Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    William Rodman and Margaret Critchlow Photographs

    • Photographs taken by Canadian Anthropologists Margaret Critchlow and William Rodman during research trips conducted in Vanuatu.
    • Date: 1970 to 1995
  2. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: Exhibit 2017

    • Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive debuted with a physical exhibit and a panel on student activism on February 1, 2017. The exhibit included history, student perspectives, and real-time feedback, all of which are now part of the collection.
    • Date: February 2017 to May 2017
  3. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: History of Student Activism Timeline

    • The Tell Us How UC It: History of Student Activism Timeline presents events and incidents from UC San Diego’s history that affected the campus climate for students in such a way that they were compelled to act or react.
    • Date: 1960-2016
  4. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: Course Curriculum and Events

    • The Tell Us How UC It project has consisted of a number of course collaborations from workshops to one-shot classes.
    • Date: 2017
  5. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: A Living Archive

    • The UC San Diego Library created a “living archive” as an alternative way to highlight awareness, provide a space for dialogue, preserve and document the events related to student activism at UC San Diego.
    • Date: 1960-2017
  6. Collection

    Theodore Schwartz Recordings

    • A collection of sound and video recordings from Theodore Schwartz, Melanesian anthropologist, UC San Diego Professor and specialist on the Manus people of Papua New Guinea. Includes interviews, ceremonies, lectures, songs and linguistic studies relating to his expeditions to the Admiralty Islands.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 1953 - 1998
  7. Collection

    Music Collection

    • Collection of Music-related materials from UC San Diego students and faculty, as well as prominent figures of the contemporary music scene in Southern California.
    • Date: 1950 -
  8. Collection

    Peter Yates Sound Recording Collection

    • Peter Yates was an important radio personality and concert presenter in the Los Angeles avant-garde music scene from 1939 through the mid-1960s.  The collection consists of concerts, interviews with composers, lectures by Yates, and radio broadcasts.
    • Access: Restricted to UC San Diego use only
    • Date: 1939 - mid 1960's
  9. Collection

    University Art Gallery Closure Events, 2016

    • Images and events related to the threatened closure of the University Art Gallery in 2016.
    • Date: 2016
  10. Collection

    Mexican Broadsides

    • This collection comprises broadsides (single and double-sided, one-sheet documents) produced in Mexico between the early 1600s and 1899.
    • Date: Early 1600s to 1899
  11. Collection

    History of the UC San Diego Visual Arts Department

    • Images documenting the history of Visual Arts Department at UC San Diego from 1969 to 1989.
    • Date: 1969-1993
  12. Collection

    Stuart Collection Records: Selections

    • Video and audio recordings of the UC San Diego Stuart Collection site-specific public sculptures and interviews with the artists.
    • Date: 1982 - 2006
  13. Collection

    Hillary Eggers Photographs and Videos

    • Photographs and videos documenting the tools, processes and people from the February 2018 Winter CalCOFI cruise.
    • Date: 2018
  14. Collection

    California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Collection

    • Research data sets and photographs from CalCOFI (California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations) cruises.
    • Date: 2009-2018
  15. Collection

    John LeRoy Photographs

    • Photographs created by American anthropologist John D. LeRoy, in the context of field research with the Kewa people of the Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1971-1972
  16. Collection

    UCSD Audio Visual Theses and Dissertations

    • A subset of the dissertations produced by students at UC San Diego which contain audio and visual components.
    • Access: Restricted to UC San Diego use only
    • Date: between 1971 and 2009
  17. Collection

    Tijuana Photograph Postcard Collection

    • A small collection of postcards documenting tourism in Tijuana, Mexico. The majority depict tourists in automobiles near the U.S.-Mexico border, including many Panama California Exposition visitors from the San Diego area in 1915.
    • Date: between 1907 and 1960
  18. Collection

    SIO Photographs Collection

    • A diverse assortment of photographic images acquired by the former SIO Archives and collated into one collection. Images include SIO staff and faculty, the campus, and scientific expeditions.
    • Date: between 1900 and 2006
  19. Collection

    Ben Yellen Papers

    • The Ben Yellen Papers document grassroots social and political activism on the subjects of farm labor, commercial agriculture, and western water policy in Southern California.
    • Date: 1959-1991
  20. Collection

    Mikhail V. Propp Negatives

    • Photographic negatives taken by Russian marine biologist Mikhail V. Propp, documenting a Soviet Antarctic expedition (1965-1966) at Mirny Observatory, Antarctica.
    • Date: 1965-1966