Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
Mujeres de la barriada

Title: Mujeres de la barriada
Title translation: Women of the district
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Norte)
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Countrywomen: Next Tuesday, at six in the evening, a pleasant and instructive talk will be given regarding the principal duties at this moment which antifascist women should carry out in order to help to win the war. This talk will be followed by the showing of an interesting social film. Comrades, no one should miss this women's event, this educational talk that will serve as preparation for the great Women's Conference which will be celebrated shortly. Antifascist women, do not forget that woman also has her place in the war for the independence of the country. All together, strengthening the ranks of the Alliance advocated by our Youth Congress, to reinforce your work, to embrace any sacrifice in order to help your countrymen which are fighting at the front. No young woman is able to stay on the sideline of this conflict in which the future of our youth is at stake and with it, as is natural, our rights as free women. Countrywomen! To the Women's Meeting-Festival!"