LAUC-SD Membership
November 30, 2004
Attendees: Leslie Abrams; Linda Barnhart; Mary Linn Bergstrom – LAUC-SD Chair; Peter Brueggeman – LAUC-SD Vice Chair; Ken Calkins; Jim Cheng; Marlayna Christensen; Penny Coppernoll-Blach; Becky Culbertson; Maria Din; Megan Dreger; Catherine Friedman; Katy Farrell; Maureen Harden; Tony Harvell; Karen Heskett; Suhui Ho; Sanae Isozumi: James R. Jacobs – LAUC-SD Delegate; Elliott Kanter; Simona Konecna; Ardys Kozbial; Amanda Lawhorn; Karen Lindvall-Larson; Kari Lucas; Sue McGuinness; Rob Melton; Phyllis Mirsky; Arvid Nelson; Julie Page; Jennifer Parsons; Alice Perez; Anne Prussing; Jennifer Reiswig; Tricia Rose; Alex Rosen Gagne; Brian Schottlaender; Barbara Slater; Susan Starr; Adolfo Tarango – LAUC-SD Member-at-Large; Duffy Tweedy; Paul Weiss; Brad Westbrook; Jeff Williams – LAUC-SD Secretary (recorder); Marlo Young.
- Approval of minutes: the minutes of the September 24th, 2004 LAUC-SD Membership Meeting were approved.
- New members: Simona Konecna, Temporary Reference/Instruction Librarian at the Biomedical Library, was introduced by Jenny Reiswig. Amanda Lawhorn, new staff member in Library Human Resources, was introduced by Maria Din.
- Self-Review Writing Workshop: Kari Lucas and Barbara Slater announced the schedule for two sessions of the Self-Review Writing Workshop. The sessions are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, December 7th, from 1:00 – 3:00pm
- Thursday, December 9th, from 10:00am – noon
Barbara and Kari informed the membership that during the preparation for the workshop, they came across a number of discrepancies between the Academic Review Procedures Manual (ARPM) and the Academic Personnel Manual (APM). They collected these discrepancies in a document for review. Mary Linn Bergstrom reported that the LAUC-SD Executive Board reviewed this document, and has forwarded the document to CAPA for discussion.
- Fall Assembly highlights: Mary Linn, Pete Brueggeman, Penny Coppernoll Blach, Tamie Dearie, James R. Jacobs, Kari Lucas, and Jenny Reiswig attended the Fall 2004 LAUC Fall Assembly at UC Berkeley. Mary Linn reported that the meeting agenda was largely programmatic, with two principal programs:
· The System Wide Operations and Planning Group (SOPAG):
Recent Work and New Directions -
· Faculty Perspectives on Professional Library Services
In An Era of Systemwide Planning -
· There was also a special recognition of service to LAUC of Myron Okada, Director University of California, Office of Academic Personnel.
The LAUC Fall Assembly was taped on digital video and encoded for Web streaming. The files are available in Real Media (.rm) format, and are available at:
Mary Linn reported that she had received concerns about the amount of programmatic content at the assembly, in relation to the requirement for elected delegates and others to attend. The sense of the membership was that the assembly should be balanced between business and programmatic content, remembering that there may be the need to discuss last-minute resolutions, as well limits to how much content can be absorbed by the attendees.
- Chairs’ meeting with Brain Schottlaender: Peter Brueggeman and Sam Dunlap met with University Librarian Brian Schottlaender. They discussed the following:
· Brian would welcome feedback from LAUC-SD on the University of California libraries' strategic plan - Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information: Brian will provide some talking points for a future LAUC-SD meeting to ensure we have a productive discussion.
· James R. Jacob’s Peer-to-Peer file sharing document - Brian felt this document was very helpful, and would use this document as opportunity arises with Tony Wood and others
· Professional development funding increase: Brian is interested in hearing a number what it would cost to fully support professional development needs. Peter and Mary Linn are working to develop a cost model.
Committee Reports
- Research & Professional Development (R&PD) Committee: the next Digital Dialogue will be held December 3rd. It will be an archived webcast viewing from the Library of Congress' Luminary Lectures Series. The Topic is: "Stewardship in the Digital Age: Roles and Issues for Libraries for Preserving Our Cultural Heritage" Lecturer: Meg Bellinger, Associate University Librarian for Integrated Library Systems and Technical Services, Yale University Library.
The committee is in the process of developing a program on successful grant writing. The membership was reminded that the deadline for submitting a statewide LAUC R&PD research proposal is January 3rd.
- Diversity Committee: The committee is arranging for a presentation by Sharon May from the Institute for Transgendered Education sometime around the first week of February. Lis Leonard was put forth by the Committee to serve as statewide representative. The LAUC-SD Executive Board approved this appointment.
- Academic Senate Library Committee: Barbara Slater reported that Academic Senate Library Committee met on November 17th. The committee discussed:
· The library budget
· The Biomedical Library move and renovation/addition project
· Changes in the libraries’ electronic reserves services
The committee chair asked the committee members to provide feedback on the Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information document
- Mentoring Task Force report and recommendations: Chair of the task force, Adlofo Tarango thanked the other members of the committee, Elizabeth Cowell, Rob Melton, Alice Perez, and Tricia Rose. Questions/feedback to the proposal included:
· Susan Starr asked if the committee perform activities outside of matching up mentors and mentees? Adolfo responded that the task force worked to develop the recommendation for a task force – it would be up to the proposed LAUC-SD Mentoring Program Committee to finalize the full range of activities of the committee.
· Anne Prussing asked if the insertion of the word “standing” in the recommendation was intentional, and if so, would this committee require a budget?
