George Feher Papers, 1945-2017 (MSS 805)


Extent: 35.2 Linear feet (88 archives boxes)

Papers of George Feher (1924-2017), biophysicist and professor of physics at UC San Diego. Feher founded the biophysics program at UC San Diego. This collection contains correspondence, early coursework, research materials, writings, teaching materials, and materials related to the physics department at UC San Diego.

George Feher (1924-2017) was born on May 29, 1924 into a Jewish family in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. In 1941 Feher escaped Nazi occupation settling in Haifa, where he took courses at the Technion and worked as a lab assistant for Franz Ollendorff. During this time Feher also worked for the Hagana, a Jewish unground organization as an electronics expert. In 1944 Feher applied to study at the Technion but failed the entrance examination. Feher left Palestine to continue his education in the United States in 1946.

George Feher attended the University of California, Berkeley and graduated with a B.S. in engineering physics in 1950, followed by an M.S. in electrical physics in 1951 and a Ph.D. in physics in 1954. Feher was a research physicist at Bell Telephone Laboratories from 1954-1960 and visiting associate professor at Columbia University from 1959-1960. During his time at Columbia University, Feher met Elsa Rosenvasser, who became his wife and partner for nearly 60 years. In 1960, Feher became a professor of physics at UC San Diego. Feher founded the Biophysics program at UC San Diego in 1964.

Feher is best known for his work in EPR spectrometry, pioneering ENDOR techniques, and his research in bacterial photosynthesis. Feher wrote and published Thoughts on the Holocaust in the later years of his life, after his interview for the Shoah Foundation encouraged him to talk about his experiences.

George Feher was a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Physical Society, and the Biophysical Society. In 1982, Feher was the recipient of the American Physical Society Biophysics Prize for his contributions to the understanding of photosynthesis. He received the Bruker Prize in 1992, the Rumford Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1992, and the Zavoisky Award in 1996. He also received the Wolf Prize in Chemistry in 2007 for his research on reaction centers and light driven processes in photosynthesis. Feher passed away on November 28, 2017.

For more information on George Feher, please see:

EPR Newsletter, Volume 28, No. 3 (2018)

Three decades of research in bacterial photosynthesis and the road leading to it: A personal account

Papers of George Feher (1924-2017), distinguished biophysicist and professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego, where he founded the Biophysics program in 1964. The collection documents Feher's scientific career and includes: notes and materials from Feher's studies at UC Berkeley; research notes, data, and subject summaries; an assortment of Feher's writings and collaborations; correspondence; and a small selection of materials on the Department of Physics.

Materials range in date from 1945 to 2017. There are gaps in documentation and parts of the collection are not comprehensive; for example, there is relatively little correspondence, and only a few boxes of material directly relating to UC San Diego (including Feher's teaching, administrative duties, and the Department of Physics).


Container List


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL: A small series including press releases, articles, photographs, award materials, an interview transcript for the Shoah Foundation, and autobiographical writings by Feher. Arranged chronologically.

Box 1 Folder 1
Publicity, 1957-1992

Includes photographs from Bell Telephone Laboratories, press releases, articles, and news clippings.

Box 1 Folder 2
Biography International, 1984

Includes correspondence and draft of profile.

Box 1 Folder 3
List of collaborations, ca. 1985-1990
Box 1 Folder 4
Rumford Award ceremony, 1991-1992

Includes correspondence.

Box 1 Folder 5
Interview transcript for the Shoah Foundation, 1998
Box 1 Folder 6
The Wolf Prize, 2004-2007

Personal and autobiographical writings by Feher

Box 1 Folder 7
A guide to the formalists, 1971
Box 1 Folder 8
Some points on writing manuscripts, 1985
Box 1 Folder 9-10
The development of ENDOR and other reminiscences of the 1950s, 1993-1998

Includes materials from the 1994 EPR symposium.

Box 1 Folder 11-12
Three decades of research in bacterial photosynthesis and the road leading to it: A personal account, 1993-1997

Includes drafts and correspondence.

Box 2 Folder 1-3
Three decades of research in bacterial photosynthesis and the road leading to it: A personal account, 1997-1998

Includes drafts, correspondence, proofs, and photograph of Feher.

Box 2 Folder 4-5
My road to biophysics: Picking flowers on the way to photosynthesis, 2001-2002

Includes photograph.

Box 2 Folder 6
The creation of the physics department, 2002
Box 2 Folder 7
Feher, Lubitz, and Möbius. EPR and ENDOR of primary reactants in bacterial photosynthesis, 2007-2009

Includes correspondence, interview with Feher, and curriculum vitae. Published in "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: From Fundamental Research to Pioneering Applications & Zavoisky Award by Kev Salichov."

Box 2 Folder 8
Thoughts on aging, 2009

Published in a special issue of Applied Magnetic Resonance celebrating Wolfgang Lubitz.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE: A small selection of professional correspondence, originally arranged as subject files by name/subject by Feher. Files include related topical materials, correspondence related to writings and research, board and committee materials, technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories, and a photograph of Feher with family and friends. Arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Box 3 Folder 1
Adir, Noam, 1996-2002
Box 3 Folder 2
Allen, James P., 1987-2003

Includes copy of "My daily constitutional in Martinsreid," published in Photosynthesis Research.

Box 3 Folder 3
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1977
Box 3 Folder 4
Bagley, Kimberly A., 1986-1998

Includes notes.

Box 3 Folder 5
Béal-Monod, M. T., 1980
Box 3 Folder 6
Bemski, George, 1988-2009

Includes draft of Bemski's autobiography.

Box 3 Folder 7
Beroza, Paul, 1996-1997
Box 3 Folder 8
Blankenship, Robert E., 1984
Box 3 Folder 9
Blatt, Yoav, 1980-1982
Box 3 Folder 10
Boxer, Steven G., 1980-1999
Box 3 Folder 11
Brenda, 1989
Box 3 Folder 12
Breton, Jacques, 1983-1992
Box 3 Folder 13
Brudvig, Gary W., 1989-1993
Box 3 Folder 14
Calvo, Rafael, 1979-1994
Box 3 Folder 15
Camm, Edith, 1987
Box 3 Folder 16
Castner, Ted, 1982
Box 3 Folder 17
Clayton, Roderick K., 1988
Box 3 Folder 18
Cogdell, Richard J., 1983-2004
Box 3 Folder 19
Cole, Kenneth S., 1979
Box 3 Folder 20
Crofts, Anthony R., 1977

Includes notes.

Box 3 Folder 21
Czerlinski, George H., 1979-1985
Box 3 Folder 22
Debus, Richard J., 1987-1989
Box 3 Folder 23
Degani, Hadassa, 1989-1998
Box 3 Folder 24
Delaney, Floyd J., 2003
Box 3 Folder 25
Delbrück, Max, 1981-2005

Includes materials related to the Max Delbrück Laboratory dedication ceremony and the centennial celebration.

Box 3 Folder 26
Diza, Amie, 1999-2006
Box 3 Folder 27-28
Dostal, Martin, 1988-1993

Includes photographs.

Box 3 Folder 29
Dratz, Edward A., 1982
Box 3 Folder 30
Drews, Gerhart, 1982-1989

Includes notes.

Box 3 Folder 31
Dubin, Stuart B., 1968, 1988
Box 3 Folder 32
Gere, Ed, 2001
Box 3 Folder 33
Gilat, Gidon, 1984
Box 3 Folder 34
Goldanskii, Vitali, 1979-1984
Box 3 Folder 35
Guéron, Maurice, 1982
Box 3 Folder 36
Harrington, Holly, 1970
Box 3 Folder 37
Hellingwerf, Klaas J., 1980-1987
Box 3 Folder 38
Henderickson, David N., 1988
Box 4 Folder 1
Herbstein, C. J., 1980
Box 4 Folder 2-3
Hoff, Arnold J., 1976-2007

Includes notes, grant proposal, research progress reports, and drafts of "Q-Band (35 Ghz) EPR spectroscopy of electron spin polarization of the primary acceptor ubiquinone..."

Box 4 Folder 4
Holten, Dewey, 1985-1990
Box 4 Folder 5
Hopfield, John J., 1984-1986

Includes notes.

Box 4 Folder 6
Hsia, Carleton J., 1969
Box 4 Folder 7
Huber, Martina, 1990-1995
Box 4 Folder 8
Huber, Robert, 1984-1988
Box 4 Folder 9
International Biographical Archives and Dictionary of Central European Emigrés (1933-1945), 1979

Includes correspondence regarding Feher's inclusion in the biographical dictionary.

Box 4 Folder 10
Isaacson, Roger A., 1963-1984
Box 4 Folder 11
Jaffe, J. H., 1970
Box 4 Folder 12
Jelinek, Otakar, 1996
Box 4 Folder 13
Jortner, Joshua, 1988-1997
Box 4 Folder 14
Kam, Zvi, 1971-1996
Box 4 Folder 15
Kamen, Martin D., 1979-2002

Includes materials related to Kamen's memorial service.

Box 4 Folder 16
Kaplan, Samuel, 1972-1986
Box 4 Folder 17
Keller, Seymour, 1957
Box 4 Folder 18
Kittel, Charles, 1979
Box 4 Folder 19
Klein, Melvin P., 1987-1998
Box 4 Folder 20
Kleinfeld, David, 1985-2005

Includes research summaries.

Box 4 Folder 21
Kropacheva, Tatjana Nikolajevna, 1996, 2002
Box 4 Folder 22
Kucera, Karol, 2003-2004
Box 4 Folder 23
Lavergne, Jérome, 1998
Box 4 Folder 24
Le Maire, M., 1985
Box 4 Folder 25
Lederer, Richard, 2003
Box 4 Folder 26
Lersch, Willhelm, 1987-1989
Box 4 Folder 27
Loach, Paul A., 1970-1990
Box 4 Folder 28
Lösche, Mathias, 1986-1989

Includes notes and draft titled "The stark effect in membrane bond and in purified antennae proteins from Rb. Sphaeroids."

Box 4 Folder 29
Makari, Jack G., 1957-1959

Includes notes, correspondence, and memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 4 Folder 30
Mandell, Arnold, 1979-1985
Box 4 Folder 31
Marchand, R., 1984
Box 4 Folder 32
Marcus, Rudy, 2004

Includes correspondence related to the Wolf Prize.

Box 4 Folder 33
Marinetti, Tim, 1996
Box 4 Folder 34
Mascarenhas, Sérgio, 1974
Box 5 Folder 1-2
Matthias, Bernd Theodor, 1961-1966, 1980-1996

Includes research proposal on solid state physics, photographs and materials related to Matthias's memorial service and endowment fund, drafts of memoir by Paul R. Stein, and materials related to the UCSD Academic Senate.

Box 5 Folder 3
Mauzerall, David C., 1971-1987
Box 5 Folder 4
McElroy, James, 1968
Box 5 Folder 5
Meyer, Barbara, 1990-2006
Box 5 Folder 6
Michel-Beyerle, Maibi, 1986-1991

Includes drafts and correspondence related to "Interrelationship between primary electron transfer dynamics and magnetic interactions in photosynthetic reaction centers" and "On the role of trytophan as a super exchange mediator for quinone reduction in photosynthetic reaction centers."

