Executive Board meeting
June 10, 2003
Present: Elizabeth Cowell (Chair), Shi Deng, Sam Dunlap, Kathy Creely (Secretary), Jenny "Birthday Girl" Reiswig, Duffy Tweedy
1. Nominations (Jenny)
The tentative slate was handed out. A few more names will be added, pending confirmation. Jenny will send out the statewide ballot and candidate statements on June 16, with a deadline for return of June 30. Results will be counted July 7-9. The call for committees will be made after the election results are known. We will need members for the Research Professional Development Committee and possibly for the Committee on Professional Governance.
1. Statewide assembly and executive board business.
a. SOPAG -- There are 3 more reports being issued. LAUC members can send comments on the government information report to Tammy Dearie (the LAUC SOPAG representative) by July 9. The UC government information librarians have already met and discussed an earlier draft; their comments have been reported in the latest draft. Action: Elizabeth will send out a report and ask for feedback to be sent to Tammy Dearie.
b. Position Paper #1, revision to timeline. Revisions proposed were discussed and accepted. Alice Perez will be getting out an update soon. More revisions were suggested for possibly incorporation in the July 3 draft. The revisions were mostly "wordsmithing." The revisions do delete mention of the distinguished step. The distinguished step will be addressed in a separate paper, #6. Elizabeth will ask for feedback on the revisions to be sent to her. She will schedule a membership meeting if needed. The review period is July 3 to September 5.
c. LAUC-SD feedback on Patriot Act resolution. The resolution was revised and pased unanimously. Alice Perez will be issuing the version passed soon.
2. LAUC Chair's meeting with Brian Schottlaender. Brian seems to have the message that librarians are interested in doing more research. Elizabeth reiterated that LAUC members are very interested in the possibility of more research leave. Brian will followup with the Administrative Team. There is clarification needed about how related research topics should to be to primary job responsibilities and concern that a close correlation not be necessary. This is also true for volunteer and public service activities--there is concern that people are not listing all that they do, especially if the activity isn't closely related to their job. Brian encourages librarians to list more broadly. In the area of financial support, Brian clarified that LAUC professional development funds may be used for memberships. Brian commented that the CAPA/Review process went well this year. He liked the ad hoc committee process for accelerated reviews. Accelerated files accounted for over 30% of the reviews this year. Brian questions of the number should be that great or if acceleration is perhaps being used as a way to compensate for low salaries. Brian mentioned the possibility of implementing a "drop-dead" date for incomplete and late review files, after which the review would not have action taken until the following year.
3. Academic Senate Committe on Library. Elizabeth will put out a call for a new member, as the previous member, Anna Gold, has left UCSD. Anna did attend the June meeting.
4. Pizza Social. There will be pizza social on July 8 from 11:30 to 1. Elizabeth will announce it. She will put the cost on her credit card for reimbursement by LAUC secretary.
AGENDA BUILDING: Revisions to Position Paper #1; Draft of Committee Call.