Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop: Digital selections

    • Digital additions to the Library's collection of writings created during the annual Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop hosted by UC San Diego.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 2017-2023
  2. Collection

    Pueblos Yucatecos

    • Audio Interviews, Transcriptions, and Photographs related to life in 5 rural communities in the state of Yucatan Mexico between the early 20th and early 21st centuries
    • Date: September 2017-
  3. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: Course Curriculum and Events

    • The Tell Us How UC It project has consisted of a number of course collaborations from workshops to one-shot classes.
    • Date: 2017
  4. Collection

    N Equals One podcast

    • N Equals One: a podcast about science and discovery at UC San Diego Health. Episodes focus on the story of one project, one discovery or one scientist.
    • Date: 2016-2022
  5. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project

    • The Transandean Lithium Project (TLP) is a digital initiative to investigate the impact of lithium extraction on the Kolla, Aymara, Quechua and Lickan Antay indigenous communities of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. The collection includes interviews and photographs documenting the biodiversity of the territory as well as the culture, history, and lives of these communities.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  6. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project: Coyo (Chile)

    • Coyo is one of the historical ayllus of San Pedro de Atacama, and it is also part of the 18 Lickan Antay communities that surround the Salar de Atacama in the north of Chile. The interviews and photographs of this collection tackle the impacts of lithium mining in their territory, its relationship to the environment, the volcanoes, the lagoons and the archaeological sites, and, for example, its most important ritual celebration: the carnival.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  7. Collection

    University Art Gallery Closure Events, 2016

    • Images and events related to the threatened closure of the University Art Gallery in 2016.
    • Date: 2016
  8. Collection

    D. B. Richardson Baja California Video Collection

    • The Californias Documentation Project includes professionally recorded interviews with renowned Baja California Peninsula travelers, scholars, explorers and scientists. The interviews are conducted by David Burrell Richardson, and produced by Richardson and filmmaker Isaac Artenstein.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 2015-2016
  9. Collection

    IDEAS Performance Series

    • This collection contains video, still images, audio, and text, documenting past IDEAS performances and presentations from the ongoing series.
    • Date: 2013-
  10. Collection

    inSite Archive: Casa Gallina

    • Digital records documenting the inSite art collective's sixth edition, known as inSite/Casa Gallina, a six-year project located in the neighborhood of Santa María la Ribera in Mexico City.
    • Date: 2013-2018