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The Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats Database (C-GORD)
- C-GORD (The Center for GWAS in Outbred Rats Database) provides access to the data generated by the NIDA center for genetic studies of drug abuse and other behaviors as well as physiological phenotypes in N/NIH heterogeneous stock (HS) rats; the data is collected by more than 15 research projects.
- Date: 2014 to present
Data from: Mechanisms of heat flux across the Southern Greenland continental shelf in 1/10° and 1/12° ocean/sea ice simulations
- Volume and heat fluxes across the Greenland continental shelf in two eddy-active coupled ocean/sea-ice simulations.
- Date: 2005 to 2009
Data and Code from: Measuring Turbulent Dissipation with Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters in the Presence of Large, Intermittent, Infragravity Frequency Bores
- Velocity data from Los Peñasquitos Lagoon and processing code to help researchers reproduce ADV de-spiking and turbulent spectrum calculation methods that work in the presence of non-linear, intermittent dynamics as well as a generally applicable, robust inertial sub-range fitting method.
- Date: 2020-02-02 to 2020-02-14
Data from: Near-Inertial Surface Currents Around Islands
- This collection contains numerical model output from a linear 1.5-layer reduced gravity model. These simulations are presented in Siegelman et al. (2022), which examines the behavior of near-inertial surface currents around circular islands.
- Date: 2019 to 2021
Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) and Global Ocean Biogeochemistry (GO-BGC) Biogeochemical-Argo Float Data Archive
- Data from biogeochemical Argo profiling floats within the SOCCOM and GO-BGC programs. Additional floats outside of these programs may also be included, provided their data-streams are managed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).
- Date: 2014-03-27 to present
Data from: Airborne observations of surface winds, waves and currents from meso to submesoscales
- Coincident and collocated high-resolution observations of surface currents and directional properties of surface waves collected from an airborne instrument, the Modular Aerial Sensing System (MASS), collected off the coast of Southern California.
- Date: 2021-05-18 through 2021-11-05
Data from: Toward probabilistic post-fire debris-flow hazard decision support
- For a Southern CA domain, from a 24-hour lead time forecast using the WRF model, on a 1-km grid for 100 ensemble members: 5-minute precipitation output for 12 UTC 8 Jan. 2018 to 12 UTC 10 Jan. 2018 and 12 UTC 1 Feb. 2019 to 12 UTC 3 Feb. 2019.
- Date: 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-28
Data from: Selectivity and ranking of tight-binding JAK-STAT inhibitors using Markovian milestoning with Voronoi tessellations
- The data contains the Simulation Enabled Estimation of Kinetic Rates (SEEKR) simulations for the JAK2 and JAK3-ligand complexes with instructions to compute the residence times of the ligands in these complexes.
- Date: 2020 to 2022
Data from: Wave-tide interaction for a strongly modulated wave field
- This collection contains the data sets and code required to generate each figure presented in the publication Ho, A., Merrifield, S. M., and Pizzo, N. (2022). Wave-tide interaction for a strongly modulated wave field. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Date: 2020-08-01 to 2021-08-01
Data from: Autumn precipitation: the competition with Santa Ana winds in determining fire outcomes in southern California
- This dataset includes two versions of the Santa Ana Wind Regional Index (SAWRI) and Livneh precipitation data from 1948-2018.
- Date: Compiled: 1948 to 2018
Data and Code from: Buoyancy Forcing Dominates the Cross-Equatorial Ocean Heat Transport Response to Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cooling
- Fortran source code to developed to override wind stress in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) v. 1.2 and resulting GCM output data from Luongo et al. (2022).
- Date: 2021-05 to 2021-10
Data from: Observations of Double Diffusive Staircase Edges in the Arctic Ocean
- CTD profiles collected in the Canada Basin with a Shallow Water Integrated Mapping System (SWIMS).
- Date: 2015-09-18 to 2015-09-20
Atmospheric and oceanographic measurements from a Wave Glider autonomous surface vehicle collected off the coast of Southern California from May 2020 to December 2021
- This collection contains meteorology, wave, and current data from Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) gathered in a series of field deployments conducted off the coast of Southern California from May 2020 to December 2021. Our approach involved operations in close proximity to fixed National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) moored buoy assets, which provided ground-truth data to characterize the quality of the Wave Glider measurements.
- Date: 2020-05 to 2021-12
Data from: Short-term variability of atmospheric helium revealed through a cryo-enrichment method
- He/N2 observations from Scripps Pier and supplementary O2/N2, Ar/N2 and CO2 data.
- Date: 2022-04-23 to 2022-05-25
Data from: Plankton energy flows using a global size-structured and trait-based model
- This collection includes a global 20 year (1990-2009) climatology of diagnostic and prognostic variables for the Size-based Plankton Ecological TRAits (MARBL-SPECTRA) model.
- Date: 1990 to 2009
Data from: Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package
- Data, functions, and scripts associated with "Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package" (Kachelein et al. 2022).
- Date: 2010 to 2021
Art of Science
- UC San Diego Library Art of Science contest submissions.
- Date: 2021-02 to present
Data from: Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves
- This collection contains data presented in: "Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves." This includes a mosaic of sea surface temperature, spectral analysis of temperature structures, surface velocities, and areas undergoing breaking.
- Date: 2015-08-01
Shore Stations Program Data Archive: Current and historical coastal ocean temperature and salinity measurements from California stations
- Data from the Shore Stations Program consists of current and historical daily, manual measurements of surface temperature and salinity from the nine active stations located on the California coastline.
- Date: 1916 to present
Meteorological and Aerosol Measurements near the Salton Sea, California
- This collection contains meteorological and aerosol measurements collected at a field site located near the western shoreline of the Salton Sea, California. These data are designed to study the dynamics and physical properties of dust storms and other aerosol events in the region.
- Date: 2019-12 to present