Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
A las abnegadas mujeres madrileñas

Title: A las abnegadas mujeres madrileñas
Title translation: To the excluded women of Madrid
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Sur) / Comisión femenina
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"The broadside serves both to announce the International March of Women of March 8th and to outline the common interests and goals of women collectively. The first line reads,"Socialist women, repulican women, anarchist women, without a Party!" Select paragraphs read: [Paragraph 2:] "What is it that women ask for? Something that, since the beginning of the war, we have done without any haggling, with complete enthusiasm and in the spirit of sacrifice: To work and To Fight. But women are convinced that the great effort of some is lost due to the incomprehension of others. That which we desire is that this effort organizes itself, empowers itself, that it guides this formidable movement of women. It gives us the right to speak out loud [of] the part that we have given to the fight in all the orders, including in blood." [Last Paragraph:] "For this, we are addressing all women of all ideologies, except true antifascists, that they unite their voice with ours and they ask with us the Government, the Trade Unions, [and] all comrades in the factories that they listen to this outcry of women, that they are attentive and so we will have taken a great step along the path of our revolution. LONG LIVE THE MAGNIFICENT CITY OF MADRID! LONG LIVE OUR GLORIOUS ARMY! LONG LIVE THE GREAT "PASIONARIA," A LIVING SYMBOL OF THE ANTIFASCIST WOMEN OF SPAIN!"