January 2001 Minutes
Executive Board Meeting
January 12, 2001
Library Training Room, Geisel
Present: Harold Colson, Christina Keil, Jennifer Reiswig, Barbara Slater, Craig Haynes, and Laura Galvan-Estrada
Excused: Elizabeth Cowell
- Announcements
- LAUC Systemwide Bylaws ratification wrap-up (B. Slater)
The UCSD ballots were sent January 5th (24 was the last count)
- Peer Review Cycle matters: "Ranking" and SDM language (C. Haynes)
C. Haynes brought the final wording, as drafted by LAUC-SD Exec. Bd., CAPA, LHR for incorporating into the ARPM. He will draft a preamble to this change and send to the membership. The change will take effect in the current review cycle.
- "Tempe principles" program from R&PD (H. Colson)
N. Stimson, Chair of R&PD, got in touch with H. Colson to finalize a date for this program. The two viable dates are April 10 and April 17, the latter coinciding with the membership meeting. Since the program is expected to be just one hour long, it was agreed to have it on April 17, from 2-3, followed by the membership business meeting, 3-4. H. Colson will convey this to N. Stimson, as well as the possibility of having refreshments at this event and providing members with background readings in advance of the program. Harold will also discuss with R&PD the possibility of having a program in conjunction with a social sometime later in the spring.
- Agenda for LAUC Executive Board on Feb. 2 (H. Colson)
H. Colson shared with the board the agenda for the next statewide executive board meeting, which includes: discussion of the new LAUC website; relationships, process & tracking of LAUC appointments to the UL advisory groups; discussion of distinguished step by ULs and LAUC representatives; transition to new salary schedule; election calendar 2000-01; Spring Assembly
- LAUC Room & Room 722 update (H. Colson)
After our last meeting, H. Colson spoke with M. Mogelinski regarding our concerns and they agreed to house LAUC archive materials in the old room, as our new room (722) is too small. H. Colson will coordinate with J. Elmore regarding furniture, moves, etc. Concern was expressed regarding the availability of keys to others, non-LAUC member, just for security reasons [Note: M. Mogelinski has confirmed that the keys to that room are unique]. Later, procedures will be worked out so LAUC-SD members can have ready access to the files housed in the nursing room.
- Librarians' meeting January 24 in the Price Center
The announcement of a meeting with Miki Goral, Funeka Winsor and Fred Lonidier to discuss the new contract was sent to all represented librarians. B. Slater has asked F. Winsor if the meeting can be opened to ALL librarians, whether they are represented or not. She hasn't gotten a response yet but will share it as soon as she does.
- Agenda building for February membership Meeting (all)
Items (tentative):
- D. Hoffman on librarians and development
- CAPA & new contract
- Professional governance on discussion of distinguished step
- Report from the Feb. 2nd Executive Board Mtg.
- Announce the program on Tempe Principles
- Announce any new developments on the LAUC room
- Bylaws vote (if there are any news)
- Ideas for future programs were tossed around, including bringing in M. Chandler to discuss new academic programs on campus, bringing in the new UL for the Merced Campus
Meeting adjourned at 11:05