Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
¡Jóvenes de catorce a dieciocho años!¡Muchachos y muchachas de al barriada Sur! ¿Queréis aprender una profesión industrial?

Title: ¡Jóvenes de catorce a dieciocho años!¡Muchachos y muchachas de al barriada Sur! ¿Queréis aprender una profesión industrial?
Title translation: Youth from 14 to 18 years old! Boys and girls of the South district! Do you want to learn an industrial profession?
Author/Publisher Group: Juventud Socialista Unificada de Madrid / Comisión de Cultura (Sector Sur)
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"The J.S.U. of Madrid, ever attentive to the aspirations of the qualification of Youth, has recently opened some schools for industrial preparation, managed by the Provincial Syndicate of Industrial Education, and sponsored by the Youth, to that which all youths, boys and girls, 14 to 18 years old, are able to and ought to attend. Prepare yourself today for occupying the corresponding position in industry tomorrow! These open classes by the Culture Commission of the South Sector, will function daily and at times completely compatible with the different activities of the youths of the aforementioned age[s]. Never more than today the Spanish youth, and in the particular the youth of Madrid, are full of the desire for study. YOUTHS!! Return the efforts of the J.S.U. in its desire to create an advanced youth, [by] going to register yourself which only the young [can do], at 17 Los Madrazo Street, all working days. You must give dignity to the youth which so brave and self-sacrificing gave their life in the fronts!! You are more useful to the cause, [by] preparing yourself in [industrial skills] and forming part technical teams of tomorrow! Prepare yourself today in order to occupy the place which you may return [to] in production tomorrow!" "