Box 5 Folder 7
Miller, John R., 1979
Box 5 Folder 8
Minai, Limor, 1999-2000
Box 5 Folder 9
Möbius, Klaus, 1976, 1986
Box 5 Folder 10-11
Mosina, Laila, 1997-2005

Includes correspondence related to the Zavoisky Award, poker article, photographs from visit to San Diego, and photograph of Feher titled "The home game. G. Feher with his grandson Avi, inspiring a new generation."

Box 5 Folder 12
Meyer, Jon, 2002

Includes correspondence with K. C. Cole and others.

Box 5 Folder 13
National Academy of Sciences, 1964-1990

Includes drafts of panel reports and "Biological Physics" written by Watt W. Webb.

Box 5 Folder 14
Nechushtai, Rachel, 1984-1992
Box 6 Folder 1
Nechushtai, Rachel, 1992-2004
Box 6 Folder 2
Nicolson, Garth, 1968
Box 6 Folder 3
Norris, James R., 1981-1985
Box 6 Folder 4
Oesterhelt, Dieter, 1988
Box 6 Folder 5
Okamura, Melvin Yoshito, 1970

Includes research proposal.

Box 6 Folder 6
Onuchic, José Nelson, 1988-1991
Box 6 Folder 7
Padan, Etana, 1979, 1992
Box 6 Folder 8
Parson, William W., 1973-1989

Includes progress report.

Box 6 Folder 9
Peisach, Jack, 1985

Includes correspondence and materials related to project site visit at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Box 6 Folder 10
Penman, Sheldon, 1967
Box 6 Folder 11
Petra, 2002-2003

Includes photographs.

Box 6 Folder 12
Raymond, Tony, 1987
Box 6 Folder 13
Rees, Douglas C., 1987-2001

Includes notes.

Box 6 Folder 14
Reiss-Husson, Françoise, 1980-1986
Box 6 Folder 15
Reldan, Jane, 1990-2005

Includes photograph.

Box 6 Folder 16
Rice and Teller - Notes, ca. 1955-1965
Box 6 Folder 17-18
Rondelez, Francis, 1981

Includes notes and data sheets.

Box 6 Folder 19
Ross, Ian K,, 1984
Box 6 Folder 20
Safdie, Moshe, 2006

Includes correspondence related to the film The Power of Architecture.

Box 6 Folder 21
Schindler, Hansgeorg, 1977-1987

Includes notes.

Box 7 Folder 1
Scholes, Charles P., 1969
Box 7 Folder 2
Schultz, Sheldon, 1961-1965
Box 7 Folder 3
Selwood, P. W., 1955
Box 7 Folder 4
Shore, Herbert B., 1966-1975
Box 7 Folder 5
Shuvalov, Vladimir, 1988-1991
Box 7 Folder 6
Smith, Douglas B., 1988
Box 7 Folder 7
Steinberg, Daniel, 1986
Box 7 Folder 8-9
Steiner, Lisa A., 1969-2001

Includes notes, photograph, correspondence related to the passing of Rodney Robert Porter, and draft of biographical memoir by Samuel Victor Perry.

Box 7 Folder 10
Stent, Gunther, 2005-2006

Includes draft of biographical memoir written by Feher on Max Delbrück.

Box 7 Folder 11
Theiler, Rolf, 1986
Box 7 Folder 12
Thornber, J. Philip, 1969
Box 7 Folder 13
Turanchik, Trieva K., 1995-2002
Box 7 Folder 14
Völker, Silvia, 1987-1995
Box 7 Folder 15
Walz, Dieter, 1988
Box 7 Folder 16
Warshel, Arieh, 1987, 1996
Box 7 Folder 17
Weaver, Ellen C., 1970
Box 7 Folder 18
Weissman, Michael B., 1971-1982
Box 7 Folder 19
Weizmann Institute of Science, 1978-1992
Box 7 Folder 20
Who's Who Publishing, 1979-1985
Box 7 Folder 21
Wiemken, Vreni, 1984
Box 7 Folder 22
Wraight, Colin A., 1979-1988
Box 7 Folder 23
Wüthrich, Kurt, 1989-1998
Box 7 Folder 24
Youvan, Douglas, 1987-1995
Box 7 Folder 25
Zoller, Peter T., 1983

Includes correspondence regarding the Watkins Visiting Professorship Lecture Series.

Box 7 Folder 26
Miscellaneous A-Z, 1966-2004


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) EARLY COURSEWORK AND WRITINGS: A selection of materials from Feher's studies at UC Berkeley. Includes notes, course materials, experiment data, exams, and papers ranging from 1946 to 1954. Arranged in approximate chronological order.

Box 8 Folder 1
Astronomy 1A - Fybate lecture notes, 1946
Box 8 Folder 2
Nuclear physics, part 1: Quantum mechanics - Lectures by J. Schwinger and notes by John M. Blatt, 1946-1947
Box 8 Folder 3
Nuclear physics, part 2: Nuclear physics - Lectures by J. Schwinger and notes by John M. Blatt, 1947
Box 8 Folder 4
Zoology 1A, 1947
Box 8 Folder 5
Zoology 10 - Fybate lecture notes, 1947
Box 8 Folder 6
Mathematics 4 A-B: Integrals and series, 1947
Box 8 Folder 7
Engineering 22: Engineering drawing, 1947
Box 9 Folder 1
Physics 4 A-B: Mechanics and electricity, 1947
Box 9 Folder 2
114: Thermionic emission - Notes, 1947-1948
Box 9 Folder 3
Physics 4C: Heat, sound, and light, 1948
Box 9 Folder 4
Physics 108 A: Physical optics and Physics 121: Atomic physics, 1948
Box 9 Folder 5
Physics 126 - Notes and term paper, 1948
Box 10 Folder 1
Electrical Engineering 103 A-B: Particle accelerator, 1948
Box 10 Folder 2
Electrical Engineering 126: Industrial electronics - Notes, 1948
Box 10 Folder 3
Mass spectrograph with high resolution - Notes, 1948
Box 10 Folder 4
Mathematics 110 A: Complex numbers, Fourier series, and line integrals - Notes, 1948
Box 10 Folder 5
Electrical Engineering 132 A: Communication lab, 1948
Box 11 Folder 1
Mathematics 110 B: Differential equations, 1948
Box 11 Folder 2
Physics 105 A-B: Mechanics, 1948-1949
Box 11 Folder 3
Physics 110 A-B, 1948-1949
Box 11 Folder 4
Electrical Engineering 116 A-B: Communication engineering, 1948-1949
Box 12 Folder 1
Electrical Engineering 116 A-B: Communication engineering, 1948-1949
Box 12 Folder 2
Physics 110 D: Atomic physics Lab, 1948-1950
Box 12 Folder 3
Instruction sheets from Electrical Engineering 126, 132 A, 133, and Physics 110 C, 1948-1950
Box 12 Folder 4
Electrical Engineering 106: Section 2B - Notes, ca. 1948-1952
Box 12 Folder 5
Physiology 1-C: Introductory physiology (syllabus by Sherburne F. Cook), ca. 1948-1952
Box 12 Folder 6
Mechanical Engineering 103, 1949
Box 13 Folder 1
Physics 112: Heat and thermodynamics, 1949
Box 13 Folder 2
Physics 112: Lecture notes on intermediate heat - With 1938 notes by Leonard B. Loeb, 1949
Box 13 Folder 3
Physics 124: Nuclear physics - With lecture notes prepared by L. W. Alvarez, 1949
Box 13 Folder 4
Electrical Engineering 117 A-B: Electromagnetic theory, 1949
Box 14 Folder 1
Mathematics 119 A-B, 1949-1950
Box 14 Folder 2
Thermionic emission notes, ca. 1949-1952
Box 14 Folder 3
Physics 115: Quantum mechanics, 1950
Box 14 Folder 4
Mathematics 220 A: Differential equations - Notes, 1950
Box 15 Folder 1
Mathematics 220 A: Lecture notes prepared by Frank L. Fillmore, 1950
Box 15 Folder 2
Electrical Engineering 206: High frequency tubes - Notes, 1950
Box 15 Folder 3
Electrical Engineering 217: Electromagnetic theory - Notes, 1950
Box 15 Folder 4
Electrical Engineering 217: Electromagnetic theory - Exams, 1950
Box 15 Folder 5
Electrical Engineering 123 B: Electrical filters, 1950
Box 16 Folder 1
Electrical Engineering 133: Electrical machinery lab - Experiment reports, 1950
Box 16 Folder 2
Filament designs for S3 and S4 - Notes, 1950
Box 16 Folder 3
Electrical Engineering 200: The history of thermionic emission, 1950

Report written by Feher and presented to the graduate seminar in electrical engineering.

Box 16 Folder 4
Chemistry 120: Advanced inorganic chemistry, ca.1950
Box 16 Folder 5
Physics 221 B - Notes, ca. 1950-1952
Box 16 Folder 6
Mathematics 220 B - Fybate Lecture notes, ca. 1950-1952
Box 17 Folder 1
Mathematics 220 B: Partial differential equations - Notes, 1951
Box 17 Folder 2
Physics 250 A: Dynamics - Notes, 1951
Box 17 Folder 3
Physics 219: Statistical mechanics and kinetic theory - Notes, 1951
Box 17 Folder 4
Porous-core cathodes - Notes, 1951
Box 18 Folder 1
Physics 290: Experimental techniques in physics, 1951
Box 18 Folder 2
Bombarded cathode notes, ca. 1951
Box 18 Folder 3
Physics 130: Solid state physics, 1952
Box 18 Folder 4
Physics 210 A-B: Electromagnetic theory and relativity - Notes, 1952
Box 18 Folder 5
Physics 212: Thermodynamics - Notes, 1952
Box 19 Folder 1
Physics 208B, 221A: Advanced quantum mechanics, 1952
Box 19 Folder 2
Preliminary review notes, 1952
Box 19 Folder 3
On the production and testing of porous core cathodes - Thesis, 1952
Box 19 Folder 4
Physics 208: Optics - Notes, ca. 1952-1953
Box 19 Folder 5
Electron spin resonance absorption in metals - Original Ph.D. thesis, 1954


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) RESEARCH: A large selection of research materials, including notes, research summaries and data, drafts, subject files, and grants. Contents date from 1945 to 2005, and are arranged in three subseries: A) Research, B) Subject files, and C) Research grants.

A) Research: Research data, notes, and summaries. Includes progress reports, proposals, and summaries by Feher and members of his lab. Originally kept in large binders. Arranged chronologically.

B) Subject Files: A small selection of files on a variety of subjects. Includes notes, drawings, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories. Arranged alphabetically.

C) Grants: Includes drafts of grant proposals, budgets, notes, reports, and related correspondence. Arranged chronologically.


Box 20 Folder 1
Miscellaneous notes, 1963
Box 20 Folder 2
Genetics notes, 1963
Box 20 Folder 3
Biology notes, 1964
Box 20 Folder 4
Porphyrin and photosynthesis, 1964
Box 20 Folder 5
Photosynthesis notes, 1965
Box 20 Folder 6
Paraelectric experiments - Correspondence, research notes, and theory, 1965
Box 20 Folder 7
Determination experiment, 1966

Includes paper titled "Determination of the zero field splitting 'D' in heme chloride by far-infared spectroscopy," presented at International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, in Stockholm, Sweden.

