May 2005 Minutes
LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting
5 May 2004
8:45-9:45 a.m.
Old Business
1. March 17 minutes adopted with corrections.
2. The Board reviewed a draft charge for a task force to explore the idea of establishing a librarian mentoring program for library staff attending or interested in library school. A few small wording changes were suggested. ACTION: Sam will distribute to the task force and the membership.
3. The Board discussed the role of LAUC-SD Webmaster vis a vis the Secretary position. Web mastering the LAUC-SD web site has been coupled with the Secretary position since the widespread implementation of the web, however not all LAUC-SD members have the same technical skill set nor the same knowledge of the same software to effectively provide web mastering. There is a lack of consistency in the electronic files and directories that is propagated each year with each newly elected Secretary. Two courses of action emerged. One is to decouple the web mastering job from the Secretary position and establishing the web master as an appointed position. The other was to make explicit the web mastering duties in the Secretary’s position when soliciting candidates for election. There was need for further discussion among the Board before any action is taken.
New Business
1. Sam volunteered to be the LAUC-SD buddy for the S&E Temporary Librarian, Susan Shepherd; Penny volunteered to be the LAUC-SD buddy for the SSH Assistant Department Head for Reference, Instruction & Outreach, Lis Leonard; Kari volunteered to be the LAUC-SD buddy for the SSH Assistant Department Head for GIS, Government Documents, Maps, Data, Megan Dreger (starting the first week of July). The volunteers were reminded that the outline of the LAUC-SD Buddy Program is linked on the LAUC-SD web site.
2. Sam reported from the April 26 LAUC Executive Board meeting. The Spring Assembly delegate list was confirmed. As of April 26, twenty-six people have registered for the Assembly. The Assembly will be web cast. The title of the program is, “One University, One Library, from the outside in” with many noteworthy speakers. The Executive Board meeting will occur after the Assembly to consider any issues that may have emerged. Kennedy reported that the University Librarians have opted out of participation at this time on the issue of distinction, though they welcome future collaboration. There will be the usual transition meeting in August. In an effort to spread out the busy late fall quarter, it was suggested to hold the Fall Assembly (at UCB) before Thanksgiving instead of after. Three names will be recommended to SOPAG for the LAUC position on the HOPS Information Literacy Common Interest Group.
3. The Board discussed strategy for eliciting Division feedback on item(s) prior to Fall Assembly. There will be need for divisional response to the Position Paper Revision Task Force report’s recommendations. Sam will solicit LAUC-SD member response via email.
4. The Board reviewed the May 18 LAUC-SD Membership meeting agenda to ensure thoroughness and consistency, with no surprises for the members.
Respectfully submitted,
Kari Lucas, Secretary 2003/04