LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting
Thursday, September 29, 2005
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Research Services Conference Room
Mary Linn Bergstrom, Peter Brueggeman (chair), Ken Calkins, Tammy Dearie, Megan Dreger, James A. Jacobs (minutes), Tony Harvell, Marlo Young.
1) Pete: Minutes need to be finalized a week before next Executive Board meeting, so that they can be used to establish agenda items. Minutes to be brief, action-items.
2) Journals
a) Mary Linn: LAUC paper copies of 3 library journals from 1995-2000 will be given to library science bibliographer (Dearie) for decision on retention.
Tony: Online access to Chronicle of Higher Education (UC site license) and Choice (UCSD site license) are coming soon.
b) Peter reported on status of statewide LAUC Executive Board items (nothing going on here yet)
3) LAUC-SD Executive Board volunteers to be LAUC buddies for new librarians:
- Arwen Hutt -- Peter
- Holly Eggleston -- Tammy
- Rebecca Hyde -- Ken
- Victoria Chu -- Marlo
Mary Lin will give Pete a list of past buddies.
4) LAUC-SD Executive Board meetings for October, January, February, with locations to be announced:
- October 25 1-2pm
- January 26 9-10am
- February 13 9-10am
5) LAUC-SD roster clarifications:
a) Statewide representative for R&PD: Committee will decide when it meets.
b) Pete will initiate an email discussion with LAUC-SD Executive Board on nomination of statewide representative for Professional Governance committee.
c) Pete will ask Chair of Mentoring Committee to self-select two members to end their terms at end of this year so that the four member committee can have a regular rotation of members with two year terms, and avoid total turnover.
d) LAUC-SD committee size was discussed as a result of an inquiry from a LAUC member.
e) Pete: LAUC-SD Chair must appoint two additional members to the 05/06 LAUC-SD Nominations/Elections Committee not later than February, or at least thirty days before the election. Mary Lin is chair of that Nominations/Elections Committee and will submit names to Peter in due course.
6) Pete: The group discussed the LAUC-SD diversity internship proposal. Pete will be following up on this.
7) Pete: Agenda planning for Nov 1st LAUC-SD membership meeting:
a) Report to membership of 04/05 annual reports of LAUC-SD Committees: R&PD (received);, Diversity (received); Mentoring (Pete will ask if they have anything to report); CAPA (Pete will inquire with 04/05 Chair about status of annual report to membership)
b) Secretary/treasurer will send reminder to membership before Nov 1st meeting regarding annual suggested voluntary contribution of $15.
8) LAUC-SD Voluntary Contribution collection status: Jeff Williams and Jim Jacobs will discuss the procedure for voluntary contribution collection when they meet to transition the secretary/treasurer responsibilities.
9) LAUC Social Event: October 11, 11:30 at Canyon Vista. "no-host" -- buy your own lunch. Tammy and Mary Lin will go over early to set up.
10) Jim: What role do we want LAUC-SD to play in advising on library policies? Some discussion but time was limited, and will be on agenda for next meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
James R. Jacobs