Library Digital Collections

Browse by Collection: UCSD Research Data Collections

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  1. Collection

    Data from: Wave-Current Interactions at Meso and Submesoscales: Insights from Idealized Numerical Simulations

    • This collection contains output from idealized simulations of wave-current interactions produced using the wave model WAVEWATCH III and analyzed by Villas Bôas et al. (2020) [doi:10.1175/JPO-D-20-0151.1]. The data can be used in conjunction with the open-source code [] to reproduce all figures in the paper.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  2. Collection

    Data Science & Engineering Master of Advanced Study (DSE MAS) Capstone Projects

    • This collection contains the capstone projects for the Data Science & Engineering (DSE) Master of Advanced Study (MAS) program at UC San Diego.
    • Date: 2019 to present
  3. Collection

    Green New Deal at UC San Diego

    • A collection of documents and other media recording the campaigns of the Green New Deal at UC San Diego, a grassroots climate justice organization that successfully lobbied the UC to transform its climate change policies.
    • Date: 2019 to 2024
  4. Collection

    Refugee Data and Gender

    • Review of datasets on refugees.
    • Date: 2019 to 2021
  5. Collection

    San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) Research Data Services Materials Collection

    • Research Data Services (RDS) division at SDSC provides infrastructure and technical expertise to support data-intensive research for academic and non-academic customers. This collection includes informational and technical work materials developed for the teams’ many projects.
    • Date: 2019 to present
  6. Collection

    Scripps Ecological Observatory

    • Flow cytometry and dissolved gas data (oxygen and argon) collected at the Ellen Browning Scripps Pier.
    • Date: 2019 to present
  7. Collection

    Scripps-KAUST Regional Integrated Prediction System (SKRIPS)

    • A regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model (based on MITgm, WRF, and ESMF) to study air--sea feedbacks.
    • Date: 2019
  8. Collection

    Solomon Sea SPICE Mooring Data

    • Moorings were deployed in the Solomon Sea outflow channels to measure water velocity, temperature, and salinity as a part of an international experiment to observe and monitor the ocean circulation of the southwest Pacific Ocean.
    • Date: 2012-07-15 to 2015-08-16
  9. Collection

    Southern California Narrow Cold-Frontal Rainband (NCFR) Catalogue (1995-2020)

    • The following dataset includes the complete list of NCFR events for Southern California from 1995-2020. Supplemental figures including synoptic meteorology plots using ERA5 reanalysis data, level-II NEXRAD composite plots created using LROSE, and water year and monthly NCFR figures are also provided. A README file desribing each component is included.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  10. Collection

    The Atmospheric River-CONNected objECT (AR-CONNECT) algorithm applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA V2) - 1983 to 2016

    • The Atmospheric River-CONNected objECT (CONNECT) algorithm is applied to global Integrated Water Vapor Transport (IVT) data from the NASA MERRA-2 reanalysis product for the period 1983 to 2016.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  11. Collection

    Data from: Metabolic rates in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon during the 2020 Southern California red tide event

    • A time series from autonomous SeapHOx sensors (pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, temperature, and pressure) in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, captured baseline conditions in 2018 and the effects of a massive red tide occurring along the Southern & Baja California coast during the spring of 2020.
    • Date: 2018-11-02 to 2018-12-24 and 2020-02-05 to 2020-06-14
  12. Collection

    Data from: Technical Note: Stability of tris pH buffer in artificial seawater stored in bags

    • pH and total dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from tris buffer in artificial seawater stored in gas impermeable bags.
    • Date: 2018-05-24 to 2019-12-20
  13. Collection

    Data from: Ice break-up controls dissipation of wind-waves across Southern Ocean sea ice

    • In situ wave observations and WaveWatch III model output for Ardhuin et al. (2020).
    • Date: 2018-05 to 2018-07
  14. Collection

    Data from: Observations of strongly modulated surface wave and wave breaking statistics at a submesoscale front

    • This collection contains data presented in Vrecica et al 2021, including an overview of a submesoscale front, wave statistics, and wave breaking statistics.
    • Date: 2018-04-17
  15. Collection

    STXM-NEXAFS Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles from the Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES) in January-February 2018

    • Airborne and shipboard measurements of organic composition during the Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES) in January-February 2018 provide organic functional groups by scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) with near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) for particles 0.25 – 1.75 µm diameter.
    • Date: 2018-01-15 to 2018-02-26
  16. Collection

    Integrated Vapor Transport Forecast Models, Reanalysis, and Postprocessing Machine Learning Models for the North American West Coast [2008-2017]

    • Integrated Vapor Transport (IVT) for the GFS forecast model and the MERRA2 reanalysis for the North American West Coast and Eastern Pacific. Additionally, this dataset contains the convolutional neural networks used to post-process this forecast.
    • Date: 2018-01-11 to 2018-04-13
  17. Collection

    A dataset of chromosomal instability gene signature scores in normal and cancer cells from the human breast

    • These data show the relative amount of chromosomal instability (CIN) in a diverse array of human breast cell types, including non-transformed mammary epithelial cells as well as cancer cell lines. Additional data is also provided from human embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells.
    • Date: 2018 to 2023
  18. Collection

    Data from: Cusp and mega cusp observations on a mixed sediment beach

    • The dataset contains elevation rasters and gravel/cobble locations (North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)).
    • Date: 2018 to 2019
  19. Collection

    Data from: Four Atmospheric Circulation Regimes Over the North Pacific and Their Relationship to California Precipitation on Daily to Seasonal Timescales

    • This dataset contains four indices of daily atmospheric variability associated with four circulation regimes over the North Pacific, which have been identified as essential drivers of atmospheric river landfall variability and California precipitation.
    • Date: 2018
  20. Collection

    Data from: Lineage tracing shows that cell size asymmetries predict the dorsoventral axis in the sea star embryo

    • Microscopy data relative to measurements of cell sizes in early embryos of 3 echinoderm species (Patiria miniata, Lytechinus pictus and Patiriella regularis) and to lineage tracing experiments in the sea star Patiria miniata.
    • Date: 2018 to 2022