Box 20 Folder 8
Photosynthesis experiments, 1966-1967
Box 21 Folder 1
Notes, correspondence, and progress reports from Isaacson, McElroy, and Bridges, 1967-1968
Box 21 Folder 2-4
Spin labeling, 1969-1970
Box 21 Folder 5
Untitled research and notes, 1968
Box 21 Folder 6
Kinetics, with photographs, 1968
Box 21 Folder 7
Reactions in solutions, 1969
Box 21 Folder 8
Spin labeling review notes, Hb EPR NMR theory, 1969
Box 22 Folder 1-2
X- run, 1969-1970
Box 22 Folder 3-5
Acrylamide gels, 1970
Box 22 Folder 6
Mb Hb ENDOR experiments, 1971-1973
Box 22 Folder 7
Reaction center - Amino acid analysis, 1971-1973
Box 23 Folder 1
Reaction center - Amino acid analysis, 1971-1973
Box 23 Folder 2-3
Reaction center notes and summaries - Arnold Hoff, Roger Isaacson, and Larry Ackerson, 1972-1973
Box 23 Folder 4-5
Noise experiment data, 1972-1973

Includes research summary by Mike Weissman.

Box 23 Folder 6
Work in progress notes, 1972-1978

Includes notes from Larry Ackerson, Mark Troll, Zvi Kam, Ed, and Michael Weissman.

Box 24 Folder 1-3
Work in progress notes, 1972-1978

Includes notes from Larry Ackerson, Mark Troll, Zvi Kam, Ed, and Michael Weissman.

Box 24 Folder 4
Reaction centers - Stoichiometry, amino acids, kinetic data, and errors, 1973
Box 24 Folder 5-6
Mb Hb ENDOR experiments and proposal, 1973-1975
Box 24 Folder 7-8
BCh1 ENDOR data summaries, 1973-1974
Box 25 Folder 1
Fluctuation spectroscopy notes, 1974

Includes notes by Mike Weissman.

Box 25 Folder 2
Noise fluctuation notes and teaching materials for Physics 230 B, 1974
Box 25 Folder 3
Radiation, 1974
Box 25 Folder 4
Technique notes, 1974-1976
Box 25 Folder 5
Xo of X-, 1974-1978
Box 25 Folder 6
Reaction center - Localize notes, correspondence, and photographs, 1974-1980
Box 25 Folder 7
Reaction center - Correspondence, notes, and research data, 1974-1981
Box 25 Folder 8
RC subunits sequencing - Research notes and summaries, 1976
Box 26 Folder 1
Reaction center research summaries, 1976-1977

Includes summaries by Rosen, Troll, Valkirs, Okamura, Ackerson, Marinetti, and Kleinfeld.

Box 26 Folder 2-4
L, M, H sequencing - Molecular weight of reaction centers, with proposals, 1976-1980
Box 26 Folder 5
Pressure, 1977
Box 26 Folder 6-7
Molecular weights - Correspondence, notes, and research data, 1977-1980
Box 27 Folder 1
Cytochrome - Correspondence, notes, and research data, 1979-1980
Box 27 Folder 2-3
EXAFS, 1979-1981

Includes correspondence, research results, notes, and research proposal to Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory titled "Investigation of the Ferroquinone Complex from Photosynthetic Bacteria by EXFAS."

Box 27 Folder 4-5
Energy conversion by photosynthetic reaction center, 1981-1982

Includes grant application, correspondence, research notes, and summaries by Mordechai Schönfeld.

Box 27 Folder 6
Untitled notes - Related to R. viridis and stark effect, 1986-1987
Box 27 Folder 7
ENDOR I - With summaries and correspondence with Wolfgang Lubitz, 1987-1988

Subject Files

Box 27 Folder 8
Adiabatic demagnetization, 1960

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 27 Folder 9
Aging notes, 1973
Box 27 Folder 10
Antenna-protein complex, ca. 1984
Box 27 Folder 11
Artificial heart notes, 1980
Box 28 Folder 1
ATP experiment, 1976-1984

Includes correspondence with Daniel Farakas and research reports.

Box 28 Folder 2
Bacteriochlorophyll dimer problem, 1977-1980
Box 28 Folder 3
Band Theory, 1954-1956

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 28 Folder 4-18
Bell Telephone Laboratories - memoranda, 1953-1964

Includes technical memoranda on the subjects of transducers, semiconductor traps, trapping and recombination, chemical properties, ferromagnetic amplifiers, field effect, organic semiconductors, silicon 28, ferroelectricity, optical properties, heads-tails statistics, proposal for a nuclear research accelerator, paramagnetic resonance, binding in DNA, ceruloplasmin, electron spin resonance, and microwave dielectric properties.

Box 28 Folder 19
Biographical memoirs and memorials of others, 1981-2005
Box 28 Folder 20
Biophysics, 1965-1966

Includes notes, correspondence, and handwritten draft titled "Some comments on Biological Physics."

Box 29 Folder 1
Bombardment damage, 1956-1959

Includes correspondence and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 29 Folder 2
Breit-Rabi notes, 1957
Box 29 Folder 3
Cavities, 1955-1974

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 29 Folder 4
Cavities - coupling, 1953
Box 29 Folder 5
Cavities - R.F. field measurements, 1956
Box 29 Folder 6
Cells - Optical, 1973
Box 29 Folder 7
Chemistry - Experiment technology, 1959

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 29 Folder 8
Chloroplasts, 1972
Box 29 Folder 9
Circuits - Amplifiers and lock-ins, 1952-1956

Includes notes, drawings, research data, and memoranda.

Box 29 Folder 10
Circuits - Notes and drawings, 1955-1957
Box 29 Folder 11
Circuits - Nuclear resonance notes and drawings, 1954-1955
Box 29 Folder 12
Data and constants notes, 1964-1967
Box 29 Folder 13
DC currents notes, 1962
Box 29 Folder 14
Deep donors - Notes and correspondence, 1955-1957
Box 29 Folder 15
Density measurement, 1953

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 29 Folder 16
Detectors notes, 1953
Box 29 Folder 17
Detergents, 1975-1976

Includes correspondence, notes, and research summary by Larry Ackerson.

Box 29 Folder 18
Deuterated rubrum, 1966
Box 29 Folder 19
Dewars - Drawings and correspondence, 1964-1967
Box 29 Folder 20
Dewars - Experiment techniques notes and drawings, 1956, 1973
Box 29 Folder 21
Dielectric notes, ca. 1953-1960
Box 29 Folder 22
Electric field effects, 1980
Box 29 Folder 23
Electrical and magnetic properties, 1955-1959

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 30 Folder 1
Electrochemistry - Bacteriochlorophyll notes, 1973
Box 30 Folder 2
Electromagnetic pictures, 1970
Box 30 Folder 3
Electron transfer, 1976-1985

Includes draft of "Examination of the R. viridis reaction center for vibronic coupling to electron transfer" by Don Devault.

Box 30 Folder 4
Electronics - Experiment technology, 1957-1959

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 30 Folder 5
EPR and ENDOR inorganic - Notes, 1957
Box 30 Folder 6
EPR saturation notes, ca. 1953-1960
Box 30 Folder 7
ESRR - Color centers, 1957
Box 30 Folder 8
ESPR - Experiment technology, 1956-1961

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 30 Folder 9
ESPR - Semiconductors, 1959-1962

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories. Includes abstract by Feher and Fletcher titled "Relaxation effects in donor spin resonance experiments in silicon."

Box 30 Folder 10
ESRP - Theory, 1952-1957

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 30 Folder 11
Exchange effects, 1955-1959

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 30 Folder 12
Ferromagnetism notes by Anderson, 1954-1955
Box 30 Folder 13
Gel-scanner, 1970-1971
Box 30 Folder 14
Givat Haviva Hashomer Hatzair Study Center - Reunion in Czechoslovakia, 1986
Box 30 Folder 15
Green plant photosystem I - EPR, 1977
Box 30 Folder 16
Hemco - Fume hood, 1973
Box 30 Folder 17
Hemoglobin correspondence, 1980-1981
Box 30 Folder 18
Hydrogenous materials - Acid experiment, ca.1955-1965
Box 30 Folder 19
Ideas - Notes and correspondence related to patent, 1952-1963
Box 31 Folder 1
Immunology - Reaction Center, 1973-1974
Box 31 Folder 2
Impurity conduction, 1958

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 31 Folder 3
InSb notes, ca. 1961-1970
Box 31 Folder 4
Interests - Notes and correspondence, 1945-1957
Box 31 Folder 5
Interesting things in physics, 1947-1948

Includes notes, lecture pamphlets, and information related to the particle accelerators at UC Berkeley.

Box 31 Folder 6
Intermediate acceptor, 1976
Box 31 Folder 7
Laboratory data, 1946-1973
Box 31 Folder 8
Lauryl dimethyl amine oxide - C-14, 1971-1972
Box 31 Folder 9
Light scattering equipment notes, 1969-1974
Box 31 Folder 10
Line shapes, 1954-1964
Box 31 Folder 11
Loop-gap, 1985-1986
Box 31 Folder 12
Low temperature - Hall effect probe drawings, 1960
Box 31 Folder 13
Low temperature - Head drawings, 1961
Box 31 Folder 14
Low temperature - Technology, 1954-1961

Includes notes, drawings, correspondence, and memoranda.

Box 31 Folder 15
Macromolecular physics notes, ca. 1965-1975
Box 31 Folder 16
Magnet designs, 1960-1961

Includes notes and correspondence. Includes materials related to a 1961 symposium on the production and use of high magnetic fields, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Box 31 Folder 17
Magnetic fields - Notes, ca. 1957-1967
Box 31 Folder 18
Magnetocaloric effect notes, ca. 1960-1975
Box 31 Folder 19
Masers - 2L, 1956-1959

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 31 Folder 20
Masers - 3L, 1956-1959

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 31 Folder 21
Masers - Optical, 1958-1963

Includes correspondence, technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories, and photograph of optical configuration and circuitry.

Box 31 Folder 22
Masers - Theory, 1956-1961

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 1
Measuring film thickness and average particle, 1953
Box 32 Folder 2
Membranes - Notes, 1974
Box 32 Folder 3
Membrane proteins, 1970
Box 32 Folder 4
Membrane labeling, 1976
Box 32 Folder 5
Microbalance notes, 1953
Box 32 Folder 6
Molecular Weight - Kratky method, 1971-1972

Includes correspondence with Anton Paar.

Box 32 Folder 7
Mössbauer effect, 1960-1979

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 8
Nerve conduction, 1952-1957

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 9
Nuclear magnetic resonance, 1956-1959

Technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 10
Nuclear magnetic resonance - Experiment technology, 1957-1960

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 11
Nuclear magnetic resonance - Hydrogenous material, 1956-1957

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 12
Nuclear orientation - AD fast passage, 1956

Includes notes, correspondence, and drafts of "Polarization of phosphorus nuclei in silicon" and "A method of polarizing nuclei in paramagnetic substances."

