May 2001 Minutes
Executive Board Meeting
May 10, 2001
Geisel Library Training Room
LAUC-SD Executive Board
Thursday, May 10, 2001
Library Training Room
Present: C. Haynes, C. Keil, H. Colson, L. Galvan-Estrada, E. Cowell, J. Reiswig
Excused: B. Slater
- Announcements
CAPA report and changes to ARPM re: post-interview procedures (C. Haynes-- see his email of 5/18)
All files are in and four have yet to be reviewed BY CAPA.
C. Haynes asked for feedback on the proposed post interview appointment procedures that were recommended to go into the ARPM. There was a question about timeframe and whether or not the new procedures would add time to the process. There was also some terminology suggestions. B. Schottlaender stated that clarifying and articulating the steps in the process would, by its very nature, improve the overall efficiency of the process. It is the hope that no additional time would be added. The procedures were approved and adopted with corrections and will be added to the appropriate section in the ARPM.
- Local election slate (e-mail from B. Slater)
Reviewed the local and statewide ballots. We’ll have our local slate finalized by May 15. H. Colson will send B. Slater the electronic file with the statewide material and B. Slater (Nominating Committee Chair) will prepare the ballots and conduct the election.
- Buddy assignments (H. Colson & All)
There are a few new librarians in need of a LAUC buddy. Former members of the Executive Board have expressed interest in participating. H. Colson will talk to them and current members of the Board, to make the latest assignments (Julie Yang, S&E and Shi Deng, CJK Section, both arriving in June).
- Spring Assembly reports (H. Colson, J. Reiswig & C. Keil)
- Myron Okada discussed various issues, including: potential range adjustments, budget, fee remission
- Discussion on summer session and faculty (how to provide incentives for faculty to work summer session, revenue generating issue, what does it mean to the libraries). Gary Peete, representative to SLASIAC, will put in the June agenda for SLASIAC and he is requesting some data and personal experiences from the divisions. UCLA, UCB, UCSB will already be experiencing a bigger summer session this coming summer.
- Bruce Miller report: hiring two AULs, to start in January. Fall 2004 is the expected opening of UC Merced with summer session at Fresno State this year. They still don’t know what their core programs will be but environmental studies will be one of them.
- UL advisory system review has been completed and deemed very successful. The new head of University Librarians group is Gerry Munoff (UCI). John Tanno (taking over for Phyllis Mirsky) will chair SOPAG.
- University Committee on Libraries is in support of library buildings and they are working on a statement about their support.
- The search for a CDL UL continues, with Cathy Palmer as the LAUC representative and the only woman on the search committee. Some updates on the Melvyl transition team. Melvyl will remain as the name for the new system.
- -J. Reiswig was asked to chair the statewide Professional Governance Committee for the rest of the year as the current chair is unable to finish her term due to health problems.
- Next LAUC assembly will be at UC Davis in the fall.
- LAUC room transfer update (H. Colson)
LAUC room key will be in Facilities, temporarily. We don’t have the key to the new LAUC room because the room is not ready. H. Colson will find out if we can store the laptop in the new room and keep that key in Circulation.
- Summer social
Pizza social at Round Table on June 21. Laura will order & send the email to the membership. As this date fall on the same date as an executive board meeting, we will adjourn early and go set up.
- Agenda Building – June 5 membership meeting
- Video & discussion (45 min) [H. Colson will talk to Nancy to see if we can get refreshments through R&PD]
- CAPA Report & changes to ARPM (C. Haynes)
- Assembly Report
- Reminder to vote