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September 1997 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board
July 15, 1997; 12:00-1:00

Attending: Leslie Abrams, Karen Cargille, Linda Claassen (chair), Trisha
Cruse, Becky Culbertson, Tammy Dearie, Barbara Slater, Reinhart Sonnenberg,
Dawn Talbot, Kathy Whitley (recorder)

1. 1997-98 Committee Assignments

Discussed and decided upon assignments as follows:

LAUC-SD Research and Professional Development Cte
Lynda Claassen (new)
Victoria Williamson (new)
Jenny Reiswig (new)
Susan Berteau (continuing)
Kathy Creely (continuing)
Becky Culbertson (continuing)

LAUC-SD Nominations/Election Cte
Ruth Gustafson
Duffy Tweedy

LAUC-SD Cte on Cultural Diversity
Karen will check with Steve to see whether he wants a committee

LAUC-SD Representative to UCSD Academic Senate Library Committee
Deborah Kegel

LAUC-SD Archives Cte (ad hoc)
Karen Cargille
Barbara Slater

LAUC-SD Webmaster
Elliot Kanter

Statewide appointments:
Cte on Committees Rules and Jurisdictions
Peter Brueggeman (continuing)
Cte on Cultural Diversity
Esteban Valdez (continuing, statewide chair)
Cte on Library Plans and Policies
Ronnie Coates
Cte on Professional Governance
Tami Echaverria (continuing)
Cte on Research and Professional Development
Kathy Creely (continuing)
Scholarly Communication WWW Editorial Board
Craig Haynes (continuing)

LAUC-SD Executive Board
Vice-Chair/Chair Elect - Barbara Slater
Secretary/Treasurer - Becky Culbertson
Member-at-Large - Reinhart Sonnenberg
Delegate - Trisha Cruse

Elected Standing Committee
CAPA New members:
Leslie Abrams (97/98/99)
Kathy Whitley (97/98/99)
CAPA Continuing members:
Elliot Kanter (96/97/98)
Dawn Talbot (96/97/98)

(Chair will serve on Executive Board)

2. Annual Committee Reports
Lynda will put out a call for annual reports from committees where appropriate.

3. Meetings calendar
No Executive Board meeting in August. Next membership meeting will be Tuesday,
September 9, 2-4pm, place to be announced. Next executive board meeting will be
the previous Tuesday, September 2, 3:30-5pm, Special Collections.

In general, membership meetings will be the second Tuesday, every other month,
2-4pm. Executive Board meetings will be the first Tuesday of every month,

4. Future meeting topics
Karen wondered whether we can explore the activity level of the chapter. Some
statewide issues coming up will be the administrative stipend and Librarian VI.
Consider perhaps reviving the monthly lunches, monitoring other chapters'
minutes, etc.