Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
¡Mujeres del Barrio Este!

Title: ¡Mujeres del Barrio Este!
Title translation: Women of the East District!
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Comrades! Come to instruct yourselves at the House of Antifascit Women, which is your home. There, classes in reading, writing, dressmaking, painting, etc are given freely and without privilege of [one] party [over another]. Make good use of the opportunity to learn the duties, in order to make yourselves more educated, in order to be independent women. We should know how to work and to be useful to the new society that is taking shape through this war, and where [there are] women we will be free and we will cease from being a burden for those who support us."