LAUC-SD Membership Meeting
June 17, 1997
Seuss Room
Attending: Leslie Abrams, Karen Cargille, Lynda Claassen (chair), Kathy
Creely, Tammy Dearie, Sam Dunlap, Tami Echavarria, Ruth Gustafson,
Jackie Hanson, Elliot Kanter, Richard Lindemann, Gerald Lowell, Bruce
Miller, Phyllis Mirsky, Jenny Reiswig, Beverly Renford, Barbara Slater,
Dawn Talbot, Judy Thompson, Brad Westbrook, Kathy Whitley (recorder),
Vicki Williamson, Eiji Yutani
Meeting called to order by Lynda at 2:10 following short refreshments
1) Celebration for Eiji Yutani
Jerry Lowell congratulated Eiji Yutani on being awarded Librarian
Emeritus status from the university and presented him with framed
copies of his nomination and award letters. He is only the third
librarian to be granted this honor at UCSD.
2) Vice Chair/Chair Elect position opening
Lynda announced that Karen Cargille has agreed to finish
Ginny Steel's term as Vice Chair/Chair Elect until
Kathy reported that only Karen Cargille's name had
been forwarded as a volunteer to serve as Chair
next year. It was moved, seconded and accepted by
acclamation to accept Karen as the 1997-98 Chair.
We will do a farewell for Ginny in July.
3) Acceleration document
Lynda circulated the draft appendix to the APM document
containing guidelines for requests for accelerated advancement.
Richard clarified question about B, C, and D -- these 3 apply in
addition to A insofar as they apply for regular advancement of
the person in question.
It was moved and seconded to accept the wording in
this document.
Motion carried. The document is attached to these minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Whitley
Attachment to minutes:
Guidelines for Accelerated Advancements
Adopted: June 17, 1997.
Accelerated advancements are merit increase decisions made either
earlier than the prescribed period of service or involving an
advancement of more than one step. Evaluating recommendations for all
merit increases is governed by criteria specified in APM - 360-10 and
APM - 210-4 [pertinent sections appear at the end of this document].
The APM language regarding accelerations is broad and appears within the
context of merit increases and promotions; the possibility of
acceleration is mentioned only twice:
"If ... there is evidence of unusual achievement and exceptional
promise of continued growth, the committee should not hesitate to
endorse or propose a recommendation for higher rank or higher step
within rank which would constitute an accelerated advancement of an
appointee." [APM - 210-4-d-(2)]
"[A]ccelerated promotion is possible if achievement has been
exceptional." [APM -210-4-e-(2)]
In accordance with the APM, a candidate for merit increase or
promotion is judged on the basis of the first of the following
criteria, and, to the extent they are relevant, on one or more of
the last three: (a) professional competence and quality of service
within the library; (b) professional activity outside the library;
(c) University and public service; and (d) research and other
creative activity. Reasonable flexibility is exercised in weighing
the comparative relevance of these criteria.
LAUC-SD has determined that, in assessing the Runusual achievement
and exceptional promise of continued growthS and Rexceptional
achievementS that justify accelerated advancement, reviewers shall
likewise consider both Criterion A and, to the extent they are
relevant, one or more of Criteria B, C, and D, in making their
recommendation. Exceptional achievement should be evident in all
aspects that would be considered for a normal merit increase, and
the evaluation should take into account the relevance of Criteria B,
C, and D to the incumbent's position and series level.
Excerpts from the UC Academic Personnel Manual relevant to these
LAUC-SD guidelines appear below.
Academic Personnel Manual
Appointment and Promotion: Librarian Series
360-10 Criteria
b. A candidate for merit increase or promotion in this series shall
be judged on the basis of the first of the following criteria, and,
to the extent they are relevant, on one or more of the last three:
(1) professional competence and quality of service within the
(2) professional activity outside the library;
(3) University and public service; and
(4) research and other creative activity.
In the consideration of individual candidates, reasonable
flexibility shall be exercised in weighing the comparative relevance
of these criteria.
c. Promotion shall be justified by demonstrated superior
professional skills and achievement and, in addition, demonstrated
professional growth and accomplishment and/or the assumption of
increased responsibility. The assumption of administrative
responsibility is not a necessary condition for promotion.
d. An explanation of these criteria is set forth in APM - 210-4.
Academic Personnel Manual
Appointment and Promotion: Review and Appraisal Committees
210-4 Instructions to Review Committees Which Advise on the
Appointment, Merit Increase, Promotion, Career Status Actions for
Members of Librarian Series
b. ... In conducting its review and arriving at its judgment
concerning a candidate, each review committee shall be guided by the
criteria as mentioned in APM - 360-10 and described in APM -210-4-e.
d. Procedures
(2) Assessment of Evidence: The review committee shall assess the
adequacy of evidence submitted. If ... there is evidence of unusual
achievement and exceptional promise of continued growth, the
committee should not hesitate to endorse or propose a recommendation
for higher rank or higher step within rank which would constitute an
accelerated advancement of an appointee.
e. Criteria
(2) Merit Increases and Promotions: At the time of original
appointment to a title in this series, each appointee shall be
informed that continuation or advancement is justified only by
demonstrated skills and achievement which will be determined after
objective and thorough review. ... [A]ccelerated promotion is
possible if achievement has been exceptional. An appointee will be
eligible for promotion only if there are demonstrated superior
professional skills and achievement. For some, promotion may
involve a position change; for others, promotion may not necessarily
involve position change but will depend upon increased
responsibility as well as growing competence and contribution in the
same position. The assumption of administrative responsibilities is
not a necessary condition for promotion.
A candidate for merit increase or promotion in this series shall be
judged on the basis of professional competence and quality of
service rendered within the library and, to the extent they are
relevant, one or more of the following: professional activity
outside the library; University and public service; and research and
other creative activity. (See APM - 360- 10.)