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January 2002 Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

January 10, 2002
SSHL Research Services Conference Room

Present: J. Reiswig (chair), M. L. Bergstrom, H. Colson, E. Cowell, S. Dunlap, S. Lawson, A. Perez (secretary), E. Valdez

Goals Statement for Brian

It was brought to the attention of the Executive Board that B. Schottlaender has not received an official statement regarding goals. J. Reiswig will send him electronic copies of the Goals Task Force Report and the membership meeting minutes from November.

Updating roster: Kari's term on CAPA

A. Perez revised CAPA roster to reflect a "Special one-year term" for K. Lucas.

Debbie Murphy: airport service anyone?

D. Murphy, LAUC President, will be the guest speaker at the January 15th LAUC-SD membership meeting. She will meet with B. Schottlaender after the meeting. H. Colson will verify if he is available to pick up D. Murphy at the airport.

LAUC Office - journals to go on Jan. 15 - assistance needed?

M. L. Bergstrom reported that the journals have been reviewed by Acquisitions and will be ready for the January 15th LAUC-SD membership meeting. The R&PD Committee has moved two R&PD binders to the new LAUC office, and they are in the process of conducting a software and equipment inventory. The coffee makers are still in the old LAUC office. There are other non-R&PD items in the LAUC office that need to be reviewed.

Report from Diversity Committee (sent via email from A. Prussing)

  • Film on Afghanistan will be shown at the end of January.
  • No new developments in the fellowship program.
  • J. Williams and V. Williamson are updating the Resources section of the website.
  • Committee name change will go to the membership for a vote at the April meeting.

Research and Professional Development Committee (M.L. Bergstrom)

  • The committee is thinking about activities in support of professional development, e.g., Journal Club. They plan on presenting the Journal Club proposal to the membership on January 15th.
  • Will host a webcast "The Academic Library as a Virtual and Physical Space" on January 29th in the Seuss Room. This is an ACRL webcast and the committee is reviewing others provided by ACRL. An announcement about the above webcast will be sent later this month.
  • Is in the process of updating their website.
  • No proposals were submitted for statewide, but they did receive one proposal for funding a poster. This proposal will be discussed at their next meeting.

ARPM fallback if HR doesn't finish revisions this week

LHR has not completed their revisions of the ARPM. S. Dunlap will request that D. Ambrose send electronic versions to him and J. Reiswig. S. Dunlap and M. Din will need to proof the document before the January 15th membership meeting.

NOTE: After today's Executive Board meeting S. Dunlap was notified that LHR has completed the revisions.

Member at Large

Today is S. Lawson's last meeting until May. According to the bylaws "If a vacancy occurs in one of the positions on the Executive Board other than the officers, the Chair shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the Executive Board." J. Reiswig suggested Karen Lindvall-Larson to replace S. Lawson, all agreed. J. Reiswig will follow-up with Karen.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.