Executive Board Meeting
March 14, 2002
Geisel Library, Room 276
Present: J. Reiswig (chair), M. L. Bergstrom, S. Dunlap, A. Perez (secretary), A. Prussing, E. Valdez
Karen Cargille retirement gift, presentation on April 10
The Executive Board brainstormed ideas for a retirement gift for Karen Cargille. J. Reiswig will follow-up.
LAUC-SD web site
A. Perez gave a show and tell of the changes she made to the web site. She updated the LAUC-SD Acronyms & Unique Phrases web page, and added minutes distribution protocols. A. Perez and L. Galvan-Estrada worked together on the archives of the online minutes, both executive board and membership meetings, and the rosters. The online archives will be helpful when building the next slate of nominations. J. Reiswig thanked A. Perez and L. Galvan-Estrada for revising the web site.
Diversity Committee (A. Prussing)
- A. Prussing will send the committee name-change ballot for the May membership meeting.
- A. Prussing will attend a conference on diversity in libraries on April 4-6, 2002 in Iowa.
- There is a new film on Afghanistan and warlords; it will be shown soon.
Research and Professional Development Committee (M. L. Bergstrom)
- M. L. Bergstrom will follow-up on clarifying the distribution of funds. It was suggested that she speak with M. Harden, S. Starr, and L. Claassen about past history on this subject.
- Journal Club pilot is comprised of six people; they will meet next week. M. L. Bergstrom will report back.
- Christine Borgman will speak next Friday, March 22nd in room 276.
- The committee has registered for a set of three videoconferences scheduled for March 26th, April 19th, and May 29th.
- The committee is investigating webcasts.
- M. Young, BML's intern who maintains the committee's website, has been out due to surgery.
Professional Governance Committee (J. Reiswig)
L. Galvan-Estrada attended a meeting on February 28th. The committee is in the midst of discussing the statewide survey questions about the distinguished step.
Election calendar - Discussion was deferred until next meeting.
Goals (S. Dunlap)
About two weeks ago S. Dunlap met with B. Schottlaender to discuss the goals issues. B. Schottlaender had constructive comments on changes to the ARPM; these changes will be made next year. J. Reiswig said it would be helpful if B. Schottlaender could tell us what format he would prefer for the goals.
Statewide Executive Board (J. Reiswig)
- D. Murphy wants the divisions to give feedback about the SOPAG Report, DPAC, and Virtual Reference. These reports have been reviewed in the various functional committees; however, J. Reiswig will email the membership for LAUC perspectives on the reports.
- Statewide Executive Board met at UC Irvine on February 22nd. D. Murphy said that by the end of her tem she would have a charge for a group to work on the Information Literacy Standards Project. The proposal was written at UC Irvine and sent to LAUC. If anyone is interested in serving on this group, please contact D. Murphy.
- Esther Grassian is the incoming LAUC president.
- Next year will see more changes to the Bylaws.
Membership meeting next week
Due to the lack of agenda items, it was decided to cancel next week's membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25am.