Box 32 Folder 13
Nuclear physics, 1958-1959

Includes notes and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 14
Nuclear physics - ESPR, 1957
Box 32 Folder 15
Nuclear physics - UCRL reports, 1959
Box 32 Folder 16
Optical characteristics - Hand-drawn figures, ca. 1952-1960
Box 32 Folder 17
Optical pumping, 1959-1969

Includes correspondence and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 18
Optical rotatory dispersion (ORD), 1966

Includes draft of "Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism."

Box 32 Folder 19
Overhauser effect notes, ca.1955-1960
Box 32 Folder 20
Paraelectric resonance, 1967
Box 32 Folder 21
Parity experiment notes, ca. 1955-1965
Box 32 Folder 22
Passage effects notes, 1957
Box 32 Folder 23
Patents, 1956-1957
Box 32 Folder 24
Phonon experiment, 1955-1958

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 32 Folder 25
Phonon spin resonance, 1955-1957

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 33 Folder 1
Photosynthesis - kinetics, 1967

Includes notes and correspondence. Includes drafts of "Electron spin resonance studies of ptophyrin radicals and photosynthetic systemas" and "Comparative biochemistry and biophysics of photosynthesis."

Box 33 Folder 2
Phytochromes data sheets, 1968
Box 33 Folder 3
Pictures - Nuclear polarization, 1956-1958
Box 33 Folder 4
Polynucleotides, 1975
Box 33 Folder 5
Proteins - denaturation, 1968
Box 33 Folder 6
Proteins - non-heme Fe, 1969-1970
Box 33 Folder 7
Proton resonance notes, 1952
Box 33 Folder 8
Publications, 1973-1997
Box 33 Folder 9
Quinones - Notes, 1975-1979
Box 33 Folder 10
Reaction centers - Notes, 1969
Box 33 Folder 11
Reaction center work and preparation, 1970
Box 33 Folder 12
Relaxation, 1958
Box 33 Folder 13
Relaxation and diffusion - Nuclear magnetic resonance notes, 1955-1956
Box 33 Folder 14
Resonances - Lecture notes, ca. 1965-1980
Box 33 Folder 15
Reviews (correspondence with editors), 1976-1994
Box 33 Folder 16
Review article notes, ca. 1959-1970
Box 33 Folder 17
Ruby EPR, 1963
Box 33 Folder 18
Semiconductors, 1955-1957

Includes notes and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 33 Folder 19
Semiconductors - Nuclear magnetic resonance, 1957-1961

Technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 33 Folder 20
Shop drawings, 1952-1954
Box 33 Folder 21
Silicon 28, 1954-1959
Box 33 Folder 22
Silicon samples, 1955-1962

Includes notes, correspondence, and memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 33 Folder 23
Small particle metals, 1953-1954
Box 33 Folder 24
Solenoid and modulation coils - Notes, 1953-1955
Box 33 Folder 25
Solenoid water cooled - Notes, 1953
Box 34 Folder 1
Spin-echo experiments, 1954-1957

Includes technical memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 34 Folder 2
Spin labels - Notes, 1964-1970
Box 34 Folder 3
Spin resonance drawings, 1954-1959
Box 34 Folder 4
Spin resonance - miscellaneous, 1957-1959

Includes memoranda from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 34 Folder 5
Stark effect, 1991
Box 34 Folder 6
Statistics notes, ca. 1950-1965
Box 34 Folder 7
Stereographic projection, 1956

Includes drawings from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 34 Folder 8
Superconductivity, 1952-1954
Box 34 Folder 9
Tape recorder, 1968

Includes notes and correspondence with B&K instruments.

Box 34 Folder 10
Transient sciences - Notes, ca. 1960-1975
Box 34 Folder 11
Triplets, 1986
Box 34 Folder 12
Triplets - photosynthesis notes, ca. 1966
Box 34 Folder 13
Vacuum techniques, 1948-1949

Includes University of California Radiation Laboratory manual.

Box 34 Folder 14
Varian associates, 1963-1967
Box 34 Folder 15
Water, 1961-1962
Box 34 Folder 16
X standards, 1956-1961

Includes notes, correspondence, and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 34 Folder 17
Xo by nuclear magnetic resonance, 1962-1963
Box 34 Folder 18
X-tallization, 1982-1995
Box 34 Folder 19
X-, 1969
Box 34 Folder 20
X- Fe, 1969-1979


Box 34 Folder 21-23
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1960-1971
Box 35 Folder 1-13
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1968-1990
Box 36 Folder 1-7
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1989-2004
Box 36 Folder 8-13
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1966-1970
Box 37 Folder 1-9
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1970-1996
Box 38 Folder 1-6
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Proposals, notes, reports, and correspondence, 1994-2001
Box 38 Folder 7
Grants general, 1968-1980
Box 38 Folder 8
E/M facility grant, 1976
Box 38 Folder 9
Grant evaluations, 1977-1996
Box 38 Folder 10
Navy (ONR) grant, 1979
Box 38 Folder 11
SBIR grant, 1985-1986
Box 38 Folder 12
Heme training grant, 1993, 1995
Box 38 Folder 13
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), 1994
Box 38 Folder 14
ORU grant - Proposal for the establishment of a new organized research unit entitled Center for Research on Biological Structure, 1995
Box 39 Folder 1
EPR instrument grant, 1998
Box 39 Folder 2
Biophysics research grant budgets, 1998-1999
Box 39 Folder 3
Miscellaneous grants, 1998-1999


Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) WRITINGS: Includes manuscripts, drafts, related correspondence, and notes dating from 1955 to 2017. Arranged chronologically within two subseries: A) Scientific writings, and B) Thoughts on the Holocaust.

A) Scientific Writings: The larger of the two subseries. Contains drafts and supporting materials for many, but not all, of Feher's scientific works. Also see Series 6) TALKS, CONFERENCES, AND SYMPOSIUMS for papers presented at professional engagements.

B) Thoughts on the Holocaust: A small subseries containing materials related to Feher's book, Thoughts on the Holocaust. Includes handwritten drafts, correspondence, and research notes. Folder titles reflect the working titles of sections within the book.

Scientific Writings

Box 39 Folder 4
Lists of publications and abstracts, 1988, 2002, 2004
Box 39 Folder 5
Feher and Knight. Measurement of electronic susceptibilities by means of nuclear resonance absorption, 1955-1956
Box 39 Folder 6
Observation of nuclear magnetic resonances via the electron spin resonance line, 1956
Box 39 Folder 7
Method of polarizing nuclei in paramagnetic substances, 1956
Box 39 Folder 8
Sensitivity in microwave paramagnetic resonance absorption techniques, 1956-1960
Box 39 Folder 9
Feher and Gere. Polarization of phosphorus nuclei in silicon, 1956
Box 39 Folder 10
Electronic structure of F centers in KCl by electron spin double-resonance technique, 1956-1957

Includes draft and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 39 Folder 11
Feher and Scovil. Electron spin relaxation times in gadolinium ethyl sulfate, 1956-1957
Box 39 Folder 12
Scovil, Feher, and Seidel. Operation of a solid state maser, 1956-1957
Box 39 Folder 13
The electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) technique, 1957
Box 39 Folder 14
Feher, Fuller, and Gere. Spin and magnetic moment of P32 by the electron nuclear double-resonance technique, 1957
Box 39 Folder 15
Weissman, Feher, and Gere. The spin relaxation time of triphenylmethyl at low temperatures, 1957
Box 39 Folder 16
Feher et al. Spontaneous emission of radiation from an electron spin system, 1957-1960
Box 39 Folder 17
Eisinger and Feher. Hfs anomaly of sb121 and sb123 by electron nuclear double resonance, 1957-1962
Box 39 Folder 18
Application of the electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) technique to donors in silicon, ca. 1957-1960
Box 39 Folder 19
Feher and Gere. Electron spin resonance experiments on donors in silicon. II. Electron spin relaxation effects, 1958-1959

Includes drafts, galley proofs, and technical memorandum from Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Box 39 Folder 20
Feher, Prepost, and Sachs. Muonium formation in semiconductors, 1960
Box 39 Folder 21
Hensel and Feher. Cyclotron resonance experiments in uniaxially stressed silicon: Valence band inverse mass parameters in deformation potentials - Figures, 1962-1963
Box 39 Folder 22
Clark and Feher. Nuclear polarization in InSb by DC current, 1962-1963
Box 39 Folder 23
Mauzerall and Feher. A study of the photo-induced porphyrin free radical by electron spin resonance, 1964
Box 40 Folder 1
Mauzerall and Feher. Optical absorption of the porphyrin free radical formed in a reversible photochemical reaction, 1964
Box 40 Folder 2
Clark, Feher, and Weger. Nuclear polarization..., 1965
Box 40 Folder 3
Shepherd and Feher. Cooling by adiabatic depolarization of OH- molecules in KCl, 1965
Box 40 Folder 4
Feher, Shepherd, and Shore. Paraelectric resonance of Oh- dipoles in KCl, 1966
Box 40 Folder 5
Richards et al. Determination of the zero field splitting..., 1967
Box 40 Folder 6
Dubin, Feher, and Benedek. Study of the chemical denaturation of lysozyme by optical mixing spectroscopy, 1968-1972
Box 40 Folder 7
Feher, Isaacson, and McElroy. Observation of EPR lines using temperature modulation, 1969
Box 40 Folder 8
Electron paramagnetic resonance with applications to selected problems in biology, 1970
Box 40 Folder 9-10
McElroy, Mauzerall, and Feher. Characterization of primary reactants in bacterial photosynthesis: II. Kinetic studies of light-induced EPR signal (g=2.0026) and the optical absorbance changes at cryogenic temperatures, 1970-1973

Includes research notes and data.

Box 41 Folder 1
McElroy, Feher, and Mauzerall. Characterization of primary reactants in bacterial photosynthesis. I. Comparison of the light-induced EPR signal (g=2.0026) with that of a bacteriochlorophyll radical, 1971-1972
Box 41 Folder 2
Scholes, Isaacson, and Feher. Determination of the zero-field splitting..., 1971

Includes research notes and data.

Box 41 Folder 3
Feher and Isaacson. An ENDOR mechanism applicable to homogeneously broadened lines. Letter to the editor, Journal of Magnetic Resonance , 1971-1973
Box 41 Folder 4
Feher, Okamura, and McElroy. Identification of an electron acceptor in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides by EPR spectroscopy, 1972
Box 41 Folder 5
Scholes, Isaacson, and Feher. ENDOR studies on heme proteins, 1972
Box 41 Folder 6
Feher and Weissman. Determination of chemical reaction kinetics from the frequency spectrum of fluctuations (fluctuation spectroscopy), 1972-1973

Includes research notes and data.

