Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
Las puertas de la cultura se abren para la juventud

Title: Las puertas de la cultura se abren para la juventud
Title translation: The gates of culture are open for youth
Author/Publisher Group: Juventud Socialista Unificada de Madrid
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Recently, the Popular University has been created in Madrid, directed by the labor and youth organizations, and with the support and sympathy of the Ministry of Public Education, which presides over it, in order to banish from our country illiteracy and lack of education in which the majority of youths were immersed. With the creation of the Popular University of Madrid [the J.S.U.] deals a new and hard blow to fascism and strengthens one of the most solid pillars that sustains our cause: the freedom to study, to learn, and to know..." The last paragraph reads: "The Unified Socialist Youth is callnig all the youth of Madrid, and particularly to its militants, in order to make them see the necessity of enrolling in the Popular University as a means of accelerating victory. You do not conquer fascism solely with cannons and airplans, but also by taking up another weapon no less formidable: culture. Youth of Madrid: enroll en masse in the Popular University!"