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August 2002 Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

August 8, 2002
SSHL Research Services Conference Room

Present: M.L. Bergstrom, H. Colson, A. Perez (secretary), J. Reiswig (chair), E. Valdez

H. Colson announced that the Nominations/Elections Committee received the results from the run-off election. Shi Deng is the new Member-at-Large.

Annual call for committee volunteers
J. Reiswig will send the call via email for committee volunteers with deadline of August 23rd. The following committees need new members.

  • Diversity Committee
    L. Abrams and J. Yang are continuing members. Need three new members and Chair.
  • Nominations/Elections
    J. Reiswig will Chair and need two new members.
  • Research and Professional Development
    R. Melton and A. Gold are continuing members. Need three new members and Chair.
  • LAUC-SD Webmaster
    S. Lawson as new secretary/treasurer will serve in this capacity.
  • Academic Senate Library Committee
    Need one person.
  • LAUC Statewide Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction
    Need one person.

J. Reiswig will ask D. Tweedy if he will chair CAPA.

Request for annual reports from committee chairs
J. Reiswig reminded the board that committee chairs are to write brief annual reports. If committee has a budget, this information should also be included in the report. Deadline is early September. The report can also be presented at the membership meeting. Those committees that must provide a report are: Diversity, Research and Professional Development, Nominations/Elections, and CAPA.

Items you'd like brought to the Statewide Exec. Board meeting on 8/16

  • P. Manaka, UC Irvine, requested that the LAUC divisions address a report from UC Berkeley which states that although librarians are academic employees, they are not members of the Academic Senate and therefore, don't have a voice in the governance of the university. Each campus is to review the report and provide feedback.
  • Information Literacy concept, what are the next steps?
  • What were the results of the Distinguished Step survey?

Agenda building for Transition meeting on 8/27

  • Checkbook balance
  • Status of LAUC Office
  • Buddy responsibilities, and several new librarians need buddies
  • Review of committee volunteers and appointments
  • Schedule membership and Executive Board meetings for next year (A. Perez volunteered to compile conference dates so as not to conflict with new meetings.)

Statewide results
Two members asked if the statewide results had been sent out. J. Reiswig will double-check.

Meeting adjourned at 11:10am.