19 JULIOL 1936
Els militars espanyols, ajudats per els feixismes estrangers, s'alçen contra el govern legal de la República, donant al món el vergonyós espectacle d'una nova guerra de conquista portada per els qui tenien l'obligació de defensar el seu país contra le invasions estrangeres.
Los militares españoles, ayudados por el fascismo extranjero, se levantan contra el Gobeirno legal de la República, dando al mundo el verganzoso espectáculo de una nueva guerra de conquista, lanzada por quienes tenían el deber de defender su país contra las invasiones extranjeras.
Les militaires espagnols, aidés par le fascisme international, se dressent contre le Gouvenement légal de la République, donnant au monde le spectacle honteux d'une guerre de conquête menée par ceux qui avaient le devoir de défendre leur pays contre toute invasion.
The Spanish Army commanders, supported by foreign fascism, mutiny against the legal government of the republic, and show the world the shameful spectacle of a new war of conquest, instigated by those whose duty it was to defend their country against invasion.
La hispanaj militistoj, helpataj de la fremda fasismo[sic], ribelas kontrau[sic] la lega Registaro de la Respubliko, donante al la mondo la hontan spektaklon de nova konkermilito, provokita de tiuj, kiuj havis la devon defendi sian landon kontrau[sic] la fremdaj invadoj.
The July rising of 1936 represented the start of the Spanish Civil War. Beginning on the night of July 17, the attack came as the culmination of several months of increased hostility in the streets of the major cities between adherents of the left and right.
Of the myriad of figures in this image, the sole worker appears larger than the rest. As a representation of the Republic, he is backed by a red star suggestive of the government's political leanings and social affiliation. He faces mechanized artillery with only the butt of his gun for defense, in reference to the relative strength of the two sides. Among the several smaller figures, two military officers (one carrying the red-yellow-red Alphonsine banner) in green are supported by separate individuals. One individual holding a cross is likely meant as a stand-in for the Church, and second dressed in white as a representation for the Army of Africa led by General Francisco Franco. A fifth figure carrying sacks of money is meant to represent the wealthy classes of Spain, like the other character clad in black his feet appear as talons.