Box 41 Folder 7-8
Okamura, Steiner, and Feher. Characterization of reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria. I. Subunit structure of the protein mediating the primary photochemistry in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides R-26, 1972-1974
Box 41 Folder 9
Scholes et al. Electron nuclear double resonance studies on heme proteins, 1973
Box 41 Folder 10
Steiner et al. Characterization of reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria. II. Amino acid composition of the reaction center protein and its subunits in Rhodopseudomonas speroides R-26, 1973
Box 42 Folder 1-2
Kam, Shore, and Feher. Simple schemes for measuring autocorrelation functions, 1973-1974
Box 42 Folder 3
Feher et al. On the question of the primary acceptor in bacterial photosynthesis: Maganese substituting for iron in reaction centers of R. spheroides R-26, 1974
Box 42 Folder 4
A physicist's look at photosynthesis (with special emphasis on the primary process in bacterial photosynthesis), 1974

Paper prepared at the request of the Biology division of the National Science Foundation.

Box 42 Folder 5-7
Kam, Shore, and Feher. On crystallization of proteins, 1974-1978
Box 42 Folder 8
Feher and Okamura. Chemical composition and properties of reaction centers, 1974-1975

Review article for The Photosynthetic Bacteria, edited by Roderick K. Clayton and William R. Sistrom.

Box 43 Folder 1-4
Feher and Okamura. Chemical composition and properties of reaction centers, 1975-1978

Review article for The Photosynthetic Bacteria, edited by Roderick K. Clayton and William R. Sistrom.

Box 43 Folder 5
Weissman and Feher. Observation of energy (thermal) fluctuations in an electrolytic solution, 1974-1976
Box 43 Folder 6
Okamura, Isaacson, and Feher. Primary acceptor in bacterial photosynthesis: Obligatory role of ubiquinone in photoactive reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, 1975
Box 43 Folder 7
Weissman, Schindler, and Feher. Determination of molecular weights by fluctuation spectroscopy: Application to DNA, 1975-1976
Box 44 Folder 1
Weissman, Schindler, and Feher. Determination of molecular weights by fluctuation spectroscopy: Application to DNA, 1975-1976
Box 44 Folder 2
Schindler and Feher. Branched molecular lipid membranes, 1976
Box 44 Folder 3
Fluctuation spectroscopy, 1977-1978
Box 44 Folder 4-7
Butler et al. The electronic structure of... in reaction centers from R. sphaeroides. I. Static magnetization measurements, 1977-1980
Box 45 Folder 1
Okamura, Isaacson, and Feher. Spectroscopis and kinetic properties of the transient intermediate acceptor in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1977-1979
Box 45 Folder 2
Okamura et al. Magnetic interactions and electron transfer kinetics of the reduced intermediate acceptor in reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26. Evidence for thermally induced tunneling, 1978
Box 45 Folder 3
Marinetti, Okamura, and Feher. Localization of the primary quinone binding site in reaction centers from Rhodoseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 by photoaffinity labeling, 1978-1979
Box 45 Folder 4-5
Weissman, Isaacson, and Feher. Experimental verification of a theory of 1f noise in a model system, 1978-1979
Box 45 Folder 5-6
Schönfeld, Montal, and Feher. Reaction center-phospholipid complex in organic solvents: formation and properties, 1978-1979
Box 46 Folder 1
Schönfeld, Montal, and Feher. Functional reconstitution of photosynthetic reaction centers in planar lipid bilayers, 1979
Box 46 Folder 2-3
Okamura, Feher, and Nelson. Reaction centers in bacteria and green plants, 1979-1980
Box 46 Folder 4-5
Eisenberger, Okamura, and Feher. The structure of... in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides II. Extended x-ray fine structure (EXAFS) studies, 1979-1981

Includes research notes and data.

Box 47 Folder 1-2
Eisenberger, Okamura, and Feher. The structure of... in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides II. Extended x-ray fine structure (EXAFS) studies, 1979-1981

Includes research notes and data.

Box 47 Folder 3
Scholes et al. Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) from heme and histidine nitrogens in single crystals of aquometmyoglobin, 1979-1981
Box 47 Folder 4-5
Rosen, Okamura, and Feher. Interaction of cytochrome c with reaction centers of Rhodopsedomonas sphaeroides R-26: I. determination of number of binding sites and dissociation constant by equilibrium dialysis, 1979-1980

Includes research notes and calculations.

Box 47 Folder 6
Rosen et al. Interaction of cytochrome c with reaction centers of Rhodopsedomonas sphaeroides R-26: Localization of the binding site by chemical crosslinking and immunochemical studies, 1979-1980
Box 48 Folder 1
Rosen et al. Interaction of cytochrome c with reaction centers of Rhodopsedomonas sphaeroides R-26: Localization of the binding site by chemical crosslinking and immunochemical studies, 1982
Box 48 Folder 2-4
Feher and Kam. Nucleation and growth of protein crystals: general principles and assays, 1979-1984

Includes research grant proposal.

Box 48 Folder 5
Kam et al. Crystallization processes of biological macromolecules, 1979-1980
Box 48 Folder 6
Butler et al. The electronic structure of Fe2+ in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. III. EPR measurements of the reduced acceptor complex, 1980-1983
Box 49 Folder 1-4
Butler et al. The electronic structure of Fe2+ in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. III. EPR measurements of the reduced acceptor complex, 1982-1984
Box 49 Folder 5
Boso et al. Mössbauer studies of photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26, 1981
Box 49 Folder 6-7
Sutton et al. Amino-terminal sequences of the L, M, and H subunits of reaction centers from the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26, 1981-1982
Box 49 Folder 8
Valkirs and Feher. The topography of reaction center subunits in the membrane of the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1981-1982
Box 50 Folder 1
Valkirs and Feher. The topography of reaction center subunits in the membrane of the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1982
Box 50 Folder 2-4
Kleinfled, Okamura, and Feher. Electron transfer in reaction centers of Rhodoseudomonas sphaeroides: I, 1981-1983
Box 50 Folder 5
Debus et al. Localization of the secondary quinone binding site in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 be antibody inhibition of electron transfer, 1982
Box 50 Folder 6
Blatt et al. Electrogenic events associated with light induced electron-transfer in reaction centers incorporated in phospholipid interfacial layers, 1983-1984
Box 50 Folder 7
Debus, Feher, and Okamura. LM complex of reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26: Characterization and reconstitution with the H subunit, 1983-1984
Box 51 Folder 1-2
Williams et al. Primary structure of the M subunit of the reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1983-1984

Includes research notes and data on the sequencing L and M subunits.

Box 51 Folder 3
Kleinfeld et al. Damping of oscillations in the semiquinone absorption in reaction centers after successive flashes, 1983-1984
Box 51 Folder 4-5
Kleinfeld, Okamura, and Feher. Electron transfer kinetics in photosynthetic reaction centers cooled to cryogenic temperatures in the charge separated state: Evidence for light induced structural changes, 1983-1984
Box 51 Folder 6-7
Kleinfeld, Okamura, and Feher. Electron transfer in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides: II, 1983-1985
Box 51 Folder 8
Gopher et al. The effect of an applied electric field on the charge recombination kinetics in reaction centers reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers, 1983-1984
Box 52 Folder 1
Gopher et al. The effect of an applied electric field on the charge recombination kinetics in reaction centers reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers, 1984-1985
Box 52 Folder 2
Williams et al. Primary structure of the L subunit of the reaction center from Rhopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1984
Box 52 Folder 3
Lubitz et al. 15N electron nuclear double resonance of the primary donor cation radical... in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1984
Box 52 Folder 4
Lubitz et al. Electron nuclear double resonance of semiquinones in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1984-1995
Box 52 Folder 5-7
Feher and Allen. Crystallization of reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides: The preliminary characterization and a general discussion of the crystallization process of proteins, 1984-1986

Includes figure photographs, negatives, and slide.

Box 53 Folder 1
Debus, Feher, and Okamura. Fe-depleted reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26. I, 1985
Box 53 Folder 2
Kleinfeld, Okamura, and Feher. Charge recombination kinetics as a probe of protonation of the primary acceptor in photosynthetic reaction centers, 1985
Box 53 Folder 3
Durbin and Feher. Crystal growth studies of lysozyme as a model for protein crystallization, 1985-1986
Box 53 Folder 4
Kirmaier et al. Primary photochemistry of iron-depleted and zinc-reconstituted reaction centers from Rhopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1985-1986
Box 53 Folder 5-7
Calvo et al. EPR investigation of photosynthetic reaction centers from Rb. sphaeroides R-26..., 1985-1990
Box 54 Folder 1
Allen et al. Structural homology of reaction centers from R. sphaeroides and R. viridis as determined by the pattern search method, 1986
Box 54 Folder 2
Okamura and Feher. Isotope effect on electron transfer in reaction centers from R. Sphaeroides, 1986
Box 54 Folder 3
Williams, Steiner, and Feher. Primary structure of reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, 1986-1987
Box 54 Folder 4
Allen et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: I. The cofactors, 1987
Box 54 Folder 5-6
Allen et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: II. The protein subunits, 1987
Box 54 Folder 7
Feher, Isaacson, and Okamura. ENDOR of exchangeable protons of the reduced intermediate acceptor in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, 1987
Box 55 Folder 1-2
Lösche, Feher, and Okamura. The stark effect in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 and Rhosopseudomonas virids, 1987
Box 55 Folder 3-4
Yeates et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: Membrane-protein interactions, 1987
Box 55 Folder 5-6
McPherson, Okamura, and Feher. Light-induced proton uptake by photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, 1987-1988
Box 55 Folder 7
Paddock et al. Reaction centers from three herbicide-resistant mutants of Rhodobacter spaeroides 2.4.1: sequence analysis and preliminary characterization, 1987-1988
Box 56 Folder 1
Feher et al. Structure and function of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, 1987-1989
Box 56 Folder 2
Allen et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, 1988
Box 56 Folder 3
Komiya et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 and 2.4.1: Symmetry relations and sequence comparisons between different species, 1988
Box 56 Folder 4
Rees et al. The bacterial photosynthetic reaction center as a model for membrane proteins, 1988
Box 56 Folder 5
Yeates et al. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 and 2.4.1: protein-cofactor (bacteriochlorophyll, bacteriopheonphytin, and carotenoid) interactions, 1988
Box 56 Folder 6
Allen and Feher. Crystallization of reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 1988-1990
Box 56 Folder 7
Feher et al. Primary processes in bacterial photosynthesis: Structure and function of reaction centers, 1988-1991
Box 57 Folder 1
Durbin and Feher. Studies of crystal growth mechanisms of proteins by electron microscopy, 1988-1989
Box 57 Folder 2
Paddock et al. Pathway of proton transfer in bacterial reaction centers: Replacement of glutamic acid 212 in the L subunit by glutamine inhibits quinone (secondary acceptor) turnover, 1989
Box 57 Folder 3
Plato et al. Magnetic resonance and molecular orbital studies of the primary donor states in bacterial reaction centers, 1989
Box 57 Folder 4
Durbin and Feher. Simulation of lysozyme crystal growth by the Monte Carlo method, 1989
Box 57 Folder 5
Lubitz et al. ENDOR studies of the intermediate electron acceptor radical anion... in photosystem II reaction centers, 1989
Box 57 Folder 6
Paddock, Feher, and Okamura. Reaction centers from three herbicide resistant mutants of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1: kinetics of electron transfer reactions, 1989-1990
Box 57 Folder 7
Beroza et al. Protonation of interacting residues in a protein by a Monte Carlo method: Application to Lysozyme and the photosynthetic reaction, 1990-1991
Box 57 Folder 8
Bixon et al. Primary events in photosynthesis: Problems, speculations, controversies and future trends, 1990-1993
Box 58 Folder 1-2
Lous et al. EPR and ENDOR studies of the oxidized primary donor in single crystals of reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, 1990
Box 58 Folder 3
McPherson et al. pH-dependence of the free energy gap between... determined from delayed fluorescence in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 - BBA report, 1990
Box 58 Folder 4-5
Lendzian et al. The electric structure of the primary donor cation radical in Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: ENDOR and TRIPLE resonance studies in single crystals of reaction centers, 1990-1993
Box 58 Folder 6-7
Paddock et al. Pathway of proton transfer in bacterial reaction centers: The role of ASP-L213 in proton transfers associated with the reduction of quinone to dihydroquinone, 1990-1993
Box 59 Folder 1
Brzezinski, Okamura, and Feher. Electrogenic events associated with electron and proton transfer in reaction centers incorporated in a phospholipid interfacial layer, 1990-1991
Box 59 Folder 2-4
Brzezinski, Okamura, and Feher. Light-induced electrogenic events in bacterial reaction centers incorporated in phospholipid layer: I Characterization of the system, 1991-1996
Box 59 Folder 5
Brzezinski, Okamura, and Feher. Light-induced electrogenic events in bacterial reaction centers incorporated in phospholipid layer: II electrostatics of the protein, 1991-1993
Box 59 Folder 6
Brzezinski, Okamura, and Feher. Electrogenic events in bacterial reaction centers in a lipid monolayer: Characterization of the system, 1993-1996
Box 59 Folder 7
Brzezinski et al. Light-induced electrogenic events associated with proton uptake upon forming QB in bacterial wild-type and mutant reaction centers, 1997
Box 60 Folder 1
Okamura and Feher. Proton transfer in reactions centers from photosynthetic bacteria, 1991
Box 60 Folder 2-4
Huber et al. Electronic structure of the oxidized primary electron donor of the HL (M202) and HL (L173) heterodimer mutants of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroies: ENDOR on single crystals of reaction centers, 1991-1995
Box 60 Folder 5-6
Williams et al. Effects of iron Ligand substitutions in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: I. Glu M234, 1991-1993
Box 61 Folder 1
Identification and characterization of the primary donor in bacterial photosynthesis: a chronological account of an EPR/ENDOR investigation, 1992
Box 61 Folder 2
Beroza et al. Proton transfer pathways in the reaction center of Rb. Sphaeroides: A computational study, 1992

