May 1995 Minutes
LAUC Executive Board Meeting
May 12, 1995
Attendees: E. Kanter, H. Colson, K. Cargille, S. Starr (recorder)
Absent: L. Abrams, C. Jahns, C. Haynes, A. Prussing
E. Kanter announced the slate for LAUC-SD officers.
Committee reports:
E. Kanter reported for the Research and Professional Development
Committee. K. Cargille's presentation was very successful; C.
Haynes has been awarded $900 to prepare an index to his
bilbiography; the next call for local grants will be June 23,
H. Colson reported for CAPA. "Blue" letters will be distributed
this year sometime the week of May 22.
1. H. Colson led a discussion of the results of the survey to
determine member satisfaction with the new "streamlined"
guidelines for peer review. There were 23 files received this
year and 15 respondents to the survey; H. Colson noted that for
some reviewees this was their first review so they were unable to
compare the new guidelines with the old ones and did not respond
to the survey. Reaction was very positive.
The results of the survey will be distributed to members and
discussed at next week's membership meeting. Assuming that
members agree to codify these guidelines, E. Kanter will call for
volunteers for a committee to work on final wording and
appropriate revisions to peer review documents.
2. Travel support
K. Cargille reported on the results of her survey on travel
support. Most respondents prefer a flat allocation to an
allocation based on number of trips. This report will be
discussed at the membership meeting.
Spring Assembly Items
1. Future of Fall Assembly: this issue will likely be voted on at
the Statewide Executive Board meeting and/or the Assembly. The
LAUC SD Executive Board supports eliminating Fall Assembly since
funds to support it are no longer available.
2. Committee on Professional Governance
The Executive Board was supportive of this committee's
recommendation to cease reporting detailed peer review statistics
statewide. J. Hanson's local report of the outcome of peer
review is valuable and should be continued.
The Committee also recommended creating a new category of
"substitute librarians." This will be discussed at the
membership meeting, along with their recommendation that the two
year limit on temporary librarians be clarified to say that it
applies to the position not to the individual. The Board was
supportive of the substitute librarian position, feeling it would
be useful at UCSD, but had some concerns that the change in
wording for temporary librarians might lead to exploitation of
librarians by retaining them in a series of temporary positions.
3. Committee on Committees
The recommendation of this committee to clarify the role of
affiliate LAUC members will be discussed at the membership
The recommendation to add wording clarifying the reporting
relationship of LAUC standing committees was discussed. The
Executive Board supports the recommendation for additional
wording and also supports the proposal to have the policy
clarified in the charges to the committees each year.
4. Committee on Cultural Diversity
The Executive Board expressed reservations on this Committee's
recommendation that they be allowed to write directly on issues
regarding the universities' libraries, rather than go through the
LAUC President and the Executive Board. It was unclear what was
the source of the time delays the Committee had experienced, but
the Board felt that these issues were sufficiently important to
deserve widespread deliberations.
5. Research Committee
The Executive Board supports the proposal for one call and for
having someone other than the President-elect serve as Chair of
this Committee. S. Starr pointed out, having chaired the
Nominating Committee this year, that recruiting candidates for
President-elect would be easier if they didn't have to
immediately take on this large commitment.
Issues for Executive Board report
The Board suggested that E. Kanter report on the shared decision
making training/program at UCSD as part of the upcoming LAUC
Statewide Board's "round robin" discussion, as well as reporting
on the status of various open positions.