Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
A todas las jóvenes trabajadoras de la barrida

Title: A todas las jóvenes trabajadoras de la barrida
Title translation: To all young women of the district
Author/Publisher Group: Secretariado Femenino de la J. S. U. / Radio 10
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Comrades! Now more than ever we need your help. It is necessary that you realize the responsibility which all have contributed and help us in our work. You have your brothers, your boyfriends, your countrymen fighting at the front and for them you should sacrifice yourself and collaborate in our work. It is necessary that within one week you are already running our workshops of clothing provision for the militiamen, and for this we need all your help. The United Socialist Youth hopes that you respond, as you always have done, with this magnificent spirit of solidarity, that characterizes you, and give us a few hours of your work so that the comrades which are fighting heroically for us do not lack that which is most necessary and have coats now which will be so important to them. We do not only need your personal contribution, but that [which] is also necessary [is] that all that have a sewing machine lend it to us, so that those workshops have the maximum output. In this form we will ensure that production is formidable, that our comrades will be well supported and that the district of Cuatro Caminos remains in the place that corresponds to it. The enlistment place for this class of jobs, in those which are going to be included the preparation of sweaters and wool socks, it will be in the Avenida del Valle, number 3, starting Monday the 14th, from 11:00 to 1:00 and 6:00 to 8:00."