Includes photos.

Box 61 Folder 3
Feher et al. Proton transfer pathways in photosynthetic reaction centers studied by site-directed mutagenesis, 1992
Box 61 Folder 4
Rongey et al. Pathway of proton transfer in bacterial reaction centers..., 1992
Box 61 Folder 5
McPherson, Okamura, and Feher. Light-induced proton uptake by photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26.1 II, 1992-1993
Box 61 Folder 6
Axelrod et al. Crystallization and x-ray structure determination of cytochrome c2 from Rhodobacter sphaeroides in three crystal forms, 1993-1994
Box 61 Folder 7
Chirino et al. Crystallographic analyses of site-directed mutants of the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 1993
Box 61 Folder 8
McPherson et al. Protonation and free energy changes associated with formation..., 1993
Box 61 Folder 9
Durbin and Feher. Protein crystallization, 1993-1995
Box 62 Folder 1
Durbin and Feher. Protein crystallization, 1996
Box 62 Folder 2-3
Isaacson, Abresch, and Feher. The electronic structure of... in reaction centers from Rb. Sphaeroides: I. EPR in single crystals, 1993-1995
Box 62 Folder 4
Okamura and Feher. Proton-coupled electron transfer reactions of QB in reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria, 1993-1995
Box 62 Folder 5-7
Labahn et al. Direct charge recombination from... in bacterial reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroids containing low potential quinone in the QA site, 1993-1995
Box 63 Folder 1-2
Adir et al. Co-crystallization and characterization of the photosynthetic reaction center-cytochrome c2 complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 1993-1996
Box 63 Folder 3-4
Beroza et al. Electrostatic calculations of amino acid titration and electron transfer, 1994-1995
Box 63 Folder 5
Isaacson et al. Asymmetry of the binding sites..., 1995
Box 63 Folder 6
Paddock, Feher, and Okamura. Pathway of proton transfer in bacterial reaction centers: further investigations on the role of Ser-L223 studied by site-directed mutagenesis, 1995
Box 63 Folder 7
Brzezinski et al. Light-induced electrogenic events associated with proton uptake..., 1995-1996
Box 64 Folder 1
Graige et al. Mechanism of proton-coupled electron transfer for quinone (QB) reduction in reaction centers of Rb. Sphaeroides, 1995-1996
Box 64 Folder 2
Brzezinski et al. Electrogenic events in bacterial reaction centers in a lipid monolayer: Characterization of the system, 1996
Box 64 Folder 3
Graige, Feher, and Okamura. The gated electron transfer reaction, 1996
Box 64 Folder 4
Graige et al. Protonated semiquinone (QBH) is observed with rhodoquinone in the QB site of reaction centers, 1996
Box 64 Folder 5
Paddock, Feher, and Okamura. Electron and proton transfer to the secondary quinone (QB) of reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroids is sensitive to the identity of the carboxylic acid at the L213 sites, 1996-1997
Box 64 Folder 6-7
Stowell et al. Light-induced structural changes in photosynthetic reaction center: implications for mechanism of electron-proton transfer, 1996-1997
Box 64 Folder 8
Abresh et al. Identification of proton transfer pathways in the latest x-ray crystal structure of the bacterial reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroids, 1997-1998
Box 64 Folder 9
Allen et al. Free energy dependence of the direct charge recombination from the primary and secondary quinones in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroids, 1997
Box 64 Folder 10
Calvo et al. EPR study of the semiquinon biradical... in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rb. Sphaeroids at 326 GHz, 1997-1999
Box 65 Folder 1-4
Calvo et al. EPR study of the semiquinon biradical... in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rb. Sphaeroids at 326 GHz, 1999-2001
Box 65 Folder 5
Paddock et al. Suppressor mutations restore fast proton transfer..., 1997
Box 65 Folder 6-7
Lubitz and Feher. The primary and secondary acceptors in bacterial photosynthesis III, 1997-1999
Box 66 Folder 1-2
Calvo et al. Spin-lattice relaxation of coupled metal-radical spin-dimers in proteins, 1997-2002
Box 66 Folder 3
The primary and secondary electron acceptors in bacterial photosynthesis: I. A chronological account of their identification by EPR, 1998
Box 66 Folder 4
Feher and Okamura. The primary and secondary acceptors in bacterial photosynthesis: II, 1998
Box 66 Folder 5
Graige, Feher, and Okumura. Conformational gating of the electron reaction center..., 1998-1999
Box 66 Folder 6
Graige et al. Observation of the protonated semiquinone intermediate in isolated reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Implications for the mechanism of electron and proton transfer in proteins, 1999
Box 66 Folder 7-8
Axelrod et al. Determination of the binding sites of the proton transfer inhibitors..., 1999-2000
Box 67 Folder 1
Okamura et al. Mechanisms of proton-coupled electron transfer in bacterial reaction centers, 1999-2000
Box 67 Folder 2-3
Paddock et al. Identification of proton pathway in bacterial reaction centers: Cooperation between Asp-M17 and Asp-L210 facilitates proton transfer to the secondary quinone (QB), 1999-2001
Box 67 Folder 4
Ädelroth et al. Identification of the proton pathway in bacterial reaction centers: Decrease of proton transfer rate by mutation of surface histidines at H126 and H128 and chemical rescue by imidazole identifies the initial proton donors, 2000
Box 67 Folder 5-6
Tetreault et al. Interaction between cytochrome C2 and the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Effects of charge-modifying mutations on binding and electron transfer, 2000-2001
Box 67 Folder 7-8
Axelrod et al. X-ray structure determination of the cytochrome c2: Reaction center electron transfer complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 2001-2002
Box 68 Folder 1
Axelrod et al. X-ray structure determination of the cytochrome c2: Reaction center electron transfer complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 2002
Box 68 Folder 2
Paddock et al. Determination of proton transfer rates by chemical rescue: Application to bacterial reaction centers, 2001-2002
Box 68 Folder 3-5
Flores et al. Probing hydrogen bonding to quinone anion radicals by... ENDOR spectroscopy at 35 GHz, 2002-2003
Box 68 Folder 6
Paddock, Feher, and Okamura. Proton transfer pathways and mechanism in bacterial reaction centers, 2003
Box 68 Folder 7
Xu et al. X-ray structure determination of three mutants of the bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Altered proton transfer pathways, 2003
Box 69 Folder 1
Xu et al. X-ray structure determination of three mutants of the bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Altered proton transfer pathways, 2003-2004
Box 69 Folder 2
Paddock et al. Quinone (QB) reduction by b-branch electron transfer in mutant bacterial reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Quantum efficiency and x-ray structure, 2004-2005
Box 69 Folder 3
Flores et al. Protein-cofactor interactions in bacterial reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: II, 2006

Thoughts on the Holocaust

Box 69 Folder 4-6
Holocaust - Miscellaneous notes and correspondence, 1998-2013

Includes correspondence with the Shoah Foundation, certificate of appreciation from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and draft of "The Uniqueness of the Holocaust."

Box 69 Folder 7
Holocaust Slovakia, 2007
Box 69 Folder 8
Holocaust Slovakia - Perpetrators, 2007
Box 69 Folder 9
Holocaust - Righteous among the nations notes, 2007
Box 69 Folder 10
Holocaust - German education, 2007
Box 69 Folder 11
Holocaust - Reaction of the free world, 2007-2008

Includes notes on the Evian Conference.

Box 69 Folder 12
1936 Olympic Games, 2007-2008

Includes notes on the Olympic boycott.

Box 69 Folder 13
Holocaust - Sequence of events, 2008
Box 69 Folder 14
Bombing of Auschwitz - Notes, 2008
Box 70 Folder 1
An attempt to understand: Are we "hard-wired" for evil? Is the Holocaust but one manifestation of it? Can we avoid a repetition? Is the human species doomed to self-destruct? Two landmark experiments designed to shed light on these questions, 2008
Box 70 Folder 2
Other Genocides - Notes, 2008
Box 70 Folder 3
Cambodian Genocide, 2009
Box 70 Folder 4
Roma Genocide, 2009
Box 70 Folder 5
Rwandan Genocide, 2009
Box 70 Folder 6
Yugoslavia - Genocides in Bosnia and Kosovo, 2009
Box 70 Folder 7
Yishuv, 2010-2011
Box 70 Folder 8
The response of the Jewish community in the U.S. during the critical years of genocide, 2011
Box 70 Folder 9
A brief history of the establishment of the Jewish community in Palestine - The Yishuv and its response to the Holocaust, 2011
Box 70 Folder 10
Darfur Genocide, 2011
Box 70 Folder 11
Thoughts on the Holocaust, 2011
Box 70 Folder 12
Hitler's mistakes that saved the world, 2013-2014
Box 70 Folder 13
Thoughts on the Holocaust - Mock-up book, 2017


Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) TALKS, CONFERENCES, AND SYMPOSIUMS: Documentation of Feher's professional engagements. Includes correspondence, notes, travel itineraries, and drafts of published talks and papers. Materials date from 1956 to 1997. Arranged chronologically.

