Area Blunt Impact (HEWABI) by Ground Service Equipment
- Datasets from High Energy Wide Area Blunt Impact (HEWABI) specimens testing performed at UCSD between August and December 2019.
- Date: 2019-08 to 2019-12
STXM-NEXAFS Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles from the Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES) in January-February 2018
- Airborne and shipboard measurements of organic composition during the Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES) in January-February 2018 provide organic functional groups by scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) with near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) for particles 0.25 – 1.75 µm diameter.
- Date: 2018-01-15 to 2018-02-26
Supplemental large-area imaging data from: Groundtruthing assessments of lab-based coral thermal tolerance with large-area imaging
- This collection includes the supplemental large-area imaging (LAI) data from a study conducted on three reefs in southern Taiwan with different thermal histories. The study compared in-situ LAI monitoring with ex-situ experiments with the goal of groundtruthing the experimental results.
- Date: 2022-04-20 to 2022-09-23
SWellEx-96 Experiment Acoustic Data
- SWellEx96 was an ocean acoustic experiment, conducted off San Diego, May 1996. It collected broadband/multitone signals between 50 and 400 Hz on horizontal, vertical, and tilted line arrays.
- Date: 1996-05-10 to 1996-05-18
Teaching Bee
- This collection of documents provides teaching exercises and information for instructors of students ranging from junior high school through college.
- Date: 2005 to 2013
The Atmospheric River-CONNected objECT (AR-CONNECT) algorithm applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA V2) - 1983 to 2016
- The Atmospheric River-CONNected objECT (CONNECT) algorithm is applied to global Integrated Water Vapor Transport (IVT) data from the NASA MERRA-2 reanalysis product for the period 1983 to 2016.
- Date: 2019 to 2020
The Bangarang Project
- Data associated with the "Bangarang Project", Eric Keen's dissertation study on the foraging ecology of whales in the Kitimat Fjord System, British Columbia.
- Date: 2013-05 to 2015-09
The Catalyst at UC San Diego
- The Catalyst, founded summer of 2021, is an inclusive, open access paper series under the Undergraduate Research Hub at UCSD which aims to empower the voices of students who have a passion for conducting research.
- Date: 2021 to present
The Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats Database (C-GORD)
- C-GORD (The Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats Database) provides access to the data generated by the NIDA center for genetic studies of drug abuse and other behaviors as well as physiological phenotypes in N/NIH heterogeneous stock (HS) rats; the data is collected by more than 15 research projects.
- Date: 2014 to present
The CONNected objECT, or CONNECT algorithm applied to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA V2) - Integrated Water Vapor from 1980 to 2016
- The CONNected objECT (CONNECT) algorithm is applied to global Integrated Water Vapor Transport (IVT) data from the NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications – Version 2 reanalysis product for the period 1980 to 2016.
- Date: 2016
The Cross-Surfzone/Inner-shelf Dye Exchange (CSIDE) Study
- Observational data and analysis from the NSF-funded Cross-Surfzone/Inner-shelf Dye Exchange (CSIDE) Study.
- Date: 2015
Training image data for: Environmental and ecological drivers of harmful algal blooms in the Southern California Bight
- The datasets include example images of marine protists and copepods. The images were collected by the Scripps Plankton Camera (, located at the end of the Scripps Pier, La Jolla, CA, at the tide-dependent depth of approximately 3-4 m.
- Date: 2015 to 2019
Transient Rip-currents on the Stratified Inner-shelf
- Transient Rip-currents (TRCs) are an important coastal phenomenon, driving cross-shore surf-zone and inner-shelf exchange. Archived herein are idealized numerical simulation output used to evaluate TRC effects on the stratified inner-shelf.
- Date: 2019 to 2020
Underway Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) Data Archive
- Underway shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (SADCP) database assembled from the public archive of CODAS post-processed data.
- Date: 1990 to 2020
Western Pacific Atmospheric River Object Data from MODE detection software using West-WRF, GEFS, and MERRA-2
- The collection contains NetCDF files of atmospheric river objects as processed through the Method for Object-based Diagnostic Evaluation software.
- Date: 2006-12 to 2017-03
Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) Study
- The WHEL Study was a multisite, randomized, controlled trial of the effectiveness of a high-vegetable, low-fat diet in reducing additional breast cancer events and early death in women with early-stage invasive breast cancer.
- Date: 1995 to 2006
XRF and FTIR data from Pismo Beach Air Quality Study from May 2019 - May 2021
- XRF and FTIR atmospheric aerosol measurements from five campaigns conducted in the Oceano Dunes from May 2019 to May 2021. This includes dust, sea salt, non-sea salt sulfate, organic mass, and an unidentified fraction.
- Date: 2019-05-14 to 2021-05-24