Testimony of Laurentino González, Interview with Elize Mazadiego and Luis Martín-Cabrera; July 9 and 12, 2010
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- Description
Laurentino González grew up in a small miner's town outside of León. Laurentino relates that his father worked in the mines and was a member of the Communist Party of Spain. He explains that his father was imprisoned and tortured in the 1960s. Laurentino describes his own experiences during his father's imprisonment. He tells of trying to balance work and school during the 1970s. Laurentino discusses moving to Barcelona, with the help of his siblings, to continue his studies and find better work. He details his life in Barcelona, specifically his school and work experiences. Laurentino notes his political activity in the Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia). He retells his return to León to work in the mines, like his father. Laurentino relates his involvement with the workers' movement, first in the mines and later at Philips. He speaks about his participation in workers' strikes, the union Comisiones Obreras (Labor Commissions, CCOO), and the Partit dels Comunistes de Catalunya (Party of the Communists of Catalonia). Laurentino recalls the internal conflicts that developed within CCOO and led to the formation of the Sindicato de Comisiones de Base (Trade Union of Base Commissions, CO.BAS). Laurentino comments on the values of CO.BAS., his current involvement in the syndicate, and his hopes for its future
Laurentino González se crió en un pueblo minero en las afueras de León. Laurentino relata que su padre trabajaba en las minas y era miembro del Partido Comunista de España. Nota que su padre fue encarcelado y torturado en los años 1960. Laurentino habla de sus propias experiencias durante el encarcelamiento de su padre. Cuenta que en los años 1970s trató de mantener un balance entre el trabajo y la escuela. Laurentino explica que, con la ayuda de sus hermanos, se mudó a Barcelona para continuar sus estudios y encontrar un mejor empleo. Detalla su vida en Barcelona, específicamente sus experiencias escolares y laborales. Laurentino destaca sus actividades políticas en el Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (Partido Socialista Unificado de Cataluña). Recuenta su regreso a León para trabajar en las minas, como su padre. Laurentino narra su participación en el movimiento obrero, primero en las minas y después en Philips. Describe su participación en huelgas, el sindicato Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), y el Partit dels Comunistes de Catalunya (Partido de los Comunistas de Cataluña). Laurentino recuerda los conflictos internos que surgieron en CCOO y llevaron a la formación del Sindicato de Comisiones de Base (CO.BAS.). Laurentino comenta sobre los valores de CO.BAS., su participación actual en el sindicato, y sus esperanzas para el futuro de éste.
- Creation Date
- July 9 and 12, 2010
- Interviewee
- Interviewers
- Sponsors
- Issuing Body
- Physical Description
6 video files : digital, sound, color
- Note
Interviews in Spanish
Laurentino González's testimony was recorded in the Sindicato de Comisiones de Base in Barcelona, Spain
Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship
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- Language
- Spanish; Castilian
- Identifier
Mms: 991005726739706535
- Related Resource
Online exhibit
- Publication
Barcelona, Spain :, Spanish Civil War Memory Project, 2010
- Rights Holder
- González, Laurentino
- Cite This Work
González, Laurentino. Testimony of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship. University of California, San Diego, 2010
- Copyright
Under copyright (ES)
Use: This work is available from the UC San Diego Library. This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study.
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- Digital Object Made Available By
Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (https://lib.ucsd.edu/sca)
- Last Modified