Box 71 Folder 1
Miscellaneous talks, 1956-1959

Includes talks on the topics of electron spin resonance and ENDOR.

Box 71 Folder 2
The electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques. Proceedings from Conference on Radio and Microwave Spectroscopy, Duke University, North Carolina, November 1957
Box 71 Folder 3
International Conference on Semiconductors in Rochester, New York, 1958-1961
Box 71 Folder 4
Paramagnetic resonance experiments on shallow impurities in silicon and germanium. Presented at International Conference on Semiconductor Physics, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1960
Box 71 Folder 5
Review of electron spin resonance experiments in semiconductors. Presented at International Conference on Paramagnetic Resonance, Jerusalem, 1962
Box 71 Folder 6
Feher, Malley, and Mauzerall. Direct observation of the zeeman splitting of the excited state of porphyrins. Presented at International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, 1966
Box 71 Folder 7
Feher and Richards. Determination of the zero field splitting "D" in heme chloride by far-infrared spectroscopy. Presented at International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, 1966-1967

Includes research notes and data.

Box 71 Folder 8-15
Les Houches Lectures: Electron paramagnetic resonance with applications to selected problems in biology, 1969-1970

Lecture series given to graduate and postgraduate students in Les Houches, France at the Univerité de Grenoble.

Box 72 Folder 1-2
Some chemical and physical properties of a bacterial reaction center particle and its primary photochemical reactions. Presented at the International Conference on the Photosynthetic Unit, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1969-1971
Box 72 Folder 3
The Latin American symposium on solid state physics in Bariloche, Argentina - Notes, 1971
Box 72 Folder 4
Feher, Isaacson, and Scholes. Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) investigation on myoglobin and hemoglobin. Presented at IV International Biophysics Congress, Moscow, 1972
Box 72 Folder 5
Feher et al. ENDOR experiments on Chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll in vitro and in the photosynthetic unit. Presented at Conference on Biological Role of Porphyrins and Related Structures, New York, 1973-1974
Box 72 Folder 6
Northwestern talk - Notes, 1973-1974
Box 72 Folder 7
Feher and Okamura. Reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Presented at Brookhaven Symposium in Biology, 1975-1976
Box 72 Folder 8
Fifth Annual Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Users Group Meeting, with report, 1978
Box 73 Folder 1
Sixth Annual Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Users Group Meeting, with report, 1979
Box 73 Folder 2
First European Bioenergetics Conference held in Urbino, Italy, 1979-1980
Box 73 Folder 3
Okamura et al. Quinone binding sites in reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria, 1980
Box 73 Folder 4
Talk introduction by Bill Hagins, 15-Feb-83
Box 73 Folder 5
Talks at Bell Telephone Laboratories and the 6th International EPR Symposium, 1983

Includes figures, slides, and transparencies.

Box 73 Folder 6
Beijing International Conference on Photochemistry, 1984-1985
Box 73 Folder 7
Allen, Theiler, and Feher. Crystallization and linear dichroism measurements of the B800-850 antenna pigment-protein complex from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 2.4.1. Presented at workshop on Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria, Munich, Germany, 1985
Box 73 Folder 8
Feher et al. ENDOR of semeiquinones in RCs from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Presented at workshop on Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria, Munich, Germany, 1985
Box 73 Folder 9-10
Feher, Okamura, and Kleinfeld. Electron transfer reactions in bacterial photosynthesis charge recombination kinetics as a structure probe. Presented at Conference on Protein Structure: Molecular and Electronic Reactivity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1985-1986
Box 74 Folder 1
VII International Congress on Photosynthesis, 1985-1986

Includes grant proposal.

Box 74 Folder 2
17th FEBS Meeting in Berlin, 1985-1986
Box 74 Folder 3
East Coast talks, 1985-1988

Includes correspondence and materials from Yale University, Florida State University, Washington University in St. Louis, and the American Chemical Society.

Box 74 Folder 4
The Nineteenth Jerusalem Symposium in Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry International Symposium on Tunneling, 1986
Box 74 Folder 5
FEBS International Workshop on the Crystal Growth of Biological Macromolecules, 1986-1987
Box 74 Folder 6
IUPAB - 9th International Biophysics Congress in Jerusalem, Israel, 1986-1987
Box 74 Folder 7
NATO workshop: "Structure of the Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center" in Cadarache, France, 1986-1987
Box 74 Folder 8
Allen and Feher. Structure of the reaction center from Rhodobacter shaeroides R-26 and 2.4.1 - NATO workshop, 1987
Box 74 Folder 9-11
Feher, Arno, and Okamura. The effect of an electric field on the charge recombination rate of... in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 - NATO workshop, 1987
Box 75 Folder 1
Lösche, Feher, and Okamura. The stark effects in photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodospheudomonas viridis and the D1D2 complex of photosystem from spinach - NATO workshop, 1987
Box 75 Folder 2
Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, New London, New Hampshire, 1987
Box 75 Folder 3
Gordon Research Conference on Metals in Biology, 1987
Box 75 Folder 4
Light reflections. Talk given at NATO workshop: "Structure of the Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center" in Cadarache, France, 1987-1988
Box 75 Folder 5
Bat-Sheva Workshop on Primary Reactions in Photosynthesis, 1987-1988
Box 75 Folder 6
Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membranes Reactions, 1988
Box 75 Folder 7
Gordon Research Conference on Physico-chemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, 1988
Box 75 Folder 8
Conférence Jacques Monod: Structure et Fonction des Protéines Membranaires Impliquées dans les Transferts d'Electrons dans l'Apparell Photosynthétique, Roscoff, France, 1988
Box 75 Folder 9
International Centre for Theoretical Physics Summer Lectures, 1988
Box 75 Folder 10
Israeli-Swedish Workshop on "Molecular basis of biological recognition, membrane dynamics and transport" in Stockholm, Sweden, 1988
Box 75 Folder 11
XIII International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems held in Madison, Wisconsin, 1988
Box 75 Folder 12
33rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 1988-1989
Box 75 Folder 13
22nd Jerusalem Symposium on Perspectives in Photosynthesis, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1988-1989
Box 75 Folder 14
Jerusalem lecture transcripts, 1989
Box 75 Folder 15
Symposium on the "Molecular Biology of Membrane-Bound Complexes". Held in Freiburg, 1989
Box 76 Folder 1
Feher et al. Protonation of quinones in reaction centers from Rb. Sphaeroides. Presented at VIII International Congress on Photosynthesis, Stockholm, Sweden, 1989
Box 76 Folder 2-3
VIII International Congress on Photosynthesis in Stockholm, Sweden, 1989
Box 76 Folder 4
Biological Charge Transfer: Photosynthesis to Physiology - A symposium in honor of David C. Mauzerall on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, 1989
Box 76 Folder 5
Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, 1989-1990
Box 76 Folder 6
6th European Bioenergetics Conference in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 1989-1990
Box 76 Folder 7
10th International Biophysics Congress in Vancouver, Canada, 1989-1990
Box 76 Folder 8
Feher and Okamura. Structure and function of photosynthetic reaction centers. Presented at International School, 1989-1990
Box 76 Folder 9
Fourth Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, 1990
Box 76 Folder 10
Western Regional Photosynthesis Conference at Arizona State University, 1990
Box 76 Folder 11
35th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 1990
Box 76 Folder 12
Jerusalem lectures, 1990-1991
Box 76 Folder 13
Harvard/MIT Physical Chemistry seminar, 1991
Box 76 Folder 14
Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, 1991
Box 76 Folder 15
15th International Congress of Biochemistry in Jerusalem, Israel, 1991
Box 76 Folder 16
Joint US-Israel Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation and Time Domain Processes, 1991
Box 76 Folder 17
25th International Conference on ESR of Radicals in Organic and Bio-organic Systems, University of York, 1991-1992
Box 76 Folder 18
Cadarache II, Advanced Research Workshop on "The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center: Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics", 1991-1992
Box 76 Folder 19
The Twenty Fifth Jerusalem Symposium on Membrane Proteins: Structures, Interactions, and models, 1991-1992
Box 77 Folder 1
The 15th International EPR symposium. Held in conjunction with the 34th Rocky Mountain Conference on Applied Spectroscopy, 1991-1992

Includes correspondence related to award from the International EPR Society.

Box 77 Folder 2
XV International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, 1991-1992
Box 77 Folder 3
Research Frontiers in Biophysics in Stockholm, Sweden, 1991-1992
Box 77 Folder 4
IUPAB satellite training course on "Biophysics of Proton and Ion Transfer" in Brasov, Romania, 1991-1993
Box 77 Folder 5
Fifth College in Biophysics at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, 1992
Box 77 Folder 6-8
Bruker lecture - Identification and characterization of the primary donor in bacterial photosynthesis: A chronological account of an EPR/ENDOR investigation, 1992
Box 77 Folder 9
Light reflections II, 1992

Part of the NATO ASI book series.

Box 77 Folder 10
Brzezinski et al. Structural changes following the formation of... in bacterial reaction centers: Measurement of light-induced electrogenic events in RCs incorporated in a phospholipid monolayer - Talk presented at NATO workshop, 1992
Box 77 Folder 11
Structural Biology of Respiratory Enzymes Crystallography and NMR of Membrane Proteins. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993-1994
Box 77 Folder 12
Workshop on Spectroscopic Methods in Energy Converting Membranes in Szeged, Hungary, 1993-1994
Box 77 Folder 13
Kazan lecture I - Includes correspondence with the Zavoisky Award committee, 1996-1998
Box 77 Folder 14
Light reflections III, Presented at the third International Cadarache Conference, 1997


Scope and Content of Series

Series 7) TEACHING MATERIALS: A small series containing course and teaching materials dating from 1960 to 1986. Arranged chronologically within two subseries: A) UC San Diego, and B) Seminars.

A) UC San Diego: Includes correspondence, lecture notes, syllabi, exam questions, and images used for instruction at UC San Diego in the topics of physics, chemistry, biology, and biophysics.

B) Seminars: Materials from seminars either attended or taught by Feher. Includes correspondence, notes, and course materials.

UC San Diego

Box 78 Folder 1
Ward's Natural Science Establishment - Cultural leaflets 1-7 and 9-24, 1960
Box 78 Folder 2
Exam questions - Notes and drafts, ca. 1961-1975
Box 78 Folder 3-4
Physics 118: Solid state physics, 1962
Box 78 Folder 5
Physics 230: Para-resonance lectures, 1963
Box 78 Folder 6-7
Physics 130A: Quantum physics I, 1965-1970
Box 78 Folder 8
Physics 130B: Quantum physics II, 1966-1967
Box 79 Folder 1
Physics 130 A-B: Quantum physics, 1966-1967
Box 79 Folder 2-3
Physiology course, Marine Biology Laboratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts with class photograph, 1969
Box 79 Folder 4
Physics 131A: Experimental modern physics laboratory, 1969-1971

Includes notes and slide.

