Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
A las mujeres del Sector Sur

Title: A las mujeres del Sector Sur
Title translation: To the women of the South Sector
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Sur) / Comisión femenina
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"This broadside is addressed to "countrywomen, women laborers, and all women antifacists," and it speaks of the gains the army has made against the "facist beast." It explains that the soldiers are due for a rest and that women can give the soldiers a rest by by asking to be incorporated into "all the activities of the rear." Unlike other broadsides, the women authors directly address male readers as evidenced in the third paragraph: "To [our] countrymen we say: that they should not see us as competitors, but as collaborators; we do not want to usurp their positions, nor to make the war a spring-board for attaining our goals; it is something greater than that which we pursue. We repeat, it is [our goal] to help with all our forces to win the war. In Spain, which will appear to end this tragedy, there will be great work for men and women. We will not outshine one or the other, without which we will proceed united, full of happiness and creative force. We will not endanger our triumph with spurious and petty interests."