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June 2001 Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

June 21, 2001
Geisel Library Training Room

Present: C. Keil, H. Colson, C. Haynes, E. Cowell, L. Galvan-Estrada, B. Slater
Excused: J. Reiswig

1. Announcements

  • Interviews for the GIS position in SSHL have been completed and an offer will be made soon.
  • July 23: pharmacy librarian candidate coming in. E. Cowell tentatively volunteered to be the LAUC representative at lunch (will confirm with H. Colson this afternoon).
2. CAPA report (including campus performance measures) - C. Haynes
All of the review files are in. CAPA will be completing its work on the 3 files that are left, hopefully by next week.

C. Haynes went over debriefing issues as CAPA prepares its wrap-up for the year. These issues will be brought up with the appropriate groups, such as the membership, review initiators, administration, etc. C. Haynes also touched on the issue of the new guidelines on respect, civility and diversity, which are already part of staff evaluations. This is not a simple issue and will continue to be addressed by next year's CAPA.

3. Elections reports, divisional and statewide - B. Slater and H. Colson
Our local nominations committee has completed its work and the results of the elections have already been announced to the membership. B. Slater thanked K. Peterson and K. Lindvall-Larson, for their hard work on the committee. H. Colson has received the results of the statewide elections and will send them out the membership today. Chair-elect is Esther Grassian and the secretary is Heidi Hutchinson.

Since this year the elections and the call for volunteers for committee vacancies were decoupled, it is now time to call for volunteers. H. Colson will verify the vacancies and then send out a call for volunteers. Committee assignments will be made at the transition meeting in August.

4. Buddy volunteers - H. Colson
H. Colson's latest call for buddy volunteers was well received and he is keeping a list for future assignments.

5. Transition planning - all
The LAUC-SD board transition meeting will be held in early August. H. Colson will send out the call for committee volunteers, notify the newly elected officers of the meeting date and coordinate the transition with J. Reiswig, incoming chair. Committee assignments and next year's meeting calendar will be set at that meeting. Annual committee reports will be due at the transition meeting. J. Reiswig and H. Colson will fly to Oakland for the statewide transition meeting.

6. Follow-up to Wilder video - all
Fall activity for next executive board: an orientation session for students/staff on librarianship as a career.

7. Librarian recognition - C. Haynes
Current and past CAPA members have expressed that it is truly a pleasure to serve in CAPA, as they find out what great accomplishments our colleagues achieve. C. Haynes expressed the need/desire for a forum to recognize the accomplishments of our peers. The group agreed and brainstormed on possible venues for this purpose. Some of the ideas were to include accomplishments in the Navigator, UCSD Times, make announcements at LAUC-SD membership meetings, set up a bulletin board, send out "wow" e-mail messages. This should be a discussion item at the next membership meeting.

8. Early agenda building for Chairs session with Brian on July 17
Postponed for the next executive board meeting.

Meeting adjourned early to go set up for the pizza social