Box 79 Folder 5
Biophysics 209 - Lecture notes and correspondence, 1970-1971
Box 79 Folder 6-7
Physics 152: Solid state physics (with materials from Physics 118), 1972-1973
Box 79 Folder 8
Physics 153, 1973-1974
Box 80 Folder 1-2
Physics 153, 1975-1979
Box 80 Folder 3-7
Biology 206, Chemistry 206, Physics 206, 1973-1992

Includes correspondence, slides, and notes from the Regents Lecturer program.

Box 81 Folder 1
Biology 206, Chemistry 206, Physics 206, 1981-1994

Includes correspondence, slides, and notes from the Regents Lecturer program.

Box 81 Folder 2
Biology 156, Biology 256: Membrane lectures, 1974
Box 81 Folder 3
Biology 247, 1974

Includes student descriptions of Feher's lectures.

Box 81 Folder 4
Miscellaneous teaching materials, 1974-1987

Includes correspondence and materials from UCSD Physics Department.

Box 81 Folder 5
Physics 3DL, 1975
Box 81 Folder 6-8
Biology 109, Chemistry 153, Physics 153, 1975-1992
Box 81 Folder 9
Physics 237: Irreversible thermo and electrodynamics of bound living systems, 1976
Box 81 Folder 10
Biology 114, Biology 166: Membrane lectures, 1979-1981
Box 81 Folder 11
Physics 2DL: Modern physics, 1984-1986


Box 82 Folder 1-7
Cold Spring Harbor, 1963-1968

Seminars on the topics of animal viruses, bacterial genetics, bacterial viruses, and phycomyces. Includes course materials, correspondence, notes, and lab manuals.

Box 83 Folder 1-2
Cold Spring Harbor, 1963-1968

Seminars on the topics of quantitate biology and phages. Includes course materials, correspondence, and notes.

Box 83 Folder 3-4
Marine Biology Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts - Course materials, notes and photographs, 1967
Box 83 Folder 5
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) - Notes and seminar materials, 1967-1968
Box 83 Folder 6
Miscellaneous seminars and colloquia, 1979-1983


Scope and Content of Series

Series 8) UC SAN DIEGO: A small series documenting Feher's professional and administrative responsibilities at UC San Diego, with materials dating from 1955 to 2001. Arranged chronologically within two subseries: A) Department of Physics, and B) Miscellaneous.

A) Department of Physics: Includes early building plans, administrative materials, development and curriculum plans, correspondence, and materials related to the establishment of the Biophysics program at UC San Diego.

B) Miscellaneous: Includes correspondence, general memos, and academic senate materials, as well as files related to the Department of Neurosciences, Department of Biology, and the School of Medicine.

Department of Physics

Box 83 Folder 7
Room assignments, 1959-1964

Includes correspondence, memoranda, office plans, and building plans.

Box 83 Folder 8
Student admissions and curriculum, 1960-1962
Box 83 Folder 9-12
Space allocation, 1961-1988

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and building plans.

Box 84 Folder 1
Shop facility plans, 1961-1962
Box 84 Folder 2
Building plans, 1962

Includes building plans and meeting minutes from the UCSD building advisory committee.

Box 84 Folder 3
Building B basement plans, ca. 1962
Box 84 Folder 4
Equipment requests - Group II and III, 1962-1963
Box 84 Folder 5
Move to building C, 1962-1964

Includes correspondence, memoranda, office plans, and building plans.

Box 84 Folder 6
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) equipment grant, 1962-1964
Box 84 Folder 7-8
Department of physics - administrative, 1960-1991
Box 84 Folder 9
Graduate Committee, 1964-1969
Box 84 Folder 10
Electric shielding, 1963
Box 84 Folder 11
Physics 202: Introduction to quantum physics - Course materials created by M. Weger, 1963-1964
Box 84 Folder 12
X-ray facilities, 1963-1964
Box 85 Folder 1
Electronics Shop Committee, 1963-1986
Box 85 Folder 2
Biophysics, 1963-1992
Box 85 Folder 3
Department of Physics building plan, 1964
Box 85 Folder 4
Superconducting magnet system - Notes and requisition materials, 1964-1966
Box 85 Folder 5
Electrophysics, 1966
Box 85 Folder 6
Biophysics funds, 1969-1986
Box 85 Folder 7-8
Establishment of Biophysics program at UCSD, 1970-1977
Box 85 Folder 9
Department of physics - advising, 1972
Box 85 Folder 10
Department of physics - curriculum, 1973-1980
Box 85 Folder 11
Biophysics curriculum, 1977-1985
Box 85 Folder 12
Budget proposal, 1978-1982
Box 85 Folder 13
Meeting with visiting committee, 1982
Box 85 Folder 14
Department of Physics - Development plan, 1986
Box 85 Folder 15
Faculty department committee assignments, 1995-2000
Box 85 Folder 16
Biophysics Research - Department of Physics at UCSD, 1996-1997

Includes proposal to develop an upper division laboratory.

Box 85 Folder 17
Department of Physics plan for charting the course II, 2001


Box 86 Folder 1
Business office, 1955-1982
Box 86 Folder 2-3
UC San Diego memos, policy, and Academic Senate, 1960-1989
Box 86 Folder 4
Department of Neurosciences - Informal discussions, 1966
Box 86 Folder 5
School of Medicine, 1965-1969

Includes course approval requests, student evaluations of the program, meeting agendas, and correspondence.

Box 86 Folder 6
UC San Diego problems - grants and students, 1970
Box 86 Folder 7
Department of Biology, 1971-1988
Box 86 Folder 8
Chemistry 209 - Recent advances in NMR, 1976-1977

Course instructor A. A. Bother-by.

Box 86 Folder 9
Radiation safety, 1977-1988
Box 86 Folder 10
Computer center, 1983-1987
Box 86 Folder 11
Space - fermentation lab, 1975-1986
Box 86 Folder 12
Center for Molecular Genetics, 1987-2000

Includes correspondence related to the Sunset Review Committee.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 9) WORKS BY OTHERS: A selection of drafts and papers written by Feher's colleagues and other research scientists, primarily on topics of bacterial photosynthesis. Many of the folders contain related correspondence. Arranged alphabetically by author's name.

Box 87 Folder 1
Aquino et al. Docking and electron transfer between cytochrome c2 and the photosynthetic reaction center, 1994 December 1
Box 87 Folder 2
Bartsch, Robert G. Properties of the family of non-heme iron properties from photosynthetic bacteria. Presented at Seventh International Congress of Biochemistry, Tokyo, Japan, 1967 August
Box 87 Folder 3
Bemski, George. Quenched in recombination centers in silicon, ca. 1956
Box 87 Folder 4
Bemski, George. Examples of paramagnetic resonance in covalent semiconductors, 1961 September 5
Box 87 Folder 5
Buchanan and Dismukes. Substitution of Cu2+ in the reaction center diquinone electron acceptor complex of Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Determination of the metal-ligand coordination, 1986-1993
Box 87 Folder 6
Clarke and Voss. 1/f Noise from the diffusion of particles or heat, 1974
Box 87 Folder 7
Doolittle, Russel F. Sequencing peptides and proteins lacking free a-amino groups, ca. 1970-1980
Box 87 Folder 8
Eisinger, Flores, and Salhany. Hemoglobin binding to band 3 protein in intact erythrocytes, 1981
Box 87 Folder 9
Eisinger, Josef. Lead and wine: Aetiology and history of the colica pictonum, 1982
Box 87 Folder 10
Frauenfelder, Hans. Dynamics of biomolecules. Presented at VI International Conference on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Cracow, Poland, 1975 October
Box 87 Folder 11
Friesner, Dismukes, and Sauer. Development of electron spin polarization in photosynthetic electron transfer by the radical pair mechanism, 1978
Box 87 Folder 12
Gong, Paddock, and Okamura. Interactions between cytochrome c2 and photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Changes in binding affinity and electron transfer rate due to mutation of interfacial hydrophobic residues, 2003
Box 87 Folder 13
Govindjee et al. Chlorophyll a fluorescence lifetime distributions in open and closed photosystem II reaction center preparations, 1989-1998
Box 87 Folder 14
Haering, Rudolph R. Zeeman splitting of donor states in germanium, 1958
Box 87 Folder 15
Hasegawa, Hiroshi. Cyclotron resonance of holes and valence band parameters in silicon, 1961

Includes research report and correspondence to John C. Hensel.

Box 87 Folder 16
Hensel and Hasegawa. Cyclotron resonance of electrons in uniaxially stressed silicon: Energy bands near X in the diamond structure, 1964
Box 87 Folder 17
Hyde, James. Experimental techniques in EPR. Presented at IV Annual NMR-EPR Workshop, 1960 October
Box 87 Folder 18
Isaacson, Roger. Scattering processes and hot electrons in indium antimonide, 1962 June 2
Box 87 Folder 19
Kaplan, Jerome. Rf induced transitions of nuclear spins at the electronic resonance frequency, ca. 1954
Box 87 Folder 20
Kittel, Charles. Experimental evidence on the band structure of germanium and silicon. Presented at International Conference on Semiconductors, Amsterdam, 1954
Box 87 Folder 21
Kittel, Charles. Microwave resonance and the electronic structure of color centers and impurity states in solids. Presented at International Conference on Solid State Physics, Bristol, England, 1954
Box 87 Folder 22
Kittel, Charles. Elementary thermodynamics of electric and magnetic systems, 1966 August 27
Box 87 Folder 23
Kittel, Charles. The way of the chemical potential, 1966 September 18
Box 87 Folder 24
Kohn, W. Image of the fermi surface in the vibration spectrum of a metal, 1959
Box 87 Folder 25
Kohn, W. Theory of the magnetic susceptibility of impurity states in germanium, ca. 1955-1960
Box 87 Folder 26
Lax, Melvin. Quadrupole interactions and the vibration spectra of diamond type crystals, 1958
Box 87 Folder 27
Lax, Melvin. Electron and phonon processes in solids - NAS report, ca.1958-1961
Box 87 Folder 28
Lax, Melvin and J. J. Hopfield. Selection rules connecting different points in the brillouin zone, 1961
Box 87 Folder 29
Lendzian et al. ENDOR and TRIPLE resonance investigation of the primary donor cation radical..., ca. 1985-2000
Box 88 Folder 1
Ludwig, Woodbury, and Carlson. The spin of Fe57, 1958
Box 88 Folder 2
Ludwig and Woodbury. The magnetic moment of Fe57, 1959
Box 88 Folder 3
Ludwig, G. W. Electron spin resonance, ca. 1959-1965
Box 88 Folder 4
Martino, Passeggi, and Calvo. Magnetic interactions in Cu9L-isoleucine)2 H2O: An EPR measurement, 1995
Box 88 Folder 5
Möbius, Klaus. ENDOR in Liquids, ca. 1997
Box 88 Folder 6
Moskowitz and Malley. Energy transfer and photo-oxidation kinetics in reaction centers on the piosecond time scale, 1972-1977
Box 88 Folder 7
Okamura, Melvin. On the herbicide binding site in bacterial reaction centers, 1983
Box 88 Folder 8
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