· Marlo Young asked what role would Library Human Resources (LHR) would play in the activities of the committee? Brian Schottlaender suggested at the very least, someone from LHR should serve on the committee
· Paul Weiss, in his role as LAUC Parliamentarian, mentioned that the activities of the committee did not serve any of LAUC’s purposes as expressed in the Bylaws. Brian Schottlaender stated that although this may be the case, the committee could certainly provide assistance in identifying barriers to recruiting paraprofessionals. Adolfo was asked if the committee would consider adding some committee activities related to advising on recruitment issues. Adolfo accepted this as a friendly amendment.
Mary Linn Bergstrom called the discussion to a close, and asked the membership to vote on approving the task force’s recommendation, with the following friendly amendments:
· Remove the word “standing” from the recommendation to form a committee
· Add language about reviewing the activities of the committee in two years
· Add language describing language related to advising on recruitment issues
· Add language about including a someone from Library Human Resource on the committee
The recommendation was approved by the membership.
- Revisions to LAUC-SD bylaws regarding responsibilities of secretary and chair: Mary Linn asked Kari Lucas to give a brief background statement of why she submitted the original proposal to revise the bylaws. Kari described that the activities of the secretary and chair were written at a time before the easy electronic transmission of documents, and much of the duties in relation to the secretary are now handled by the chair, because they simply require forwarding documents electronically.
Mary Linn reported that she and the current LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Williams had met with Kari, and had accepted the proposal. Mary Linn and Jeff subsequently made some small modifications, and submitted the current bylaws revision proposal.
Paul Weiss, in his role as LAUC Parliamentarian, stated that the proposed changes to Article IV – Officers, Section 7, were in relation to the LAUC Statewide Bylaws, and could not be changed.
The membership discussed the proposed revisions, and offered friendly amendments as seen below. The membership voted to accept the proposal, with Susan Starr and Paul Weiss opposed.
Bylaw Sections - Current
Proposed Changes
Action Taken
Section 7. The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform the usual functions of the office, and shall:
c. Make available to members of the Division the minutes of Assembly meetings.
Delete “c” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to:
Section 5. The Chair shall perform the usual functions of the office, and shall:
- Distribute to the membership the minutes of Assembly meetings.
No Change
Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
d. Inform LAUC Secretary of the results of divisional elections and changes in officers or Assembly Delegates during the year and shall notify the LAUC Secretary not more than 10 days following the date of the Statewide election of the results.
Delete “d” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to Article IV. Section 5.: (Chair’s duties)
- Transmit notice to the LAUC Secretary of any changes in officers or Assembly Delegates during the year and results of divisional elections not more than ten days after the election.
No Change
Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
e. Maintain LAUC-SD records and handle correspondence and publicity as directed by the Chair.
Proposed revision:
- Maintain and update LAUC-SD documents, including Bylaws, minutes, rosters, calendars, etc.
- Handle correspondence and publicity as directed by the Chair.
Accepted revision:
- Maintain and update LAUC-SD documents, including Bylaws, minutes, rosters, calendars, etc., within thirty days of the change
- Handle correspondence and publicity as directed by the Chair.
Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
g. Provide information about meetings and meeting agendas to members the week prior to the meeting.
Delete “g” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to Article IV. Section 5.: (Chair’s duties)
- Distribute information about meetings and meeting agendas to members the week prior to the meeting.
Accepted bylaw changes:
Delete “g” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to Article IV. Section 5.: (Chair’s duties)
- Distribute information about meetings and meeting agendas to members the week prior to the meeting.
Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
i. Prepare, maintain, and distribute orientation packets to new UCSD librarians.
Delete “i” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to Article IV. Section 5.: (Chair’s duties)
- Prepare, maintain, and distribute orientation information to new UCSD librarians.
Accepted bylaw changes:
Delete “i” from Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add the following to Article IV. Section 5.: (Chair’s duties)
- Prepare, maintain, and distribute orientation information to new UCSD librarians.
Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
Add to Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
- Record in the meeting minutes the exact wording of all motions that are passed. Amend documents to which the motions refer within 30 days of the meeting.
Accepted bylaw change:
Add to Article IV. Section 7. (Secretary’s duties)
- Record in the meeting minutes the exact wording of all motions.
Section 2. Composition and Responsibilities of Standing Committees
b. Nomination/Election Committee
5. The committee chair shall submit to the Secretary/Treasurer, in writing, the Divisional results of statewide LAUC elections for transmittal to the LAUC Secretary not more than ten days after the election.
Proposed revision:
5. The Nomination/Election committee chair shall submit to the Divisional Chair, in writing, the Divisional results of statewide elections. The Chair shall transmit the results to the LAUC Secretary not more than ten days after the election."
No Change
- Creation of LAUC-SD webmaster position: Mary Linn Bergstrom described that the LAUC-SD Executive Board had been discussing the pros and cons of establishing a LAUC-SD webmaster position. One issue is that responsibility for maintaining the LAUC-SD website has historically been assigned to the Secretary/Treasurer, but this responsibility is not explicit in the bylaws. This has resulted in past LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurers being surprised by this responsibility, and in some cases not being able to effectively maintain the website.
The current Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Williams was asked to give input. He reported that with the current explicit responsibilities for preparation of the minutes, calendars, and rosters, it is unlikely that he or any future secretaries would have much time to devote to the website. This would likely prevent the site from being enhanced beyond its current state. Jeff stated that if the webmaster responsibility was going to remain part of the secretaries’ duties, it should be explicit in the bylaws so future candidates for this position understand that basic web skills are part of the position.
Mary Linn stated that she felt the sense of the membership is that no one is opposed to the LAUC-SD Executive Board developing a proposal for the creation of a LAUC-SD webmaster position.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 25th, from 2:00 – 4:00pm in the Seuss Room
Submitted by,
Jeff Williams
2004/05 LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer