Executive Board Meeting
November 12, 2002
SSHL Research Services Conference Room
Elizabeth Cowell (chair), Shi Deng, Steve Lawson (recorder), Jenny Reiswig, Duffy Tweedy, Vicki Williamson
The letter to U.S. Representatives for San Diego regarding Karrie Peterson’s LA Times Op-Ed piece was sent before the elections. Thanks to all who made suggestions.
Fall statewide LAUC assembly Dec. 6th at UCSF. Cowell, Williamson, and Dunlap will attend.
Treasurer's Report
45 LAUC members have contributed. With those deposits and the expenses for the Fall pizza social, the current balance is $951.13
LAUC Statewide Executive Board Conference Call Report
Spring assembly topics: could U.L.s or their representatives attend the Spring Assembly to answer questions from LAUC membership? Questions would likely revolve around coordinated collection development. LAUC President Esther Grassian will approach the U.L.s. If they can't attend the spring assembly, LAUC will ask if they could come to next fall's assembly.
Esther Grassian met with the U.L.s for an information sharing meeting.
The LAUC statewide task force on Information Literacy has been meeting. They are in the process of clarifying the roles of the LAUC Information Literacy team vs. the SOPAG Heads of Public Services Information Literacy team.
Committee on Professional Governance Survey Report
Professional Governance survey on distinguished step: comments desired by statewide LAUC. Cowell will forward report to the LAUC-SD membership, and ask for comments via email. Brief discussion at the November membership meeting will follow.
November Membership Meeting Agenda
Meeting is November 19, 2002 from 2-4PM in the Seuss Room.
- LAUC Statewide Executive Board conference call report (E. Cowell)
- Committee on Professional Governance Survey Report (E. Cowell)
- CAPA Annual Report (S. Dunlap)
- Discussion of proposed changes to the ARPM (S. Dunlap)
- Research & Professional Development discussion of using local R&PD funds
Substitute secretary needed: Vicki Williamson volunteered.
LAUC Buddy Needed
…for Jessica Silver. E. Cowell will solicit volunteers.
Linda Barnhart volunteered to be the buddy for new director of IR/PS, Jim Cheng.
Statewide Diversity Committee Rep. Needed
Vicki Williamson, Julie Yang, Leslie Abrams, and Kari Lucas are the current members of the LAUC-SD committee. Cowell will send a message to the group regarding the assignment of a chair and statewide rep.
Committee on Library Plans and Policies
Statewide committee needs LAUC-SD rep.