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June 2001 Minutes

Membership Meeting

June 5, 2001
2-4 p.m.
Seuss Room, Geisel Library



  • New librarians were welcomed and introduced:
    • Ken Calkins, Music Librarian (Music Library)
    • Rob Melton, Literature/Humanities Bibliographer (Social Sciences & Humanities Library)
    • Julie Yang, Interdisciplinary Librarian (Science & Engineering Library)
    • Arriving soon: Shi Deng, early July and Adolfo Tarango, early August both in the Catalog Department

LAUC-SD buddies have been found for all of them, thanks to current and past executive board members.

  • Pizza Social on June 21, noon, at Round Table Pizza. Please rsvp with L. Galván-Estrada.

1. Special video presentation: "Generational Change in Librarianship," by Stanley Wilder, University of Rochester

There was a presentation of a video and followed by discussion. Action item: Organize a session on librarianship as a career for library staff & students.

2. R&PD (N. Stimson)

N. Stimson distributed a listing of journals currently being subscribed to by R&PD for routing which includes instructions on how to get on the routing. At the request of some librarians from SSHL, R&PD is buying two copies of Double Fold by Nicholson Baker to be routed (contact L. Galvan-Estrada if interested). She also announced two upcoming events: EndNote class in July and a Reference Forum on PubMed in August (more information forthcoming).

3. LAUC & LAUC-SD elections update and reminder (B. Slater)

41 ballots have arrived. The deadline is Friday. Ballots will then be counted, winners will be contacted and then an announcement will be sent out. Related to elections: the executive board will reviewing the nominations received for the current statewide committee openings and sending recommendations to the statewide level.

4. CAPA report and changes to ARPM re: post-interview procedures (C. Haynes -- see his email of 5/18)

C. Haynes asked for feedback on the proposed post interview appointment procedures which were recommended to go into the ARPM. There was a question about timeframe and whether or not the new procedures would add time to the process. There were alos some terminology suggestions. B. Schottlaender stated that clarifying and articulating the steps in the process will by its very nature improve the overall efficiency of the process. It is the hope that no additional time would be added. The procedures where approved and adopted with corrections and will be added to the appropriate section of the ARPM.

5. Spring Assembly report (H. Colson, J. Reiswig, C. Keil)

  • C. Palmer, the only woman on the CDL/UL search committee, expressed concerned and a new woman member was going to be sought out. B. Schottlaender reported that another woman has been appointed since. B. Schottlaender also commented that UCOP is not equipped with good LHR and that the committee has been looking at prospective candidates and will do "airport" interviews at ALA to narrow down the field.
  • UL advisory structure study has been successfully completed.
  • There was some discussion about summer session impact. UCLA, UCB and UCSB will be experiencing an expanded summer session already this year. Feedback will be gathered from the divisions related to library impact. (M. Chandler is exploring, along with a group that includes J. Hanson, how this issue will affect UCSD as a whole).
  • Myron Okada's report on budget: UC fee remission, faculty hire audit, and summer session.
  • B. Miller's report at UC Merced: will be searching for two AULs to start in January, classes will start in fall 2004 and there will be a summer session starting this summer.
  • Melvyl transition team report (the name Melvyl will be retained).
  • There was a request for interview questions for the UL/CDL position.
  • UCOL writing a response on the library buildings resolution.
  • Gender equity issue is being explored at UCSD.

6. Room 722 update – H.Colson

The LAUC-SD laptop is in the new room (722) and the key is available at the circulation desk. Everything else is still in the old room (5th floor), which is already serving as a facility for nursing mothers room. The key is available from Sheri Uyeno in Facilities.

Present: C. Keil, S. Dunlap, L. Abrams, H. Colson, K. Calkins, L. Barnhart, M. Din, B. Slater, A. Perez, S. Isozumi, B. Schottlaender, E. Valdez, D. Tweedy, E. Kanter, R. Melton, E. Cowell, C. Haynes, J. Donovan, J. Williams, A. Butros, N. Stimson, A. Gold, J. Yang, K. Lucas, S. Berteaux, J. Reiswig, D. Kegel, L. Claassen, E. Valdez, K. Cargille, T. Dearie, J. Hanson, P. Mirsky, B. Culberrtson, D. Talbot. J. Church, L. Galván-Estrada