Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
!Ni un brazo sin fusil! !Jóvenes: Aprended la instrucción militar!

Title: !Ni un brazo sin fusil! !Jóvenes: Aprended la instrucción militar!
Title translation: Not one shoulder wtihout a rifle! Youths: Learn military instruction!
Author/Publisher Group: Comite Provincial de Madrid de la J.S.U.
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Our fronts are suffering new attacks from the fascist invader. In the region of Aragón the Italians are embarking on a brutal offensive combined with criminal attacks on the rearguard, aspiring to demoralize the civil population that have moved away from the combat zones. But they will not achieve it! The Spanish youth, led by the heroic youth of Madrid, are sufficiently daring to impede it. The criminal bombings of the rebel air force on Barcelona, will find the proper republic in the conduct which the youths of Madrid pursue. The dead of Barcelona will be avenged in a brief period! Before these persistent and bloodthirsty attacks, the youth of Madrid is feverishly preparing in the learning of military education, because they know that [by] studying military skills they will be in shape for crushing the fascist monster more quickly. The Unified Socialist Youth, which in these moments commemorates the second anniversary of the unity of socialist and communist youths, is making a passionate call to the youth of Madrid, to the working-class youths, workers and students, that after work they learn about the use of weapons in the Military Schools which [the J.S.U.] has organized for this goal. Not one arm without a rifle! Not one youth without knowledge of the use of weapons! All youth, More watchful than ever!"